MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > Did you watch Seinfeld when it originall...

Did you watch Seinfeld when it originally was on?

I did not. I remember seeing it here and there, but its humor went over my head. I was into Married with Children.

I remember in the fifth grade, about 1993, my friend Billy Hirsch loved this and Frasier. He had a rat tail and was a lot smarter than I was. I couldn't see what he liked in these shows, but as I said, he was a lot smarter than I (and he probably still is, wherever he is.)

It wasn't till it was off the air, around '99 or 2000 that it began to appeal to me more. Now, this and Frasier stand as two of the greatest, funniest sitcoms of all-time. I was too young, maybe.

God giveth and the DMV taketh away!



I'm from Argentina so I didn't watch the whole series since it started to air later in here. But I must have seen at least the last 3 seasons when it was on. And I saw the last episode at the same time it aired in America.


I was in my 30's, living alone in a small apartment very near downtown large city in a walking neighborhood.

I skipped the first two seasons... who does this guy think he is, with the stand up routine before/after the show? Turned it off.. didn't start full time until season 3.

I remember in 95 almost getting laid off, but being pushed to second shift 2-10, I was so pissed (at least I kept my job), missing first showing of the episode... consequently, I have a collection of vhs tapes of episodes that I would watch on Friday nights.

Never again have I anticipated a sit com first run episode.


I had seen Seinfeld do a performance at UCLA a little bit before the show premiered, so I thought I would give it a try. After the first three or four episodes, I told a friend it was different but not that good, and Seinfeld couldn't act.

Glad I tried it again in Season 2!


This board is too serious. I need to know about your friend with the rat tail. Did he have any other strange body parts?


Might have caught a climpse of it in December or November of 1992, when I was a few months old. My dad always watched NBC for the news. But he, being a white guy, hated that show. He's a Guzman.

He loved "Friends" cause we saw it a lot as a kid. Gives me unpleasant memories just thinking about it


I watched Seinfeld from the pilot. It was called: The Seinfeld Chronicles. In the first episode, Jerry returns home late and is eating cereal and watching a Mets game he taped. The phone rings and he says: "If you know who won the Mets game, don't tell me. I taped it."

I was hooked from that moment. I was in my early teens and that seemed like such an idyllic version of the future. Living alone. Watching the game. My own VCR (it was the late 90s and my house had one VCR on the main TV).

The show was unlike anything I had seen. At the time, most sit-coms were family oriented. Seinfeld was about four random people. I was shocked when it took so long for it to become a series and I have always been skeptical about how TV ratings were calculated. All of my friends watched the show (which didn't really become a huge hit/cultural phenomenon until the later seasons), yet it had poor ratings.

Season four was a big moment me. It was the break out season and I remember feeling a lot of satisfaction that I had been on board from the start.

As I have aged (I'm now 42), I realize why Seinfeld has always been a big part of my life. It's really the only show I watched (not including The Simpsons, which I love, but have watched only sporadically the past decade), that overlapped three important phases in my life: high school, college years and those early years in the "real world."


I saw Jerry Seinfeld perform in 1984 in Ft Erie, Canada (I live in the US) for $8 (CA) a seat, because I loved his late night appearances. When the guy I saw him with heard he was starting a series on NBC, I liked that news but I was living alone, going to college full time and I didn't even have a TV set. Plus I was working 40 hours or more a week on top of that. My friend kept giving me the highlights verbally for years. Then my girlfriend moved in with me and we started recording it on VHS. The first new episode I watched was "The Pitch" the day after it aired. Then that repeated itself every week.

PS - I watch a new "Simpsons" every now and then and they are starting to return to their funny roots.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpzzzzzzzz--" - Frank Grimes


I started From "The Chinese Restaurant" on..... I may have missed a few over the years. I moved away from home into my first apartment when the final episode aired.

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"


I started watching at the end of season 4, when I was 10 years old (first episode I ever saw was "The Smelly Car.") Most of the time, I didn't know what the hell they were talking about, but I still found it funny. For example, I had no idea what exactly Elaine was "faking" in "The Mango." But it didn't matter. Jerry getting so worked up over it was funny nonetheless. Same holds true when I watched episodes in syndication. Take "The Contest" for instance. I didn't know what they were actually talking about, but scenes like George accusing Jerry of stealing his socks were still hilarious.

From 1993 onward, my family and I would watch reruns at 5 and 5:30 as we ate dinner. And then would watch the new episodes on Thursdays. I recall once overhearing two of my teachers in 6th grade talking about the previous night's episode (The Bottle Deposit) in the hallway. I interrupted and was like "Yeah and how about at the end when the guy chased Newman off his farm with a gun!" They were like "Oh my god, your parents let you watch that show?"

By the time season 8 was airing, I was 14 years old and completely obsessed with the show (and understanding the more "adult themes.") At that time, when they'd air reruns, I'd tape them and watch them over and over. Then I'd tape the new episode that aired on Thursday. Back at my parents house, there must be fifteen or twenty VHS tapes filled with out-of-order Seinfeld reruns.

Like most of you, I've seen every episode dozens and dozens of times. But it's seasons 7 through 9 that envoke the most "nostalgia" for me as I more vividly recall things like seeing the NBC promo for them, and how I felt about the episode after seeing it. It's amazing cause I never ever saw one during the original run that made me think "that wasn't very good." I swear every episode had something it that was good. And now, twenty years later, I still feel that way.


I remember watching the odd episode now and then back around 91/92(The Dog is one of the first episodes I remember watching). But I didn't become a huge fan until season 5 started(1993). Back then, The Simpsons were on Thursday nights as well. So it was always an exciting night for me and my family. Watching The Simpsons at 8:00, then Seinfeld at 9:00.


Yes,I was one of the original Seiners(please not Seinees), and I attended Seincon 90.


Julia Louis-Dreyfus autographed my erect penis in 1999. Still haven't washed it.

"R.I.P. IMDb message boards." - Me, 2017


No, I’ve just binge watched it now.
