MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > Did you watch Seinfeld when it originall...

Did you watch Seinfeld when it originally was on?

I did not. I remember seeing it here and there, but its humor went over my head. I was into Married with Children.

I remember in the fifth grade, about 1993, my friend Billy Hirsch loved this and Frasier. He had a rat tail and was a lot smarter than I was. I couldn't see what he liked in these shows, but as I said, he was a lot smarter than I (and he probably still is, wherever he is.)

It wasn't till it was off the air, around '99 or 2000 that it began to appeal to me more. Now, this and Frasier stand as two of the greatest, funniest sitcoms of all-time. I was too young, maybe.

God giveth and the DMV taketh away!


I'm 30 years old and just began watching this show ten years ago. When this show was on, I was just a I don't think I ever gave it a shot. The only type of humor that's going to appeal to some kids is slapstick comedy. Even when I got older, while this show was still on air, I still never gave this show a shot because I just always thought it was a smart persons show.
It wasn't until little by little years ago I would watch in increments and finally understand the humor.


Basically from late season three on, I definitely was a weekly viewer by the time the Non-Fat Yogurt episode aired during my senior year of high school. I caught up with previous episodes I hadn't seen when it first aired in syndication.

Why do they give out letter jackets to marching band? It's not a sport! We all know it!


I was little when it was on for the first time. I caught it in reruns nearly 10 years after the finale.

Fluttershy loves Discord


I watched it when it was originally on. Of course I was in the 5th grade when it ended so most, but not ALL, the jokes flew over my head. It's probably the show, next to King of the Hill, that I have watched almost consistently since they've aired. I've had droughts and breaks here and there but I haven't had long bouts of not watching it like I have with Simpsons (which I stopped watching around season 13), South Park (which I haven't watched since the Black Friday trilogy since I can't tolerate the topicalness anymore).

"Get out here, son! There's a doin's a transpirin'!!"


I started watching it regularly in season 4. I would record it and watch each episode about 3 times a week.


I suspect that much of Seinfeld's audience also watched The Simpsons and Letterman during his earlier heyday on NBC. IOW, well-written, original comedy.


Only started watching it in '93 or '94 on a friend's recommendation.

...but then again, he also recommended The Drew Carey Show and said it was like Seinfeld. It wasn't. Swing and a miss!


^^ True that ^^


You realize now you kind of have to do everything they suggest for the rest of your life, right? Even if he's wrong on a few, he just has to play the Seinfeld card.

You: No, that restaurant doesn't sound good to me. Let's go somewhere else.
Them: You said that about Seinfeld once. Who was right?

You: That movie doesn't look that appealing.
Them: Seinfeld, just saying.

You: But I don't want to try pickle and kimche flavored ice cream.
You: Dammit.


I started watching whenever it hit syndication, around 1994 think. I would have been 6 or 7 years old, so I was very much raised on Seinfeld.


I did not watch the original run's early seasons because I was too young to get the humor. But around season 5 or so I was in my mid teens and started getting it, and then started watching the older ones in syndication.


I remember taping his HBO special on beta. I remember him doing some newspaper/cereal thing (obviously): Get me the scoop on Raisin Bran! Make it 2 scoops!

Anyway, his show started a little after that...I think.
