MovieChat Forums > The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (1989) Discussion > Did anyone see this show when it was fir...

Did anyone see this show when it was first run?

I vaguely remember looking forward to the Friday shows more because I really liked Zelda. But I'm not sure if I was watching its original run in late 1989 or just the reruns later. Did they run the monday shows on monday and so forth whenever it was re-aired?


i watched it when it was first was my most favorite show ever...i was 5 years old..i knew exactly the time of day it came on every time(which is weird cos i couldn't tell time) and when the song came on i went bonkers and jumped and danced around like a crazy person. ahhh childhood, those were the days.


I saw it the day it first aired. It was a Monday after school day. My cousins had just moved into my house a few days before.

It was amazing at first to see video game characters on a TV show. But later the quality of the cartoons was poor.

I also remember that there was a live audience of kids wearing koopa masks and it was hosted by a man dressed like King Koopa. This appeared during the commercial breaks.

Trust doesn't rust.
I am Error.


First saw it when it aired. I remember Zelda episodes were on Fridays. When I was a kid I preferred the Mario shows, but as an adult I think I appreciate the Zelda shows now. They stuck with me, whereas the Mario episodes didn’t. I recall the Zelda cartoon musical score far surpassing the quality of the show itself (even tho I still get a kick out of the Zelda show). Some of the themes sounded epic while others medieval.
