More anti-semitism from trek

Got done watching "Descent"
The episode, which was aired on television in 1993, features a guest appearance by astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. He appears in the show's opening on the holodeck in a card game with android Data, On the holodeck, Lt. Commander Data plays a game of poker with holographic representations of Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking.
In it Hawking, Newton and Data are playing math word games whule Einstein can only complain about money and to hurry up and play the game so "I can win more."
This vile bigotry must stop on trek.


That episode was released 27 years ago lol


And as I recall it was Newton who was complaining about things. Hawkings and Einstein were teasing each other about various theories. I don't think any of them ever mentioned money; that's likely all in your head, not on the screen.


Not the apple story again!


Yeah, that annoying apple.
