MovieChat Forums > Raising Arizona (1987) Discussion > Easily one of the worst movies I've ever...

Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Aren't movies labeled as comedies supposed to be at least a LITTLE bit funny? There wasn't anything even remotely humorous about any scene in this entire crapfest.

And holy god could the yodeling music scene have been any more obnoxious and drawn out? It's like this movie was made with the sole intention of irritating the viewer. And if that wasn't enough, why was there so many unnecessary, drawn out screaming scenes? They would just sit there, screaming, 5 minutes at a time. I wanted to tear my ears off.

I wish I wasn't so stubborn that I insist on watching movies through to the end to try and find redeeming qualities. This is one where I really wish I had listened to my gut instinct and shut it off after 15 minutes never to watch again. Uuuuugh.

I think this is the first Nic Cage movie that I can say was legitimately terrible but not because of him!



I think this is the first Nic Cage movie that I can say was legitimately terrible but not because of him!

Love it!

Nic Cage has made a career out of bad movies, at least in the last 15 years. Raising Arizona is one was the few ones that ISN'T terrible.

If you didn't get it, that's cool. But it was not 'legitimately terrible'.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I felt the humor was a bit forced and I'm not a big fan of the movie myself, but it was far from terrible.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


This is definitely the worst Cohen Bros, movie ever.


That opening sequence is one ofcthe finest ever made. The VO and dialogue used are sublime.


The type of humor in this movie isn't for everyone. It's unusual, quirky, sometimes even dark. Personally I love this movie, it is one of my favorites and always has been since it was new. I gave it a 10, and I don't do that often. I'm mildly curious to know what movies you do consider funny, like someone else asked above.

Just my opinion


George Lassos the Moon

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I agree that the scene where Goodman and the other guy are screaming in the car was way way too overlong (the screaming, that is), and there was too much slapstick, but with all the groans and moans I still laughed frequently and liked it.


So, what, you watched this movie, The Big Lebowski, and Miller's Crossing?


that bad?
