Basically Chris was a kid too

She always refer to the other 3 as Kids as if she's 50 years old lol. When in reality she was only like 2 years older than Brad and his friend, she was 17 and they were 15 lol, then when Brad attempted to ask her out she was like no you're a kid wasnt a big age difference between Chris and Brad and they all went to the same highschool with the exception of the lil girl of course. But then again this was the 80's so I guess a 15 year old dating a 17 year old was a big NO NO.


She's just a typical 17 year old who overestimates her maturity. To her, the difference between 15 and 17 is a lot greater than it really is.


In High School, 15 and 17 is a huge difference, developmentalwise. It’s not like 25 and 27 or 35 and 37.


their may as well be 100 year between being older kid and younger kid. so much change.


More than the age, it was a Senior/Freshman thing. Yes she was way overestimating her wisdom and maturity, but she's world's ahead of Brad and Daryl. Also, it is proven that girls mature faster than boys, so yes she was by far the most mature one there.


Plus, she seemed about 35 with that coat and demeanor.
