MovieChat Forums > Stand by Me (1986) Discussion > It bugs me that Richard Dravis plays wha...

It bugs me that Richard Dravis plays what was a slender boy

It's like "how did he go from being a slender, "tall" looking boy to a short, stocky man?

I never got that casting.

Was it just because Dravis has a good narration voice?



Haven't you ever known anyone like that? I remember some kids that were somewhat tall for their age, and very thin, who stopped growing early on in life and never were very tall. Then there are people I know that were always very short as kids who sprouted. I was only 5'10" when I graduated high school in June 1989 and went into the Army. By the time I finished airborne school in December of that year, I was 6'3".

Besides, there is only a 5" difference between Richard Dreyfuss and Will Wheaton as adults. And since they never really show Dreyfuss standing, compared to anything or anybody else, to see that he's not very tall, then his actual height is completely irrelevant. Does it bother you in the Green Mile that Michael Clarke Duncan is only 6'4" compared to James Cromwell, who is really 6'6"? Yet Michael Clarke Duncan towers James Cromwell in the movie.


actually the skinny kids mostly got tall.


Right there, you just said "mostly", which means not all of them. So in this case, Richard Dreyfuss would have been the exception.


Look at Wil Wheaton now and he has a similar shape as Richard Dreyfus did then. Not exact, but he doesn't have the long, thin body he did in SBM.




Richard Dreyfuss is sitting in a car reminincing for 99% of his scenes. You can't really tell his height.

He just looks like a prototypical man in this film. He has a kind face and a great voice for narration.... Perfect casting if you ask me. Its not like they told him to run around naked with leaches in his underpants.

I wouldn't exactly call him 'stocky' at this stage in his career, either. Nor, did the casting director have the hindsite of knowing that Will Wheaton would grow up to be tall, and not that they'd care, even if they did know.


Perhaps I'm basing my perception of him on other movies, not just this one.


Surely... when i initially saw this film, i was the age of these kids, and I couldn't even really place Dreyfuss. He looked familiar, but i never made the connnection he was the guy in Jaws or Close Encounters. His career pretty much nosedived after CEof3K as he admitted he picked up a coke habit and went off the rails.

His cameo in this film was his first appearance since all that, at least in any film i would've been exposed to, and he actually looked different by then too....

He started to get a little thicker in the belly that i recall, was in What About Bob?



That's an invalid acronym.

Could you stop being lazy and write the actual movie title? The name is based on Allan Hynek's classification of encounter types or kinds.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind ("Third" is not shortened to "3", just by the way) are a contact type where you not only see extra-Terrestrial beings, but you have a physical contact with them (if I remember correctly).

You can't just acronymize it like that! You already typed 'Close Encounters', the LEAST you could've done, is copypasted that.

First of all, the correct acronym might be something like "CEotTK".

Why would you write "of" in the middle, abandoning your whole acronyming process suddenly, then going back to it? Why forget the "the"? If you had typed 't' instead of 'f', I could've forgiven you, so why even type 'f' instead of 't', especially if you're going to try to SHORTEN things, not prolong them? Makes no sense.

Also, when you type a number, and then a big K after it, it means '(degrees) Kelvin'.

(The 'degrees' is implied).

It's at times like this I have to wonder, do some people's brains work AT ALL?


"Dravis"? Really? How many seconds would it take to check how his name is spelled?


Is that even a name? (No, I am not going to check it, since you didn't, either)


Have you seen Sean Astin lately?


Funny...I'm watching another Richard Dreyfuss movie right now (The Goodbye Girl) which made me think of Stand By Me and how much it always bothered me that Dreyfuss looks NOTHING like Gordy Lechance. So I paused the movie to run on here and complain about it only to see your posting right on top of the heap! Amazing!
