MovieChat Forums > Cops (1989) Discussion > Anyone here been on Cops?

Anyone here been on Cops?

I saw it being shot a few times. Once was on Miami Beach. This guy had been trying to sell drugs on the street in close vicinity to a school. My friend from Germany and I were out and walking by and she was fascinated. There were neighbor ladies standing outside in their dressing gowns with kids. The guy was spitting at the window inside the cop car and cursing in Spanish. I wonder if he signed the waiver and they showed his face.


I don't think anybody would ever admit to it, lol.

I do know that they shot in my area a few times, but I've never actually seen them filming in person. I just assumed it was a fake show all of these years. No idea the arrests were real.


Oh, it's real. But in the episode I mentioned, they definitely went there to shoot knowing those drug dealers were already there by the school. I lived there at the time and the cops normally could not have cared less about those drug dealers or the street walkers.


You still in Florida? Looks like that state's really gone off the political deep end. I've visited South Beach many times, wouldn't want to live there though.

I used to live in Portland where COPS originated. I'd heard of them filming but never actually saw it going down. I always wondered how or why anyone arrested would ever agree to allow their face to be shown. But it happened often enough that it forced me to wonder whether they were paid because it was staged or they just didn't care.


No, I was in Miami on a work assignment.

The few episodes I’ve seen seemed to feature very down trodden people who are probably very easy to manipulate.


Yes, south beach is nuts, lol.


I think COPS can use the footage legally because it was shot in a public place and there's probably some BS public interest loophole as well.


Then why do some people have scrambled faces and not others? What you say makes sense though.


I don't know, maybe some complications with their case.
