MovieChat Forums > Space Mutiny Discussion > Favorite MST3K Lines

Favorite MST3K Lines

“Fetch me my warrior muumuu.”

“Kalgan, blow me away.

“Shuttlecraft determined to be cute, sir.”

“We now switch live to Spencer’s Gift.

“Okay everybody, look alive…. -Ohhh, sorry Susan…”

“Sounds like someone owns themselves a DX7 keyboard.”

“Did they just hit a poodle?”

“I should show my butt to that guy.”

“Please, don’t use those stairs!”

“Did you sign Sherry’s birthday card?”

“Death by snicker-snag.”

“That’s Doctor Listen I Understand How You Feel.”

“Put your helmet on, we’ll be reaching speeds of 3.”

-and my absolute favorite: “Spiderskank… Spiderskank…”


Not really lines but how about these:

Butch Deadlift, Splint Chesthair, Buff Beefcake
Flint IronStag, Bulk VanderHuge, Thick McRunFast
Blast HardCheese, Punch RockGroin, Buck PlankChest
Slate SlabRock, Crud BoneMeal, Brick HardMeat
Rip SlagCheek, Punch SideIron, Gristle McThornBody
Slate FistCrunch, Buff HardBack, Blast ThickNeck
Crunch ButtSteak, Slab SquatThrust, Lump BeefBroth
Touch Rustrod, Brief Blastbody, Big McLargeHuge
Smoke ManMuscle, Feet PunchBeef, Hack Blowfist

Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.
Ambrose Bierce


(Kalgon pushes a henchman out of the way)
Crow: "Stupid freshman!"

All the impersonations of Ed Grimley around the "Lobster guy"

(While driving the floor waxers)
Crow: "Put the top up! PUT THE TOP UP!"

The whole "and then his eyes open" bit at the end. along with Tom delivering the line "Boo!" with more meaning than ever before in history.


The lobster guy didn't get the Ed Grimley impersonation, the guy with the mohawk who said "That's a fire, their's no way around it, we have to go back" at the end of the AWFUL battle between engineers and Calgon's soldiers looked like Ed Grimley. He was hanging out with them alot, so I didn't put it together until halfway through the movie.

"I don't need this."

"That railing definetly contributed to his death, that's a railing kill."

"My skull is almost out of my skin now."

"I'll escort you back."
Tom: "Well, why'd he wander out of the engine room in the first place?!"

I've never heard Tom, Mike, and Crow just chuckle at a movie so many times.

Well, well, well. . . Well, well, well. . .



Red Rock Cuba and Skydivers are a few of the movies Coleman Francis made which I concider masterpieces compared to SPACE MUTINY!!! The level of incompetance in everyone involved in SPACE MUTINY!!! combined makes those goofy Coleman movies just little expirements in low budget goodness.


Nothing, tra-la-la!


Stupid Freshman! best line, period.


Hey, Sollus! You forgot some:

Slab Bulkhead, Bridge Largemeat, Punt Speedjump, Bold Bigflank, Buff Drinklots, Trunk Slamchest, Fist Rothbone, Stump Beefknob, Slam Lampjaw, Stump Junkman, Dirk Hardpec, Rip Steakface, Bob Johnson, Roll Fizzlebeef

When do they say "Buff Beefcake" ?

*Ho ho ho! Smoking is good for you!*
-- Crow T. Robot in 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians"




"can I borrow a cup of sex?"

"you and your stupid 80's!"

"Lea get me some coffee."... "get me some coffee!"

"Let me just check you twice"

"I heard there is a tacked on bit with the attorney general explaining how you can
take part in in a class action suit againts this movie."


"Not since the Fuzzy Zoeller-Lou Trevino incident has there ever been a worse golf cart collision"

"Hey I got my dad's enforcer for the weekend!"

"Oh, he's calling in to confirm his gender."

"Maybe we shouldn't have put all those cleaning agents in there." (after the Floor Waxers explode)

(As Calgon and Lobster Boy drive off) "Every town has its death car!"

(a-la Steve Irwin)"She's got an armadillo stuffed down her trousers!"

(after Sting is informed of a power loss)"Too-right!"


"Those Formica monitors don't have a lot of resolution." - Reinhart


"Bob Johnson"


Hey, RedMage9x, you got that one quote wrong: "Every town has its death car!"

It's supposed to be "Hervé Villechaize's death car." Hervé Villechaize was Tattoo on Fantasy Island.

Anyhow just thought it was funny you thought it was "Every town has its death car!", because that's exactly what I thought Mike had said for the longest time too, until somebody clarified it for me. And I think Mike (or one of those bots) needs to articulate a little more when making some of their rifs. Because it really does sound like he's saying Every town....

Obviously I'm a big geek when it comes to this crappy movie.


My favorites:

When Ryder sets that (utility) trench on fire killing one of Kalgon’s guys:
“……..and our brave hero roasts the disabled man.”

When that guy (who got killed in the trench) kills that other guy in the meeting:
“…..nice to see a meeting where something actually got done.”
“……ah yes, the easily led wise council…..”

When Kalgon shoots somebody:
“Kalgon, blow me away.”


I don’t know if this helps but ho ho ho

I like playing with the knobs

Oh no snowmobilers

“Third engineer Steve Caddel” known as stinky to his friends

“The professor taught me everything I know” took him twenty seconds

I have a whole colony of people living in my beard

No, ich, no, wrong, no, nothing, nothing, now what is that, cut it out, no not there, just get off me

Top super duper maxi extra ultra secret

Finally Christmas comes to Santa

He’s going to have so much sex with your daughter

Come on Metamucil work your magic



I think I have a new favorite MST3K rif from Space Mutiny,

It's when Ryder turns open the valve on the methane tank, and one of the bots says:

"Man, Chunkhead just beefed."


"Ho, Ho... Hoe."


My favorite line was also "Big McLargeHuge."

For some odd reason, I recall:

"She's presenting like a baboon!" during the dancehall scene

"They're doing the macarena" when we first see the black clad priestesses

And when the world's oldest daughter says to Ryder "You're soo stubborn!" Then he has this dumb look on his face and one of the bots says, "uhhh, does that mean I'm cut?"


"I just wish your father could control you as good as he controls this ship"
-You mean have mutiny on me?


"Hey, you know where I could get some Zubaz, man?"

" seems we are not all in agreement..."
"I disagree!"

"...and our brave hero ROASTS the disabled man!"

"I don't need this."

"I'll loosen up the paint, we can scrape later!!!"

"Computer, open file on..."

"Yes, the computer problems of Murray and Joe make for gripping cinema."


Mike: "Somebody just woke up the Oak Ridge Boys."

Tom: "Hold on, we will be reaching speeds of 3!"

Mike: "He is gonna have so much sex with your daughter."

Crow: "Spider-Skank."


!!Ryder SCREAMS!! and then calmly gets out of the floor waxer, Tom - "well, I'm glad I got that out of my system." (I think they used it as the Stinger as well)

The different inflections of "Ho." every time they showed Cameron Mitchell in a reaction shot (and 'Sting' saying "Oi!")

Bellarians "Stupid food eaters!"

One of my favorite Sci-Fi era episodes (along with "Werewolf" and "Boggy Creek II: The Legend Continues")


Anyone reading this and an MST3K fan, anyone know why there's no message board for the film "Agent for H.A.R.M.?" I thought this was one of the best shows they did, but no one has started a "Favorite MST3K Lines" thread. I'm too lazy to start it. Didn't anyone else think this episode was pure genius?


This is actually a line spoken by one of the characters(but the way it's delivered is so stupid it's funny):

"Take this YOU BIG BITCH!"


"Christmas finally comes to Santa..."

"Mrs. Kringle and I have an understanding."

"Its basically over between us."

"I hate food."

"Stupid food lovers."

"You idiot. When I said soften him I mean mosturize him!"

We're watching it right now in my film studies class, but its not the first time I've seen it. I haven't seen that many MST3K episodes, but besides the shorts, this is definitly the funniest one I've seen.


Actually, he says "Space bitch" which is much funnier IMO.


Ah, yes. "Agent for H.A.R.M."

"Don't have to be rich!"

If you've never seen this MST3K episode, you won't get it.

One of my favorite lines from this episode:

"Solid balsa wood, baby!"

- Reinhart



"You're getting a lump of coal."

"On our com-pu-ter?"

"They miss a couple lines here?"

"Muahahaha ha... well anyway."

"She's walking with two Mexican wrestlers."

"See? I can throw my laugh."

And the best line ever:

"YEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! ...well, anyway I got that out of my system."


I can't believe I forgot that line: "On our COM-PU-TOR?"

I love the way they say that line. I can't believe it took this long into the thread to get mentioned. And Space Mutiny isn't the only episode where MST3K uses that one. If I recall, that line was also used in the same way for Overdrawn at the Memory Bank and Time Chasers, if not other episodes as well.


Oh yeah? I haven't seen those episodes yet. Oh, but I will...I will...

I always like it when Mike/Joel and the bots allude to other movies that they have watched in the past. It's like, we're all in on the joke. I don't know, I'm a loser.


(When Kalgon is setting the bombs and his bodyguard grabs the witness)
Mike (as witness) Uh, sir, we'll be able to seat you in a moment. (After he's grabbed, Mike does a muffled voice) There's a perfectly fine bar if you'd like to wait there.
(Kalgon pulls out his gun)
Mike: Shooting me is not going to get you to a table any faster sir.
(Kalgon fires)
Mike (dying): I'll get the manager...


Hey, garbiedog, you're looking in the wrong place. No MST3K fans here ; )

You're right. That Agent for H.A.R.M. was brilliant. I'll need to rewatch it to start a thread, though.


Actually nc6566, it's "She's presenting like a mandril."
It's a monkey whos butt turns red when it wants to mate, I think.


"She's presenting like a mandrill"

Big McLargeHuge is a close second.

Don't forget about "I'd rather get a lap dance from Trent Lott!"


"Send my mother...."

You can almost taste the excitement...and the flavour is brick!


I know it's already been mentioned, but it is a classic, and has long been a favorite of mine. In fact, I have wished that I had chosen "Space Bitch" as a user name.

This episode also features one of my favorite MST3K lines of all time, though not during the "theater" part of the show. When Tom Servo and Crow are having a battle in space for no apparent reason with spacepods they happened to find onboard the Satellite of Love, Tom Servo shouts:

"Eat munchy, crunchy, chocolatey Cocoa Death!!!"

I nearly wet myself.


Singing to final credits.

Tom: She's a maniac, maniac on the floor....Don't pay the ferryman, Don't even fix that price...maniac, maniac on the floor. Everybody!



“Put your helmet on, we’ll be reaching speeds of 3.”
^^love that one^^
evil guy "Haha two ships for one" Tom servo- "I had a coupon"
Big Mclargehuge, of course.

"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country." `George W, Bush


I've got to say some of my favorite lines are:

"All you can eat me tonight"

"I don't know if this helps any but Ho Ho Ho"

"I can't go any faster unless I drop the waxing compound"

"I want to do some research on our new guests" "Nude research"

I laughed so hard at this episode, it's definatly one of mt favorites.


All the santa jokes are great, like the part where Tom tries to make him communicate just in "Ho"s.

"Ho.... ho ho.... ho ho ho, ho. ho?"

"I'll show you where my elves are working day and night..."

Mike(Grumbling as the limping bad guy goes down some stairs): "Yeah... handicap accessible, I don't think so.."

(something along the lines of this) Kalgon: "Similar to ancient dentistry... not that you'd know anything about ancient dentistry."
Mike "You're too stupid to know about ancient dentistry"
The woman: "You bastard!"
Tom: "How DARE you insult my knowledge of ancient dentistry!"
*later on when Kalgon runs the woman over*
Tom: "THAT'S for not knowing anything about ancient dentistry! Ahahaha!"

Whenever Tom, Crow or Mike immitates Kalgon laughing, especially towards the end where the floor waxers crash:
Tom (as Kalgon): "Ahaha" *sees the other waxer coming* "ohhh..."

"Come on skull... pop out of my skin!"

The line spoken by one of the characters in the film: "...But this goes against the rules of the Universe, the rules of the GALAXY!" always makes me laugh... surely universe and galaxy should be the other way round, right?

When Ryder and Kalgon are trading those stupid snips at each other at the final showdown:
Crow: "Accursed Malcotent!" (Or something)

The woman: "Are you still angry?"
Crow as Ryder (I think): "Checking..... urr, yeah"

"come on move move move! Move one leg, now move the other, now breathe! breathe! Now make your heart beat, come on!"


>When Ryder and Kalgon are trading those stupid snips at each other at the final showdown:
Crow: "Accursed Malcotent!" (Or something) <

I think it's "accursed mountebank" (a trickster)

Oh man, I had tears in my eyes re-reading all of these lines. This is my very favorite episode. So many great things to love. The clown music kills me every time.

I've got one line I haven't seen listed yet:

As Lea is running:
"Ehnnn. Ehnnn. I got panty creep!"


I love the line

"I'll miss this old where ever we are"

and of course the line following it

"Don't get smart with me Cealing"

great episode funny moments too bad the show went off the air i can think of a few films i'd like the bots to have fun with (at least one slasher flick Jaws the revenge so many good bad movies)


Ow, why do you hate my groin so much!?"


Mike: (When the floor waxer chase begins) "You could walk on your HANDS and catch up with the guy!"

Crow: (After seeing the name "Vincent G. Cox" in the opening credits) "His nick-name is Tiny."

Tom: "I don't think it's a very good stratagey to randomly blow things up when you're in SPACE."


a couple of my favorite lines that have yet to be mentioned:

(well this isn't a line really) when they point out the girl in the office type thing who was just killed in the perevious scene.

"that was real nice of you to give that dead girl a second chance sir"

"ok look alive people, oh sorry there susan."

"oh waitress, waitress, ah she never sees me"

"...Passed from editor to editor in a desperate attempt to save it."

"I dunno if this'll help, but.. 'ho ho ho'." (said already but i love it)

"Big McLargeHuge" (all the names they gave him, this has been said too)

"the laser that whirrs like a drill" got to love how the close up of the laser is red but when the shot is from a far you can only see the clear plastic tube.

"aw no Morgan Fairchild and Phil Collins"


Crow (as Lea): Come on move move move! See how it feels? move!

Tom: Someone did leave a cookie out for me!

*after the Bellarians are shown for like the 50th time*
Tom: Oh, this is NEW.

Tom: Now back to the rusting septic system of this FUTURISTIC SPACESHIP!

omg I can't believe no one has mentioned this because it's so frickin funny!
*after Rider has said something unclear*
Crow: Making whoppets??

Can't go wrong with Big McLargeHuge. Hey someone mentioned why wasn't there a thread like this for the H.A.R.M. movie, I always wondered why there wasn't one for Riding With Death? That was a another classic that my mom and I love! Anyone else agree? Or do I have to start that thread? CAUSE I WILL.

"Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?"


oh, i also forgot during the borrowed enforcer chase scene when tom says
"quick hit the siren" and does the circus music...classic
