Killing Karen.

Wouldn't killing Karen at that point have been a terrible idea for Jimmy? I get why he had to kill Henry and possibly Karen, but he hadn't asked Henry to do the job in Florida yet. Hypothetically, lets say Karen doesn't have one of her two smart moments in the movie, and goes into the garage and "disappears". Henry knew where she was going, and when she wasn't back in a few hours, he would know what happened. Wouldn't he immediately grab his kids and go to the FBI, give all them up?

P.S. Her other smart moment was flushing all the cocaine during the raid, and hiding the gun. Despite what Henry said after he got out, they probably would have found it, and even if they wouldn't it was too risky to have that around.


Yeah. It was risky for him to try it. I think it's a nod to the fact he wanted to kill Henry and Karen due to the possibility of either of them ratting on him to the FBI. Its not shown in the movie but in real life, the FBI and police were going to put him in prison for several years for drug dealing unless he ratted on all his mafia buddies.


Perhaps he planned to take her hostage instead.
