MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1991) Discussion > How the %#$ does a tattooed weirdo get o...

How the %#$ does a tattooed weirdo get onto a high school campus?

Just waltz in and hang around the theater arts room. Not one security guard checking him out? Or he just goes by the front office, says he's the theater arts teacher, and they say 'sounds good'? Give me a break.


Schools didn't have any security then. Anyone could walk into a school.

Love means never having to say you're ugly. - The Abominable Dr. Phibes


lol - this wasn't 2016. It was 1991. ANYONE could walk into a school unchallenged. They're public property. You didn't have such a thing as security guards in schools in those days.


Forget the times. With a villain as meticulous and apparently brilliant as Cady, I bet he could sneak into lots of secured places. Absurd? It makes for an interesting and fun watch regardless. It makes HIM more of a threat.


Yeah that was a gaping plot hole in an otherwise awesome movie.


Everyone here is arguing whether or not schools had security or not. Whether they did or didn't doesn't matter because either way Max Cady would have gotten into that school. Why? Because he's Max Cady. He has snuck into the Bowden's house more than once without anyone noticing, what makes you think it would be difficult for him to sneak into a school without anyone noticing?



People think that security, cameras, or 100% full proof security can actually stop strong willed individuals. He could've killed he's entire family whenever he damn wanted to.

But for debates, in my school anyone can come in any time they wanted. Even with security because for starters they pay these clowns low end salaries. Do you think a Person like The Rock will be standing at the door or doors? and ninjas will be watching they gates? They mostly hire washed ups, old farts, and sluts to schools. Then they if anything you can just walk straight through the doors. They cant stop you from entering. These schools are public and most of these 'tards trust adults and villainize the kids. So he could just make any excuse to enter. I'm coming to pick my kid up, I am looking for information on adult courses, I am coming for a parent's conference...
Then he could just walk around anywhere. It's not like these people are going to have an bodyguard walk around them everywhere they go and with the huge amounts of people in these schools forget about it.

Then these schools have so many rooms and so many abandon dungeons, boiling rooms, basements. That they dont aren't always used. He could've set up the meeting after school when nobodies around.

But besides this was mostly used as a make up for the big bad wolf going after lil' Red Riding Hood.
