MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Ending (Spoiler Alert)

Ending (Spoiler Alert)

What is the significance of the laughing box when Joker hits the deck and it's revelation at the very end?




Joker gets the "last laugh."

Originality needs a reboot.


I still can't believe they allowed it to end like that! I figured something outlandish like a robot was in Joker's place! How do you kill off the most iconic super villain of The Bat? I still just SMH! 

The reboot, "Batman Begins" did the opposite; invoked Joker's calling card without Batman knowing who he was; "I'll look into it!" What has happened to "canon?"  

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- - Batman Homage


All the helicopter pilot had to do was remain hovering over the building so the Joker could repel down and undo the statue tied to his foot. That or flown down to the surface so they wouldn't risk him falling to his death.


It didn't take that long for Joker to lose his grip (in more ways than just one) and the pilot didn't know what was going on.


How do you kill off the most iconic super villain of The Bat?

While the X-Men have decided to keep Magneto around for all of the team films, I've actually liked them killing off villains in other movies. Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Gen Zod, Joker, etc.

I like that they show real-world stakes in these battles, plus, the movies aren't like the comics. The comics, not counting cross-overs or teams, do a dozen issues a year. Including cross-overs, teams, cameos, we've gotten 9 Batman movies in 28 years.

With a character like Batman, there are enough villains for him to fight that they don't need to keep using the same one over and over.

At least with Magneto, they've changed his dynamic over the movies.

What has happened to "canon?"

Ever hear of the term, "re-boot?"


I like that they show real-world stakes in these battles, plus, the movies aren't like the comics. The comics, not counting cross-overs or teams, do a dozen issues a year. Including cross-overs, teams, cameos, we've gotten 9 Batman movies in 28 years.

The movies are not like the comics yet Nolan's Batman films get flak from you for not being like the comics? You have to love how hypocritical these Burton fanboys are. So Burton's trash films are free to not be like the comics but Nolan's films are criticized for it.


The movies are not like the comics yet Nolan's Batman films get flak from you for not being like the comics?


I meant to say, only a retard will not be able to understand that my comparison is only about the number of issues of a comic book per year compared to how long it takes to make a movie.

So, what was your complaint again?


I meant to say, only a retard will not be able to understand that my comparison is only about the number of issues of a comic book per year compared to how long it takes to make a movie.

So, what was your complaint again?

If you meant to say it than you should have said it. I was simply calling you out on your bullsh!t. It is okay though no one takes you seriously anyway. Just look at what you have spouted on these boards about politics. Remember when you said Clint Eastwood had four acting Oscars?


If you meant to say it than you should have said it.

This is EXACTLY what I said, you retard.

the movies aren't like the comics. The comics, not counting cross-overs or teams, do a dozen issues a year. Including cross-overs, teams, cameos, we've gotten 9 Batman movies in 28 years.

You have serious issues.


Lol and I called you out on your bullsh!t. I knew from the start you were saying that I simply find it funny how hypocritical you are. Tell me more about the four oscar wins Clint Eastwood got for acting. I love how you won't own up to that, it's hilarious that you constantly side step it. Go watch Burton's trash films you Burtonite!


Lol and I called you out on your bullsh!t.

So what you are saying is that it is bullsh!t that comic books have 12 issues a year and we've only gotten 9 Batman movies in 28 years?



So what you are saying is Clint Eastwood won four acting oscars?


Yep, can't address the issue at hand - your complete stupidity - so you have to go off on something not related.

You are pathetic. 


I figured I would take a page out of your book. So answer this why is Burton aloud to take liberation with the source material but Nolan can not? Provide me the comic books you have read. Also prove to me Burton's is more accurate to the comics by providing the comic books you are referring to. I will provide my proof once you provide yours. I will wait.


I figured I would take a page out of your book

Nope. You've not posted anything intelligent yet.

There is no reason to address your other BS. I've said that I like some of Nolan's movies, including Batman Begins. You go into a frenzy trashing everything Burton ever did.

Why have a discussion with such an immature moron such as yourself?


Nope. You've not posted anything intelligent yet.

Oh I have posted plenty of intelligent things you just are too ignorant to comprehend them. Keep deluding yourself though.

There is no reason to address your other BS. I've said that I like some of Nolan's movies, including Batman Begins. You go into a frenzy trashing everything Burton ever did.

You only say you like Nolan' other movies to make it seem like you are not a biased Burtonite. I myself do not even beat around the bush I think Burton is absolute trash as a director. Batman 1989 was a damn joke and Batman Returns somehow managed to get worse. It is hilarious that he did not even get to finish his series out. Batman Returns was a disappointment so they booted him out and rightfully so. Nolan got to finish his series because it is vastly superior.

Why have a discussion with such an immature moron such as yourself?

The only immature one here is you. You are the one who insults people for having a different opinion than you. When I said I found Leger's Joker funnier than Nicholson's you said you think that because you are an idiot.


Oh I have posted plenty of intelligent things

Such as your rants against all things Burton? 

You only say you like Nolan' other movies to make it seem like you are not a biased Burtonite.

Yeah, sure. That's it. Mmhmm. Yep. 

I myself do not even beat around the bush I think Burton is absolute trash as a director. Batman 1989 was a damn joke and Batman Returns somehow managed to get worse. It is hilarious that he did not even get to finish his series out. Batman Returns was a disappointment so they booted him out and rightfully so.

The only immature one here is you. You are the one who insults people for having a different opinion than you.

Like I said, why bother having a discussion with someone as immature and ignorant as you?

When I said I found Leger's Joker funnier than Nicholson's you said you think that because you are an idiot.

I use your quotes as proof of your idiocy.


Such as your rants against all things Burton?

Of course I can see Burton is trash lol.

Yeah, sure. That's it. Mmhmm. Yep.

Glad you for once are being honest. Glad we came to an agreement.

Like I said, why bother having a discussion with someone as immature and ignorant as you?

I am ignorant? Did I claim Clint Eastwood had four acting Oscars?

I use my quotes as proof of my idiocy.

Fixed that for you.


I am by no means a huge lifelong fan or anything but Burton has made masterpieces, imbecile.



That and it had the audience wondering for a few seconds if the joker was still alive. Thus it was jokers last prank. Even in death the joker was still able to pull a fast one showing that he didn't take death seriously which we already knew.


LOL !!! Spoiler alert for a movie that was released more than 25 years ago.


You'd be surprised.My sisters were genuinely shocked by who the killer was in the Psycho remake.You'd think an iconic pop culture fact like that everyone would know.


Is it still norman bates LOL.
