a 6.9? wtf?

this is criminally low, wtf is wrong with you people? this has everything you need in a comedy.

7.5 at the LOWEST. It's probably more like a 7.9 or 8.0


I finally saw it a couple days ago. I remember when it came out, I remember the trailer, I remember the commercials, I remember not being the slightest bit interested. Now that I've finally seen it, it's pretty much what I expected.

If I'm feeling kind, I'd give it 6.0.

It's one of Hanks' weakest performances, basically playing the same character he'd been doing since Bosom Buddies. His neighbor buddy, the fat schlubby guy... obviously he was intended to be an annoying douche bag to the other characters in the movie, but that bled out of the screen a little too much. Every scene he was in, I couldn't wait for him to be gone. He wasn't funny, he wasn't endearing, he wasn't entertaining. There are countless examples of "annoying buddy" characters who are still fun to watch, and he absolutely was not one of them. I have a feeling it was more down to the actor than the writer. Thankfully most of the other characters were entertaining enough. On the whole, I wouldn't say the movie was bad per se, but it was dull. It was mildly funny. It was just kinda there.


1 imdb and its ratings are pure shite

2 This movie is pure shite
