The Climax


Did the climax of Waxwork remind anybody else of Cabin in the Woods when all of the monsters are released?

Anybody know of any other movies were something similar happens?


I just watched Waxwork tonight, and came on the boards specifically to see if someone else mentioned Cabin in the Woods. I totally thought the same thing. Having all the horror-movie staples unleashed all at once, with all the mayhem and chaos that follow, definitely reminded me of Cabin. I too am curious to see if there are any other movies that are similar.


Yes, it reminded me of Cabin in the Woods, however, given this movie came out first, it would be more appropriate to say that Cabin reminds people of this movie, lol.

I can't really recall any similar movies..."The Monster Squad" is loosely similar only because it deals with well known monsters (Dracula, wolfman, Creature from the Black Lagoon, mummy, Frankenstein)'s one of my faves.


The climax of Waxwork is fantastically loopy - old men vs. monsters - marvellous!

I sleep now.


Watched CitW a few weeks ago and thought: "Ehhh...'Waxwork' did it better 25 years ago and had a fraction of the budget and resources." Personally, I'll take Waxwork's on-set organic special effects, corny dialogue, and hammy actors in their mid to late 20s trying to pass as college students over CitW's glossy CGI, self-referential dialogue, and actors that look like they just stepped off the set of The CW Network.


I think they were just high school students.


The classroom looked more college than high school to me, but they don't really make it clear


Nah, it was definitely High School. The long hallways with lockers and the football jock gives it away and like a typical 80's horror film, the actors looked way too old to be students. I had a music class in 6th grade that looked exactly like a college classroom.


They have lockers in community colleges too. If you just Google waxwork
the blurb says college students, and wikipedia says high school. The synopses on IMDb are conflicting as well. One high school. One college. So I guess there is no readily available correct answer. 🤣🤣


Hmm, interesting. I forgot about the community colleges, that might be what it was and makes the most sense to me.


Actually, there's a line early on in film that does clarify this. Mark is talking to his mom at the breakfast table when she says to him: "Now drink your milk, you're late for college."

Kind of awkward line really--you think she'd either say "You're late for class" or "You're late for school". They must have have really wanted to make it clear that the kids were in fact college students.


Cool. Thanks for clearing that up


Sure thing.


I'll second this wise olde post. Waxwork can hang. Super duper didn't like Cabin.


I just watched Waxwork for the first time last night. At the time, I made no connection between the climactic chaos of Waxwork and Cabin in the Woods, though in retrospect I can see the similarities.

The primary difference between the two sequences is that in Cabin in the Woods, the mayhem was fairly well done and entertaining, with effective gore and splatter, thrills, and some legitimately humorous moments.

The climax of Waxwork, on the other hand, was silly and cheap, with lame effects and fight choreography, terrible dialogue, and punchlines that fell flat.

Waxwork may have done it first, but Cabin did it much better.
