Camel Toe

Anyone else ever notice actress Heidi Kozak has a massive case of camel toe when her character and Bill are lazing together on the beach? I noticed it the first time I saw it on video about eight years ago and I swear to God it gets more and more pronounced each time...

You don't know about Elijah's giant Rasta eyeballs with machine guns


Haven't seen this flick for many years but that scene always stands out. Burnt into my mind!


haha yes good camel toe


Haha watched the movie for the 1st time today and i knew exactly the part you were talkin about. =)


I saw this movie via the Arrow Blu-Ray last night and my boyfriend was sitting beside me not paying attention during that scene. I said "Woah, you can see her lips badly there..." and he looked up at the screen, confused, then spotted it and said "That's some camel toe!" Needless to say I think someone on the crew had to have noticed this but decided not to tell poor Heidi Kozak and let it be immortalized on film.


I don't know how anyone could miss it.


Somehow just watched this for the first time. Yeah, it stuck out like a swollen pussy.


Maybe the best camel toe in movie history. April Fools Day has the 2nd best.
