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moogie (194)


'The Howling Man' review favorite episodes as a child trivia question favorite characters and stories Unruhe question Nurse Owens Trivia Question - Memory only - no Google Recall or Rekall more puzzles for your opinion Who Killed Luke Doggett??? View all posts >


Thank you for your reply. I missed the blood totally so certainly this is the answer. Thank you for your viewpoint. Though never swaying my opinion personally, a good observation from a different angle. Agreed, Parasite Mansion was one of my least favorites. But even those that I just don't like are still not that bad. Some other least favorites are: Well of Doom, Hay-Fork and Bill-Hook, Flowers of Evil which most likely nobody agrees with me on. The series has something for everybody. oh yes - who could forget 'The Storm'. Commentary is a hoot! Nope. 'User Friendly' haha! HaHa! You're remembering his choice for a partner which was originally athletic but changed to sleazy. His roll play options were Millionaire Playboy, Sports Hero, Industrial Tycoon and Secret Agent. Such a great movie and I like the updated version as well. m For Sure. Wouldn't have thought anyone could have worked their way in as successfully once Duchovny was gone but very surprised Robert Patrick snuggled himself into the part of the skeptic quite well. And Annabeth Gish's chemistry was excellent by his side. The Lone Gunmen appearances were always a highlight for me. And it was too bad their series did not take off but I was impressed how well the writers covered their tracks and continued them in the X-Files for a bit longer. Also another super character is the Alien Bounty Hunter. Such fun when ever he or his story suddenly shows up and Brian Thompson was certainly the perfect choice, such a believably strange intriguing man. As we all do, I have my own scenarios of what should and shouldn't have happened at particular points, as well as high and low points on the characters - however never disappointed. Great series, I think a lot of Chris Carter. Seeing it several more times, I also think Regali. But I'll never guess why Barbara recognized the FBI Cadet. Probably something Chris just threw in to put more questions in our minds. Thanks. Good answer. Thanks. Good answer. View all replies >