Plot hole (?) about the spare

One thing seemed to me to be inconsistent.

When Pruitt arrives to rescue them after the blowout, he says he'll pay for a replacement tyre as Chris doesn't have money.

But later when they run into Pruitt again, he says Dawson's going to make them pay for the tyre.

So why didn't Pruitt pay for the tyre like he said he would?


I know, doesn't make much sense.


I thought the $50 was for the windshield.


$50 was for the tyre, I don’t think we’re told how much the windscreen was.


It was all explained outside the hospital:

PRUITT: I got the car at Dawson's garage.
DARYL: Is the car okay?
PRUITT: Yeah, I paid for the window, that's my fault. But Dawson's going to make you pay for the tire.
BRAD: How much?
PRUITT: Fifty bucks.

So yeah, he was originally going to pay for a tire, but the money he was going to spend on the tire ended up paying for the windshield that he put a bullet through instead.


It was the “But Dawson’s going to make you pay for the tire” part that confused me: Pruitt previously said he’d pay for the tyre, so why did he then change his mind?
Maybe he didn’t have enough money on him to pay for both, but this wasn’t really explained.


He was a fugitive now, so he needed his cash. He took care of the windshield because he did that.
