MovieChat Forums > Point Break (1991) Discussion > This movie is a great work of philosophy...

This movie is a great work of philosophy like Oscar Wilde's "Dorian Gray" and Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein"

Bodhi is the representation of the free spirit and the Id. The last time I saw it, I found that Bodhi had a lot of insights on the meaning of life, human nature and taking as much out of life as you possibly can.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?


Adios amigo!


"What are everyone's thoughts on this? "
That he's a terrible hypocrite and a leech.
He despises "that system that kills the human spirit" but he actually physically kills people (that means their spirit too, yes) and his idea of life is to have fun with his buddies until they run out of money and then steal the wealth produced by the very "guys inching their way on the freeways in their metal coffins" he despises so much and rants against, so he can sustain his lifestyle.
He contributes nothing to society but vague pseudo-philosophical new-agey soundbites. He's the criminal equivalent of an activist teenager in a Che Guevara T-shirt living with mom and dad, who neither pays for the bills nor does his own laundry.
His ideas, philosophy and politics are shallow and misguided (and lead to murder) but we believe him because he's cool and good looking.


Bodhi certainly had his character flaws and it was imperative that he had to face justice. But he still had a lot of interesting things to say.

Since you appear to have a pro-capitalism bent, what do you think of Twitter and other Internet companies deplatforming Donald Trump and various other conservatives? Would you agree that as private companies that they are allowed yo censor those they oppose in the modern age equivalent of the public square?

And if you oppose Twitter on this, would you shed any tears if Bodhi and his gang found a way to being down Big Tech?


Hi friend,

"Bodhi certainly had his character flaws and it was imperative that he had to face justice."
On that we agree.

"But he still had a lot of interesting things to say."
It's too bad he was one of the least qualified person to be a spokesperson for these interesting ideas.
As William of Baskerville tells Adso of Melk: "the step between ecstatic vision and sinful frenzy is all too brief."

As for the rest of your message, I come here to discuss cinema and stay out of foreign politics.
Good luck to you.


You brought up politics into the discussion by bringing up Che Guevarra shirts.

Have a good day.


"You brought up politics into the discussion by bringing up Che Guevarra shirts."
But I brought it up to discuss Bodhi's politics -not mine, or contemporary America's- on a Point Break board.
I'm pretty sure my opinion on Twitter, Donald Trump and censorship has precious little to do with what happens in point Break.


Pollock, you hit the nail on the head.
