Entertaining even at 40.

As silly as this show is, it still works for me.

A few reasons why:

-Most of the people who appear on this show are charismatic and committed to the material.

-The storylines are often genuinely fun with occasional high stakes.

-Rarely takes itself seriously.




This is one of the rare times I'm glad I'm older and was not expected to accept this show when it was in production.
I think it's awful. These people don't even bother to act. They just rattle off whatever dumb line was given them and keep on going. Looks like every show was done in a single take. I don't know the technical terms but SBTB is filmed in some cheap fashion where the film stock looks over saturated ... and cheap. I can't watch it for ten seconds without thinking there must be ANYTHING better to watch than this show.


yes. the show is so well wrote that it succeed in spites of some token casting.

actors who play zack, mr belding and kelly all carry the show (screech is quite underrate too). surprising they are very talented actor! this combine with very good script writing, soundtracks and good director make it very watchable show!

the show has heart. it is not just shallow. warm and fun.
