MovieChat Forums > Space Mutiny Discussion > Favorite MST3K Lines

Favorite MST3K Lines

“Fetch me my warrior muumuu.”

“Kalgan, blow me away.

“Shuttlecraft determined to be cute, sir.”

“We now switch live to Spencer’s Gift.

“Okay everybody, look alive…. -Ohhh, sorry Susan…”

“Sounds like someone owns themselves a DX7 keyboard.”

“Did they just hit a poodle?”

“I should show my butt to that guy.”

“Please, don’t use those stairs!”

“Did you sign Sherry’s birthday card?”

“Death by snicker-snag.”

“That’s Doctor Listen I Understand How You Feel.”

“Put your helmet on, we’ll be reaching speeds of 3.”

-and my absolute favorite: “Spiderskank… Spiderskank…”


You know, a lot of people have compared this scene with the climactic chariot scene in "Ben Hur". Yeah, you know they usually say, "Ben Hur was really good. This movie totally sucks."


Love that one! One of my personal favorites was half Space Mutiny movie 'actors' and half MST3K crew. Near the end of the movie there is a final 'chase-scene' with those duded up golf carts and before colliding with Kalgan's cart, Ryder just sits inside his cart and screams.
Ryder- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Jumps out and rolls away from the cart)
Tom, (with Mike and Crow laughing in the background)- Well I'm glad I got that out of my system!
That moment was just soooo bad, I can't help but laugh at it! :-D


"This is the Helveca pirate fleet. To those aboard the Southern Sun, listen closely."
"Good mornin'!"

I love the timing on that! Everytime I watch, I bust out laughing like hell.

I aim to misbehave!


"hohoho looks like Christmas came early for Santa"

"I have to check you twice"

"You can catch them walking on your hands!"

"Save my grandmadaughter"

"Lets go make out over there now"

"Open your"


"Have you met my daughter?" "We're about the same age"
"Kalgan, we need more of you, by the way"
"My forefathers..." "...also taped wool to their faces"
"And totally botched by David Winters"

"Well...that's my mama!"


Put the top up!

Chapter Davis and I have decided
You're fired.

Shooting me will not get you to your table faster.

*Shot* I'll get the managerrr...

Is this the man?
Uh, no sir, YOU da man.

Don't get smart with me, ceiling.

Let's tear his band jacket so he has to buy a new one!

Move, freshman!


During a chase dave ryder screams out loud, i think its mike who says
- glad i got that out of my system...

another favorite is:

Santa is playing freecell over here...

Clown college?! You cant eat that.


"This is my daughter Lea" "We're roughly the same age"

"We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese!"


Slab Bulkhead. Bridge Largemeat. Punt Speedchunk. Butch Deadlift. Bold Bigflank. Splint Chesthair. Flint Ironstag. Bolt Vanderhuge. Thick McRunfast. Blast Hardcheese. Buff Drinklots. Drunk Slamchest. Fist Rockbone. Stump Beefnob. Smash Lampjaw. Punch Rockgroin. Buck Plankchest. Stump Chunkman. Dirk Hardpec. Rip Steakface. Slate Slabrock. Rod Bonemeal. Brick Hardmeat. Rip Slagcheek. Punch Sideiron. Gristle McThornbody. Slate Fistcrunch. Buff Hardback. Bob Johnson. (no wait... that's not...) Blast Thickneck. Crunch Buttsteak. Slab Squatthrust. Lump Beefbroth. Touch Rustrod. Reef Blastbody. Big McLargehuge. Smoke Manmuscle. Beat Punchbeef. Hack Blowfist. Roll Fizzlebeef.


(Probably been said but it always makes me laugh!)

"Sting, Debbie Renyolds and God."


"Ugh! She's presenting like a Mandrill!"

"Stay together, cheeks! Stay together..."

Luxuriate in the eclectic...


Servo: I'm having my doubts that this movie is starring anyone

Mike: I'm gonna inflate him to 35 pounds!

Crow: She's got an armadillo down her trousers!

Cmdr. Jansen: You know Captain...
Crow: I have a whole colony of people living in my beard

Cmdr Jansen: Open fire on...
Mike: Blitzen!

Mike: Finally...Christmas comes to Santa

Mike: Wanna see me shake like a bowl full of jelly?

Mike: We put our faith in Blast HardCheese!

Crow: She dusted herself with super weight gain powder to attract him

Servo: Uh, can I borrow a cup of sex?

Kalgan: Is this the man?
Mike: Why no, sir. You da man

Mike: He's an artist with a fist

Kalgan: We're gonna put you on ice for awhile
Mike: On Vanilla Ice

Mike: Why do you hate my groin so much?!

Servo: That scene really makes me stop and think...about how much better a root canal would be than this movie!

Crow: Spider Skank! Spider Skank!

Servo: A retarded jellyfish could make a better movie than this

Servo: Bob Johnson!
Mike: Roll FizzleBeef!
Mike: Big McLargeHuge!
Mike: Grissle McThornbody!
Mike: Smoke ManMuscle!
Crow: Punch RockGroin!

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


"Is this the man?"
"Why no, sir. You da man."

"She's presenting like a mandrill!"

& there are some others already quoted numerous times. Two that were funny but also interesting were the self-immolating Buddhist monk riff, which is interesting 'cause to me & other young'uns they're protesting China's grip on Tibet; I'd just learned it was previously about Vietnam. & the other one? "My horse! My horse! My kingdom 4 a horse!" I just learned it's from "Richard III," & they discovered his skeleton under a parking lot a few weeks ago!


I forgot to include that Canadian, ahem, I mean South African guy who looks like the Australian spokesman for Energizer Batteries in the late '80s. He preceded the Energizer Bunny. Whenever I hear "Oi!" (Australian) or "Oy!" (Jewish) from the SOL captives it's always hilarious.


"Open fire on..."
"... Blitzen!"

"Big McLargeHuge."

"Railing kill!"

"He's going to have so much sex with your daughter."

"I AM that young."

"I think it's great of you to give that dead woman a second chance, sir."

"Bring my warrior muumuu!"

"We'll be reaching speeds of three."

"We must put our faith in Blast Hardcheese."

"And our hero burns the disabled guy to death." (paraphrase; don't remember the exact line.)

"Mrs. Claus and I have an understanding."

All of Blast's girly screams.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


Calgon: Meddling fool!
Mike (snickering): What is he; Snively Whiplash?

later, from Crow: Accursed Mountebank!!

During the personal transport (read:floor-waxer) chase scene

Crow: I'd catch up with him, but I'd have to drop the waxing compound.


My favorite part was where Capt. Santa was getting lucky:

"Looks like Christmas is coming to Santa this year."

"Mrs. Kringle & I have an understanding."

"Oh, I'm a right jolly old elf."


"Effects done by Industrial Light & Morons" :D


"No, YOU move move"


"She's presenting like a mandrill!"
