MovieChat Forums > Space Mutiny Discussion > Favorite MST3K Lines

Favorite MST3K Lines

“Fetch me my warrior muumuu.”

“Kalgan, blow me away.

“Shuttlecraft determined to be cute, sir.”

“We now switch live to Spencer’s Gift.

“Okay everybody, look alive…. -Ohhh, sorry Susan…”

“Sounds like someone owns themselves a DX7 keyboard.”

“Did they just hit a poodle?”

“I should show my butt to that guy.”

“Please, don’t use those stairs!”

“Did you sign Sherry’s birthday card?”

“Death by snicker-snag.”

“That’s Doctor Listen I Understand How You Feel.”

“Put your helmet on, we’ll be reaching speeds of 3.”

-and my absolute favorite: “Spiderskank… Spiderskank…”


What about when the computer says "fire missles" and one of the guys (can't remember who) says "did they say fire her nipples?"

I've listened to that part a dozen times and I hear nipple too.


--"Sting,Debbie Reynolds and God!"

--"She's presenting!"

--"Hey,it's the Oak Ridge Boys!"

--"Hey,they just killed her!"(or was that one from "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank"?)

Reading these threads makes me wish I'd taped(and preserved)more MST eps!

CROW:Ma-Ma-Ma-MY GOD!!(from "Mitchell")


My favorites

"Christmas finally comes to Santa"

"Want me to show you my elves?"

"You're getting a lump of coal in your stocking!"

"That's DOCTOR lady!"

"You know, they could be walking on their hands and catch up to them faster"

"I sat in something wet!"

"She's a Maniac, Maniac, down on the floor!"

"They have the best mini-golf course in the galaxy"

"That's for not knowing anything about ancient dentistry!"


"That was nice of them to give that DEAD GIRL a second chance."


The first time we see the Ballerians room with all the plasma balls,
Mike:Meanwhile, in Spencer's gifts. . .

It is so funny that Big McLargehuge stands out as everyone's favorite name.

Nothing, tra-la-la!


The old guy in the Cyro Room just sitting there
"Quiet! Mitch Miller's on."

"Compulsory Splatball."

"He died with some Starbursts in his mouth"

"Spider-skank! Spider-Skank!"

"Not the methane! How will they fill their cows?!"

"Did you skip a line?"

"They gave birth to a 8 and a 1/2 pound Porkroast."

"Ha-Ha, now I'm handi-capable!"

Destroy these idiots! "But we're all idiots, sir."

"Shots of previous explosions"

and finally

"I hope they spend the last few minutes on the apology."


no one's done...

"Don't get smart with me ceiling."

"We laugh a lot, you and I."

Oh this is such a great episode! So many great lines


I have this feeling I'm being followed by a lobster boy.....

"Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?"



"My dad let me borrow his Enforcer for the weekend!"

Nice tuxedo. Nice tuxedo to DIE IN!!!!


lol I just watched this again last night. ^_^

"I'd like an arrangement of flowers for my eunuch."

"I'll go get my warrior moo moo."

"There's a colony of elves living in my beard!"

"We put all our faith in Blast HardCheese!"

Oh, and one more thing. "Oy!"

"Move, move, move! Move one leg, then the other!"

Hey! "How ya'll doin'!"

"Railing death!"

Listen lady! 'Doctor!' Doctor! "Doctor lady!"

(After handicapped man kills someone with his cane.)"Okay, moving on to our next agenda, Sherry's birthday party..."

"They shouldn't have set their phasers to miss."



Oh, my...where to start! Well, two of my favs are:

"Is this the man?" (Why, no sir - you da man)

"Take a seat." (And ram it.)

One of MST3Ks greatest episodes - the movie just BEGGED for Mike and the 'bots!


After Ryder apologizes to Santa and Sting for not saving Spooner:

"I'ts okay..."



(I was laughing so hard at this one!! Great timing..)


wait, my stairmaster. NO!!!!!!


Narrator: "There are some who have grown restless and impatient" Servo: "Like Pat Reilly here for instance."

"(to the tune of the Blue Danube as in 2001: A Space Odyssey) Da-da-da-da-Lame! Bum Bum! Lame Lame!"


(They pass a sign that says RESTRICTED AREA) "Tell me about it! These briefs I'm wearin', huh?"

"Does that guy inflate his pants to attract mates?"

"So, we got some Benedictine monks in the floorboards, unfortunately. We have set some traps with fresh bread and brandy though."

(The Captain punches some buttons and stuff happens on the computer screen) "Oh man. What'd I do?"

"I'm gonna inflate him to 35 pounds!"

"Come on skull, pop out of my skin!"

Kalgan: "You have two choices" Mike: "Soup or muffin."

"(as in Spinal Tap) She's got an armadillo down 'er trousers!"

Kalgan: "Flight Lieutenant Lamont?" Lamont: "Yes." Servo: "Did you sign Sherri's card?"

"I can't go any faster! I'd have to drop the waxing compound!"

"(as Martin Short) Oh we're going to the deep freeze, I must say!"


When James Ryan walks in on the "laser dentistry"..

Servo- "Does this guy really warrant a "Dum dum dum de da da dum?"


I haven't read all of these, but i've read a lot of them, and i can't believe everyone forgot Mike's "So our brave hero roasts the disabled man" Definately one of the best.


Mike "You know alot of people have compared this scene to the climatic chariot scene in Ben-Hur, Yeah you know they usually say Ben-Hur was really good, this movie totally sucks"

Kalgon: "It seems that we are not all in agreement"
Mike "I disagree"

Mike "You know, they shouldn't have set their phasors to miss"

Tom "Does his entrance warrent a dun dun-dun-dun-dun dun?"
(music plays)
Crow "Nope"

Tom "A now that scene really makes me stop and think, ABOUT HOW MUCH BETTER A ROOT CANAL WOULD BE than this movie"

Tom "Hit the siren" (starts whistling clown music"
