MovieChat Forums > Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) Discussion > How Halloween 5 Almost Redeemed Michael ...

How Halloween 5 Almost Redeemed Michael Myers

Every movie in the series - bar Halloween III: Season Of The Witch - has depicted Michael Myers as evil incarnate, and the fifth movie is no exception. That said, Halloween 5 does feature a brief scene where his niece Jamie seems to break through his murderous rage during the finale - though he quickly reverts back to form. The sequel could have offered a bold new take on Myers had it gone with screenwriter Robert Harders' original pitch, which saw the slasher cured of his evil ways.

Dominique Othenin-Girard had a friendship with Harders and brought him in to pitch on Halloween 5 with producers, with the latter's take being heavily inspired by Frankenstein. In recalling his pitch to Dread Central, Harders wanted the movie to open in the aftermath of Halloween 4, in which Myers ended up at the bottom of a mine shaft shot full of holes. In Harders' version, Mike is laying at the bottom of the mine covered in debris and wires when a bolt of lightning resurrects him. When he comes back to life, however, his impulse to kill has been extinguished.

Harders' Michael was basically Frankenstein's Monster, and his only kills would have been in self-defense. In a reversal of their previous encounters, this Halloween 5 saw Donald Pleasence's Dr. Loomis realizing Michael's change of heart and trying to save him from the (understandable) fury of the Haddonfield mob hunting him. This entry would have finally seen Loomis breakthrough to his patient, though like Frankenstein's Monster, the movie still ended with his destruction.

This pitch was quickly rejected by Halloween 5's producers, but while Harders was offered a chance to write on a new version of the script, he declined. Given how much of a deviation from formula Harders take would have been, it's easy to see why it was rejected. It would have been a very intriguing direction to take the story, but turning Michael into something of an innocent puppy after his previous three outings would no doubt have angered viewers. The franchise had already offered a radical departure with Halloween III in 1982 - which followed a new, Myers-less story - to little success, which is another likely reason producers didn't want to break from the slasher template.


Good read very interesting thank you


If he wanted to write a Frankenstein movie he should have written one.

He doesn’t seem to understand the whole point of Myers and what makes him unique.


What scene was the Frankenstein Monster in this movie and did they clash with each other?
