MovieChat Forums > The Hidden (1987) Discussion > So if the bad alien's a...

So if the bad alien's a...

giant slug, why is Lloyd a stream of yellow energy.
I was under the impression they were from the same planet?]


Maybe Lloyds sacrifice scene wouldn't have been quite as touching if a giant (lighter coloured) slug crawled out his mouth in to Becks but did make me wonder...


There is an explanation for that. Per the director's commentary, in the original script, it was a black fluid that was going to be the alien and the idea got changed to the gigantic slug. The slug is more terrifying than fluid if you ask me and works better. The idea of the yellow energy was just simply put as good vs. evil. The evil being the black slug as hell, while good was the yellow stream energy like heaven.


So did Kyle possess Beck in the same way that evil alien does to others, or was it more of a healing energy Kyle sacrificed to let his officer friend live?


Yes, Kyle [Lloyd, actually] possesses Beck in the way that the evil alien did but this alien is good.


Probably a mixture of the two, he healed his body as we saw him breathing on his own, but his daughter's wariness that we saw towards Lloyd was still expressed as she was at first hesitant to approach her father.


He definitely possessed him and stayed with the mother and daughter as Beck. It could have made for an intriguing sequel!


Beck's wife was in for a shock when she discovers that her husband has no memory of their life together. It would be like being married to someone with a face transplant from your husband.


There's no way the two aliens could have belonged to the same species. Their respective races may have shared the same planet, however, or had some other kind of relationship.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he wasn't a great big pansy.


"There's no way the two aliens could have belonged to the same species. Their respective races may have shared the same planet, however, or had some other kind of relationship. "

Define 'species'.

There have been people on this planet that have been able to levitate, and there have been people on this planet that have been able to do atrociously horrible things and who live on such a low level that it can only be described as 'demonic'.

There have been humans with half-animal bodies, there have been midges, giants, all kinds of very different-looking people.

Still they can be described as being the 'same species'.

Why can't the same species evolve in two different directions? We are talking about spiritual cultivation here, that then manifests in and as the physical body eventually through the course of time.

The human body has changed over the years.

It will probably change a lot during the coming millennia, too.

Why is there 'no way' they could have belonged to the same species a really, really long time ago?

Isn't it just as likely that they have been originally the same 'species' (whatever you mean by this), as that they have been simply sharing a planet?

In World of Warcraft, interestingly, there are no different species(es?) that a player can choose. There are only different 'races'. For example, 'blood elves' are not a species, they are 'race' (which makes me wonder what the heck do these words really mean).

If something as different as a human and a blood elf can belong not only to the same species, but also the same RACE, why wouldn't these two different forms of life be at least the same species?

Btw, what's the difference between a species and a race? I know that humans and dogs are two different species. But I don't understand why blood elves and humans aren't. What defines the line? If a human looks like animal, but in all other ways is still human, is that considered a different race or a different species?


Levitate??? That's in magic shows. If anyone could levitate, they would have the amazing Randi's million dollars.


The general rule: a member of one species can't breed with a member of another species. There are exceptions, but they are closely related and always produce infertile offspring.

For Warcraft, I would wager a human can mate with an elf or whatever. For Warcraft, the races are equivalent to breeds of dog: they're all humanoid, but can be further classified by type.

I would wager a giant slug and a beam of light are incompatible when it comes to mating, but you never know.


What.. are there really people that still don't understand the true history of this wretched planet (let alone others), and to whom levitation is some kind of mystery? Have you not read any of the scriptures that describe people levitating, messiahs walking on water, and so on? Even the possibly most famous cosmic messenger around two thousand Earth years ago, walked on water, and this has been talked about as a normal event even by the mundane and soulless churches of the current eras.

Levitation is an inevitable step in the evolution of any group of souls that go through the Cosmic Journey of separating from the All-Father and eventually join back to the Cosmic Flow. Why would levitation be the thing you start wondering about and questioning, amids the Stellar Wonders we not only are, but constantly fly through? Think about just the SIZE of the Universe (if you have trouble doing this, find the 'Tribal people react to the size of the Universe' (and don't mind all the typical Terran propaganda near the beginning)), let alone the interdimensional, living, intelligent nature of it.

Think about mushroom-induced trips, OOBEs, Extra-Terrestrial visitations, Nikola Tesla's findings, the so-called 'UFO phenomenon' that has proven all kinds of levitation-oriented (but even more interesting) things to be not only possible, but everyday existence..

How can you focus on one word so much in the middle of all that's magical about reality and existence? Do you live in a grey box without windows? Are you a prisoner or some kind of underground-dwelling Morlock? Geez... how does a word like 'levitation' become some kind of obstacle for your thinking? Release and open your mind to accept and understand what the Universe REALLY is, then nothing so mundane as levitation will astonish you that much!

It's 2022, it's time to stop clinging to outdated, archaic, flat worldview and see the Universe as the miracle that it is! Maybe you have to start from 'maglev', but do it.


Since both aliens clearly had the ability to travel to Earth from whatever planet they were previously on and "Lloyd" says that the bad alien "moves from one body to another," I've always assumed that they were from different planets. The bad alien came to Lloyd's planet from wherever it had previously been, went on a rampage, killing his "wife" and "daughter" in the process. It then moved on to Earth, with Lloyd following.

Saw this in the theater in 1987. Great underrated movie.


I get the impression that the aliens are from two different planets because Alhauge says "you left a partner for dead on Altair" and the bad alien says "how do you like being Altairian?". Not necessarily but seems so.


I was under the impression they were from the same planet?

I thought so, too. It's a fairly common science fiction situation -- a good guy and a bad guy (from the same planet) come to earth and duke it out.


I was under the impression that the slug was used when transferring to a live body that might need to be forced under control. The ray of energy was used for transfer to a dead body that would offer no resistance.
