MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Daniel thinks an old bonsai from a dange...

Daniel thinks an old bonsai from a dangerous sea cliff is more important than Jessica

So apparently Daniel thinks an old bonsai planted at a dangerous sea cliff area is more important than a lady friend's life. He even tells her to get out of the way when they climb down


They shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Daniel jeopardized a woman's life in pursuit of his half baked goal of pawning Miyagi’s tree. The more you reflect on his actions, the more despicable a human being he becomes.


Jessica pleaded with him not to do it. She told him it was no better than robbing a bank but Daniel was too stupid to listen.


Stupid and immoral. He showed a complete lack of code by pressuring Jessica into his illegal and dangerous stunt. Thankfully, Barnes and co. were on hand to come to their rescue. Mike in particular showed extreme strength by pulling Daniel’s obese body up the cliff, a Herculean feat in itself.


He had already gotten the mac 'n cheese out of her, the cliff bush now became more important.


I would say Daniel wasn't wrong. Jessica was a worthless love interest and possibly a saboteur. How did Barnes know they would be there? Jessica The Insider probably informed the gang of their whereabouts.


She was a loyal Dynatox employee, willing to risk her life for the job. She drew the line at getting involved with Daniel though.


I just rewatched this via a clip on YouTube and I forgot how brilliant Snake is in this scene.

The sheer joy he takes in tormenting Daniel and the belly laughing at his pathetic threats are great to watch.
We're also treated to a very satisfying moment when Snake rightfully puts Daniel in his place after he obnoxiously starts screaming 'EYY, PULL US UP'. Snake's idea of throwing the bonsai tree back down the cliff was hilarious but the branch snap and one-liner by Mike was truly exquisite.

And it's been noted before how beautifully concise yet scathing the 'heavy wimp' line is.

I'd highly recommend people to watch and savour this scene again.


The "heavy wimp" line really stood out when I first watched it as a little kid.

It's a false childhood memory... but I remembered Daniel being a bit sycophantic toward Snake responding "Yes, I'm a heavy wimp whatever you say... just please keep pulling me up."
