MovieChat Forums > My Little Pony: The Movie (1986) Discussion > The Dark Side Of Pony Land (not for kids...

The Dark Side Of Pony Land (not for kids)

What are they on?

So when things get bad these candy coloured ponies all head for a Mushrump. Now what kind of a message does that send out to children. I'm sure that the ponies problems began well before the film was made, with a simple kidnapping and ended with the poor little creatures morphing into giant dragons to pull an apocolyptic carriage of eternal darkness. I think that Mr. Muchick has much to answer for. He has so warped the minds of our little friends that they have paranoic hallucinations of 'ugly purple stuff' (yes I know IT's SMOOOOOOOZE) coming to engulf their world, and only by getting high with the flutter ponies can we defeat it. The rainbow sure failed. Not to mention giant spiders (read Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit to find out more but even dear little Frodo was on the pipe weed when he began his 'adventure'). What message were we given as children. Dabble with it, this is how wierd it gets, but it all works out in the end.

I think we should be most wary of the Wabbit though. He says nothing at all but seems to be all knowing, wize and powerful, not to mention his ability to fly with his ears. He is no white rabbit, but I believe he is some sort of Deity. ( but then what did The White Rabbit ever accomplish?) Perhaps he is infact the instigator of all that happens in Pony Land. After all when he puts pen to paper it becomes one of the most, well pink houses ever known. He can do anything he is . . . enough about Habbit.

Does anyone else believe that childrens minds are being corrupted (or educated depending on which side of the Mushroom you stand) by the literature and visual imagery that they are (or were) encouraged to read or watch?

Not to mention all of their symbols . . .

edit . . . I have spent too much time in the mushrump myself and begun talking to myself. So many of the other message boards are full of people with theories about films but I have yet to find one person here. I like it here on my own I can say what I like without the fear of anyone reading it!! I do in actual fact love ponies. My secret sin is collecting them. I think if I had to pick I'd be Fizzy. Not that I resemble her. I'm not green and my eyes dont sparkle (unless you count eyeshadow) and I dont have a horn. THE horn maybe. But I am a bubble head at times.

I think I will set up my own secret society that you can only join if you can be as weird or stranger than me. I am patient so dont expect any recruits any time soon! Meetings will be held here once a decade and you must choose your pony id. We (or I ) will be discussing topics from religion and politics to the influence of drugs on film makers and what happens when a black hole fills up. It might also be interesting if I discussed with myself the merits of annonymously looking stupid and wasting hours of my pointless life reading messages on the imdb.


For no reason whatsoever I have begun to imagine a MLP version of Quentin Tarantino films.

Not that this is what we will be contemplating today but I thought it would be worth mentioning - in case anyone out there has any inspired ideas. Posy as *******. She does wear all yellow. So does Lemondrop - she would be better really in the role as she is the athletic type. Oren would have to be one of the white ponies, naturally, but which one? Magesty?

No, today's thoughts will be focused on the progressive nature of technology and it's influence on our culture. It is now possible, as I'm sure all you techno-junkies out there will be aware, to download almost anything for free on the internet - to copy films onto mini portable "media" players - Archos, iPod and the like - almost anything except time travel.

The Japanese cartoons of the much celebrated Studio Ghibli - such as Princess Mononoke, have strongly overlayed messages about the impact of technology and industry on the land. They highlight the fear that destroying what is natural and beautiful in the world will in turn destroy all that is magical about it. These themes are echoed in stories such as the Matrix & Animatrix. Although I will never ever say that they are wrong, too much reliance on technology could result in our downfall I am pleased to say that I do not share these fears in my own tiny world. The need for chi destroying cables and oppressive black boxes is being removed from our homes. With the developent of such wonders as the 600 gb hard drive the size of an old video (VHS tape) we can now store our entire collection of films in the space that only one would have occupied. We can without guilt replace (well I'll never get rid of them because that would be a sin worse than murder) our previously bought on LP records, with MP3 encoded downloads from the internet for free. Bittorrent - google it. Why should we have to buy the same piece of music our parents bought fourty years ago, and then again on tape and if they were well off later on CD? We shouldn't. I am all for the free distribution of music and film that we previously owned in another format.

My point was really going to be that I feel so much more at ease knowing that I can now hide all of the plastic - metal effect pieces of machinery in my home and there is next to no trace that I have the latest technology at my disposal. Not that my home is decluttered as yet, but over the next year I will restore my home to a black box free environment. No longer will I have to buy a piece of furniture specificly to house a CD or video collection. Soon there will be wireless speakers strategicly placed around the home - I will, when I win the lottery, buy one of those super flat screen monitors/TV that can be disgused as an old painting mounted to the wall. I will pack my films into boxes and hide them in the attic and watch instead from an electronic chip the size of an ants bunkbed. I will rid my home of the evidence and live in a world that reminds me of a simpler time - a more natural place, but with a little magic.

I have often hankered for a world more like those you find within the pages of an aged book or a fantasy film and soon we can. We will use technology to aid our lives not to fuel the production of cheap CD racks.

I no longer need to be torn in two with my love of the past and my appreciation of modern gadgets. I long for the warm summer days when I can sit on a sun longer in my garden when I surf the internet. It is snowing here today so being outside is not so welcome. So as much as these genius's of Anime had a very valid point, I for one will not let it encroach on my natural surroundings.

I am currently working out how to get all the MLP series on my computer - it will take time but what is fantastic is that it is possible.



Next week on the world of wierd -

Great Expectations, Lickety Spilt and HeartThrob.

The fact is that there are very few character types in the whole of the history of literature. Comedia De' l Arte or some such thing - research.

For further contemplation - do the little ponies really have comparative characters in classic literature. Is Pip like LicketySplit? Which character is most like Eustacia and Estella. Truly? HeartThrob?

I have already mentioned that Magesty could be Big Brother, but if we delve a little further back to Hardy, could we perhaps draw links between books such as The Mayor Of Casterbridge and the downfall of Hydia in MLP the movie. Possibly not, but where there is a will there is a way. Oedepus perhaps?

Someone help. Magesty does use some form of oracle - and I suppose to be really honest was not the first winged beast of equine appearance Pegasus himself? Tamed at the hands of Perseus. Shall we then equate Megan to said Perseus and Firefly to Peagasus? Surely the smooze conjured by the witches is reminiscent of the power of The Gorgon, Medusa, and the gaze that turned all it fell upon to stone. (Hmm, Narnia ref. - C.S. Lewis borrows yet again from Greek Myth, not a complaint though). Perhaps Katrina is some form of Egyptian Godess.

Well until I've brushed up on my Euripedes and co. Goodnight and ponderous dreams.



PS My love is away again (Frankfurt this time) and I have momentarily forgotten how to function like a human being. I am once again perplexed and floundering in a sea of strange.

Flume - Medusa's blood? The Ancient Greeks sure knew how to spin a good yarn (I absolutly adore - wearing a tissue box on my head instead of a hat - no - old fashioned sayings that eludue to something whilest having no relevance to what is being said.)

Tiny is my Tortoise.

Prizes to anyone who actually has an idea of what I am talking about. (Answers on a postcard please)

I wonder if Tiny, like the Great A Tuin has infact got 4 tiny Elephants on his back supporting a world flat as a pancake.

Follow the trail breadcrumbs and you may end up finding my train of thought. Or you may end up at a gingerbread house and be fattened for eating by a witch, but that truly is another story.

So for now I will go and contemplate the delights of living in a hotel where one can catch up on sleep in a room full of matresses, then terrorise the elevator attendant for a while, just for fun.



Just 3 minutes of phonecall and my world is restored. I cannot explain what true happiness is - but I think I've glimpsed it, if even only for a moment. It was when I first heard that he had arrived safely, and that the dream of my future can continue another day.



Dude, you rock.


Found out that my mom is very sick and we are moving house this week and I have a new job so I've been very busy. I appreciate the up-beat comments as they restore my faith in the opinions of others. I have been downloading MLP films and episodes I had not yet seen. Perhaps I'm just getting too old to aptreciate them but I did get the feeling that they were not as good as the ones I used to watch. The little ponies seem just too sweet and too perfect for my liking. Can't remember the name of it but one I have is about the first tooth ponies were singing meanly about the new born twins and how dreadful it was not to be the centre of attention, and in comparison I watched "A Very Minty Christmas" and I thought they were sickeningly nice to eachother. No one is happy all the time, even ponies make errors of judgement, suffer resentment and have hissy fit's about nothing in particular. Bring back the good ol' days, so to speak.

Really I guess I'm going against my initial arguement, but that truly is my nature. I was under the impression that the motivation behind the films were just a little questionable, but now I propose that this was in fact a not so subtle way to appeal to all ages, providing longevity, and allowing the stories to evolve in the minds of its audience, but I found very little of lasting interest in the above mentioned film featuring the G3 ponies. We need to revive our children, to give them a little more scope in their most formative years. It did interest me though how similar the chatacters were to their eighties counterparts. Minty = Fizzy. Thistle Whistle = Whind Whistler. Sky Wishes = Galaxy. And so on. I'm not imlplying that I didn't get some joy from adding to my MLP video library but it has inspired me to think about creating an alternative version of Pony Land. Not perhaps as extreme as a Pulp Fiction style story but something with a little grit, a bitter twist and some real emotions not just glowing cuddles and butterfly dancing. If you feel so inclined then do post some suggestions. I'm thinking along the lines of swamps, wiggly worms, dragonflies and a missing historical pony a quest to find what ever happened, bats and gloomy caves, plants that grow quickly and change the landscape so that the
little ponies have trouble finding the way irritating unhelpful pixies and some kind of Gandalf character in the form of an apperition, turning up to aid the ponies when things get just a little too tough to cope with. And a tragedy. Not perhaps to question mortalitity but to emphasise real political issues, like a mutiny and an otracised pony who can redeem themselves. Well I'll spend some time thinking.



Very entertained by your monologues. :) Long live little ponies!


On the ever eluding question, Life The Universe and Everything . . .

I have been assigned a number at my work - it is 042. If this means nothing to you then please ignore - I am not a particularly supersticious individual,l except recently I have been suffering mild paranoia and I have been known to both believe in and dis-believe in fate. Is dis-believe actually allowed as a word? Not sure. So I guess what I'm wondering is does the meaning of life boil down to complete random confluence or can we attribute it to synchronicity (I wont even try to spell that one right) or for the sake of a simpler word to spell - fate. Is the meaning of life toil at a *cr appy* job till my fingers are tattered because I have to remove security tags from clothes so that thieving little scummy cows (think skank if you are stateside and don't follow my anglo rant words) have to work that bit harder to pilfer from my store but still get away with it because life rewards those who take - back to point - the meaning of life is always where you least expect to find it. At the bottom of the sh!t-heap.

The stange thing I have recently realised about myself is that I spent nearly all my life to date trying to find the answer to a question - or at least believing that there was no true answer to it. It is perhaps the least profound question of all, but in my defence profundity is measured not by the question sought or answered (at least not in all cases) but more likely from the interpretation of the answer or the motivation behind attemptin to answer said question. Still with me? Possibly not so I will ramble for a second to let all that sink in and also allow myself to rejoin the track from which I strayed - The question in - well - question (I had to, it was too tempting to let go of, much like the thread you know will unravel the entire jumper if you tug, but yet you attempt to snap it clean of for the gamble that if you were able to avoid complete destruction of said garment there would be a satisfaction of the magnitute that not even sex could compare to so is well worth the price of failure) - Here I am rather deviating from the point to illustrate my frustration over the years of not being able to find what later turned out to be a rather uninteresting and disappointingly obvious answer to a question of similarly uninteresting content. Why I hear you cry would you ever want to know the answer to a question that in the deepest and most sane parts of your mind you really have no true desire to know the answer to? Appologies yet again, not for the procrastination, worth it purely for the excuse to use such a fantastic word - it has all of the most appropriate syllables in it, great to say with real enthusiasm - a wonderful exersize for the face muscles - but for the hideous use of long words spelled entirely wronly.

Perhaps I am forcing the issue a little - I will now endeavour to make my ever illusive point a little sharper.

Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk?

I first heard this riddle at the age of 2 or 3 when watching The Last Unicorn. I later realised (once I could read - a year or two later!) That this was infact an homage (?) to Alices Adventures In Wonderland. I was not really interested to find out the answer it was just one of those things, like a recurring dream that ocasionally popped into my head I asked one or two of my elders but was given the brush off with things like oh thats a classsic that one - but they were in evading my question, masking their own ignorance of the answer. So I assumed that it was infact unanswerable. I only recently found myself at the computer when the question yet again popped into my mind unbidden and I Googled it. Lazy yes but as an unemployed person I found I had time to look up anything I pleased. I found the answer and due to the nature of my point I will say with little passion and complete lack of attention to detail that the answer to The Riddle of my life was something to do with being full of inky quills.

I felt that strange feeling that you get when you are just falling asleep but actually think you are physically falling so jerk involuntarily, but are infact sharing the bed with someone and the are awake and you have just answered them when they asked you if you were still awake but really you were telling a little white lie and you were actually not really awake anymore, but the sudden movement woke you up enough to feel really stupid, but then realise that the person you are sharing the bed with is the love of your life and little things like jerking awake is nothing to feel silly about. A sort of feeling that cancels itself out before you have had enough time to really feel it.

If anyone out there has the least idea of what I am getting at then if I next explain that this is all totally conected to 042. Life is a really big joke and the puchline is one much like one out of a cheap christmas cracker (another English tradition that you may not have over seas - small gift wrapped in a cardboard cylander that is pulled between two individuals then snaps in half while making a bang at the table on christmas day, notorious for silly paper crowns and terribly bad jokes that are assesed in merit for the volume of groan generated - perhaps the worst of all nouvelle-traditionelle past times invented to generate an entirly new business opportunity for the producers of crappy jewellery and naff plastic gadgets and toys)

Yet again I draw the conclusion with the deftness of a donkey in rollerskates attempting an post modern dance expressing the beauty of a blooming daffodil, that the journey should be an amble, a meandering stroll that takes the long route past as many possible sights some of which may be gazed from afar and some of which can be paused at and explored, for the end of the tour will resemble the remnants of the trip, baggage to carry too many leaflets stuffed in carrier bags for all the sights and attractions you didn't leave time to visit and empty packaging from the tasty picnic that you were unable to find a bin to dispose it into and the photo's will take at least two weeks to develop and you lost the roll - damn, there the metaphor ends - the whole world it seems has digital cameras - actually I guess it truly is more apt - the life you had flashes before your eyes much like a digital slideshow of all the photos you ever took including the ones you said you would delete later because you have a 1G card and can take as many as you like, but when you go to delete them you actually spend more time looking at the crap ones than the good ones because the delete button is so slow.

Enjoy the rambling because the beauty of a story is in the choice of language to describe the scene, the characters and the events, the end of a book is in many ways the saddest event of all. Never again can it be experienced for the first time. The answer to it all is rarely as interesting as the path to its discovery, what is more memorable The Yellow Brick Road or the scene in bed where she said . . . and you were there . . . and it was all a dream.


x x Esk x x


Well I almost wrote a monologue about all the food I love to eat, however it looked like a vegetarians shopping list and I decided against it. I love to eat meat - but it has to be really good, like smoked streaky bacon or parma ham or an itallian saussage . I stopped the last one because I began getting hungry. It is now nearly 2am here and I should stop thinking about food.

Life is way too short not to love food. Some people might argue that we spend far too much of our lives obsessing about food, either about eating and creating it or about how to get away without eating it because it makes us fat. I love food. I love healthy food, seeds museli yoghurt and the like but also I adore the taste of fatty meat and chocolate, not together, mind you ill try anything once. Moderation.

I dont think I could ever knowingly eat horse though. I ate goat once and I sat next to a goat at the time - he wanted some, but goats will eat anything. I love goats. I would love a pet one. I've tried frog, snails, eels, shellfish and seafood (not a big fan though).

I live now in a house with cows in the field by my garden. All day they eat nothing but grass. How dull must that be?

Smoke it dont eat it. Not that I would ever condone such an activity. It causes severe paranoia, and used by people in an inappropriate way can give them delusions of higher intellect and an unfounded sense of self importance. But I have had what charmingly got called a chocolate puffin. I was so stoned I felt glued to the floor and couldn't move.

On a compleetly different note, in fact the tune and the enire genre is different but deeply linked in my mind through memories of odd experiences, I fell in love again today. I do nearly every day, but today more than ever before, because no matter how crap I feel and no matter how much I feel the need to cry and shout and scream, which is often, but less than before, no matter how much I think I could hate my boyfriend I end up feeling so happy that I am crying about how bad I feel because of him instead of my ex. True love is next to impossible to explain but it does feel a bit like being hit by a train or knowing you are about to be. What hurts the most is knowing that if there comes a time when we are no longer together then I will cease to exist as me, he validates me, knows me, not that others havent, but he knows me the way I am inside, i imagine us looking out of my eyes not me alone. We could spend all day in silence but still I feel like he shared all my thoughts.

For so long I was telling myself just one day with him was worth a lifetime of nothingness, but now I have crossed the line. I could not walk away from this man and survive.

So ponies??? No nothing except perhaps thoughts of SLUGGER and BUTTONS, adieu.



The time has come the walrus said, to speak of other things. Of toys and ships and sealing wax and cabages and kings.

I have been diverted by rather illusive unicorns on another board and have neglected my editorial for some time. I have very little to report beside the fact that I have not as yet perished from bird flu, which due to my periodic episodes of paranoia seemed very likely. My cat that was fat and became skinny and sickly has also ceased to use up what I now believe to be his 23rd life - bollocks to them only getting 9 - and started putting weight back on. But my mother is fairly ill so that is as far as we will discuss that point.

I have returned from a short trip to Prague, it was lovely, gothic cathedrals with gargoyles jutting out, true fairy tale palaces with moats and beautiful gardens and much beer. That sums it up it not eloquently, rather neatly. I came back to work and was promoted to the heady heights of a senior sales assistant only to realise that not only do I lose my saturday but I now have to be a little more responsible. Grr. I am waiting for the day that I actually earn money for doing something that I love.

The problem I have with working is not that I am lazy, but that I hate my job and I feel that life is passing through my fingertips faster than I ever thought possible for a girl of my age. Twenty seemed so far away when I was a teenager, now I realise that 30 is looming ever closer. The one thing that I will forgive is that time, no matter how fleeting is consistent and utterly predictable. A minute will always take the same amount of time no matter how much you stare at the clock. It is how you set about perceiving that time that counts. What I have trouble with is that I think I can actually see time. Like a layer of dead skin shed each day, I am sure it has that brittle greyish quality like that of a snake - it is remenicent of the beautiful animal that once inhabited it but leaves only a ghostly impression of what passed through.

I have no idea if I am morbidly depressed or coping very well all things considered. Some people assume that depression is a very dark place and tortured souls exhibit their trauma through drawing scenes of death and horror. I fear that true depression is far more subtle than that. It is manifested rarely as an outward display of sadness, but kept insde tightly and close where it cant be retrieved for fear of loosing part of oneself. A depression lurks, it is not, in my opinion, a brash and bold entity that must be seen to be heard. Darkness of the soul needs no makeup to advertise it and heavy hearts need no scars as proof of pain. Apathy is the most utterly depressing state to be in. And because it's late and I can't be bothered (you see what I did there???) I will close by saying that though I have had my fair share and then some of bad circumstances they didn't make me go crazy just yet. And even if they did I'd be the last to know so it wouldn't matter anyway.



I am waiting. It is perpetual solitude and unending procrastination of life, whilest watching the weeks seep away. When they chose to dipict life as sand through an egg timer they could have picked no metaphor more apt. It is all just sand. Unimaginable quantities of utter sameness. Perhaps the odd occurance of interest, a worn shell or a decorative pebble, but on the whole it is all just sand and more likely than finding anything of beauty or intregue, one tends to come across a cactus that has spines the lenghth of a kebab skewer.

When I get stressed my whole body aches to excrete in poisoned words the extent of my pain. I wish to sream to smash to stain and to spoil all that I can see. I seethe, my veins burst with anger and all I can do to ease my fury without total destruction of all within my reach is to cry. Does anyone have any idea how it feels to be trapped. Tied into a groundhog day of ones own making. My fear of change has chained me into a hell of utter isolation from the very world I have dreamed of joining for as long as I can remember. I have been denying my depression for so long now I had almost forgotten that I was or that I probably ought to be (depressed that is). I have a santa sized sack full of painful memories and whenever I get upset I put another one into it. I cant help but take a peak when I stuff it in with all the rest and then I remember what I keep in there. Every time I cry, I cry for all of it. I do not escape it or deposit it. I am by nature a hoarder. I do not let it go because I do not like to do cliche's without really good cause. I find very little point in councelling because I do not see what it is that can be achieved by organizing pain. It is a fluid emotion, confining it and defining it only turns it into something, let it roam of its own accord, the longer something has to wander freely without direction, the more likely it is to get lost. It might disperse, become disorientated and parted from the rest of it, and then be picked off one by one until the end of the horror film. There is too much solidarity and strength in numbers in many cases, in others too many cooks spoil the broth either way I will win in the end because I want to, and really that is all it takes and I need no one to tell me that, I just want to be miserable about it all once and a while.

In case anyone reads this I had what you might call a reasonably good day at work, which is why were I to have scuicidal tendancies I would have od'd on paracetemol by now. Misery aside, my life is so mundane and yet so finely balanced on the verge of utter destruction and neverending mediocrity that I can hardly bring myself to keep breathing. I am pissed off and I am tired and I am increasingly aware that the only way to motivate myself is to picture the absolute most bleak future. I will attain, I will consume, I will contribute to the destruction and corruption of the world, because I have tasted the life that rebels from conformity and it breeds feelings of apathy and in the end the ony way to fight the system is to destroy is from a position of knowlege, sever the nerves with the sharpest knife. Silent screams are never heard.

DO NOT WATCH BIG BROTHER - you are he who you fear

think thoughts for youself before you forget how to - fight the media driven universe that supplies the words we should speak about the fake world we are encouraged to watch - do not be a statistic, do not fit a media mould. Defy expectation but do not fall into the trap of being convetionally individualistic.

There is no way to win. 42.

Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer.

Why My Little Ponies? I hear you cry.

Why not.

Carebears, too obvious, not enough scope really. They were a bit dumb really, and far too politically ignorant of how life really is. As much as Marxist ideals may appear to be, well, ideal, Ponies undersood that for a real world to exist there had to be flaws in the system. Flaws make for improvement, perfection stagnates and fails to progress. Thinking becomes lost when there is nothing left to think about.



You see, the words of things sometimes become muddled to the mind that has yet to decipher the true meaning of things. The skilled writer of literature that can last throughout life, from both childhood to the dying eyes of a ninety year-old is one that develops layers of new meaning with each reading.

Carroll was a genius.

I did for so many years, although not particularly inspired by the ramblings of a portly walrus, but more the harmonious warnings of Peter paul and Mary, belive that their was a rare form of wax used either for polishing ceilings or oozed out of the floorboards of the upstairs rooms and collected above my head on the ceiling. For some reason people thought it mighty important stuff and wrote about it then made up songs with it in. Later on in my childhood, whilest watching the charmingly animated stop motion BBC versions of the Wind In The Willows, I learned about a similary peculiar substance, elbow grease, but wise beyond my years I decided I would ask what it was rather than be left in the dark. So the concept of euphamisms (SP?) was known to me and I began to devise possible meanings for the term, ceiling wax. Was it a sarcastic term for someone who was completly misguided or inept? One who felt the need to wax ceilings.

Not long later I went to a museum and saw the Magna Carta hung on the wall. There was a large red blob at the bottom impressed (no****) with the Kings seal. ****My point here is to illustrate by the use of a pun, that words that sound the same often have very different meanings. Is it any wonder that people speak at crossed purposes. Not to mention how a young mind can be so misled by simply having a poor ability to spell.


Beware the Jabberwok my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that scratch, beware the jub jub bird and shun the frumious banderrsnatch.

Now tell me that my mind works in strange ways.

I like the Jub Jub bird. Seriously though, how could you not. It is such a short bouncy sort of name. He looks a bit like a puffin or a penguin to my mind. . . Perhaps that is why we are reminded to beware him. Do not take for granted that something that sounds harmless, charming even, is going to be. It my end up having sharp teeth, or a tendancy towards drawing a kife when your back is turned. I still like him though. And when did Alice ever take advice, even her own.

I think that words such as frumious and vorpal ought to have made part the dictionary by now. I have yet to check, but I'm guessing they aren't. Frumious sounds dragon like to me. Sort of hoarding and greedy, festering and miserly. Vorpal is evidently trusty and strong, sharp and lots of other positve sounding things. I think there is not enough enjoyment of language anymore. People are seemingly more content to speak as commonly as they can (well in sa-af lund'n en-e-ways, south london anyway). I spend so many days listening to the not so dulcet tones of a stunningly attractive girl whou is charming but sounds appalling. She accentuates it when speaking with customers. She drops consonants (SP?) as though they were breadcumbs and she were Gretal, and inflates her vowels until they are fit to burst. Not that I am a snob, but I do air on the side of a little too well spoken whenever I feel I can get away withi it. It commands a little more respect and I feel like such a fraud when dumbing down the language. It just sounds so much less unpleasant.

. . . On seccond thoughts though I guess he must be more like an ostrich or a secretary bird. Tall and odd looking, and utterly fiercesome (now really I am bad at spelling but this is a tough one - i went with the 'ierces' combination but toyed with 'iers' and 'iercs' 'iers' before taking the final decision) (Well I decided at an early age that as long as what I was saying was understood by the reader then what difference did it make, I then realised that noone (I know that is right because I learned it) noone understands me fully anyway, so spelling was the least of my worries - I like to appologise for it with long winded and utterly pointles explanations though!)



So where, I hear you all cry, were you going with that one? Well, nowhere perhaps, but more likely to the point that must inevitably end back somewhere close to the MLP theme. I just thought I would break my way in slowly at first the barge on in with a bold sweeping statement with only a smidgeon of evidence.


Well I am as you may either know by now, or have guessed by my less than ditsy turns of phrase, a brunette. I like to think of it a ocasionally hinting at copper or highly polished brass flecks in an altogether unimaginative heap of dishwater, or mousy, brown. I do not have what you might class as a lot of fun but then I dont seek it so I remain un-peturbed.

I refer of course to our young adventuring female friends, Alice, Megan, and Molly. Dorothy was chestnut brown but for the sake of this article we will choose to forget her - at least for the moment.

I am interested in the study of the origins of stories and the influnces that "inspire" authors ahem 'Rowling' ahem. I put forth the theory that Hasbro were infact more than just a little inspired by Carroll and his fantastic imagination. Did Alice not have encounters with flowers taller than she, that ended up being rather unpleasant - (The sunflowers, and the flume) . Did she not have advice from a he who dwelt amongst the mushrooms. Rabbits (need I say more). Tweedle Dumb and Dee were not dissimilar to the witches. And Naturally Hydia resembled the wicked Queen of Hearts. Chess. Not saying that it was all copied but - DID I MENTION THE GAME OF GIANT CHESS. ahem. plagerism. ahem. Rowling.

Not that there is anything entirely wrong with using a great story to influence your writing especially when put together in an imaginative way. Giant Spiders. Boarding School For Witches. Invisibility.Evil Potions Teacher. A Broomstick that goes a bit kooky after a curse has been put on it. It Breaks. Broomstick flying Lessons. A rather anoying mean-just-for-the-sake-of-it baddy who has an important family connection to the school. A big event for Halloween.

Has anyone watched or read The Worst Witch - ANYONE?????????? She was Dorothy the 2nd. She also was a witch in The Craft. Slightly scarier though and loads of those childhood issues must have caught up with her 'cause she was mean.

Perhaps I was a little sidetracked there.

Dumbledore is some sort of insect thingy in the Tolkien Bestieary. GIANT SPIDERS. IN A FORREST. THERE AND BACK AGAIN???????

Where was I. Blondes. Nah it wasn't going anywhere anyway but I tried to keep to a pony theme. Were the Flutter Poniess a little like Tolkiens Elves perhaps. Illusive and on a higher plane of existence? Legolas was blonde in the film. Having said that have you seen those talented yet freaky eBay people who make themed MLP's. There was a whole LOTR set. Legolas was actually quite pretty, but the Gandalf had a full on beard and was painted gray. It was the best thing I have ever seen.



Am I old or am I young?
Am I thin or fat or none
of the above, perhaps
it would be more apt
not to analyse appearance
but to consider for instance
which pony do I most resemble
and if I were one, would I have to live in a stable?

moving swiftly on

I am tired, I have to work tomorrow. It is a Saturday and the whole idea fills me with dread.

On the whole I don't really hate my job. It is fine and most of the people who I work with have no idea of exactly who I am. I am really quite secretive about myself. I am great at finding out about others and giving away very little. I save my strangeness, and honesty, for here. Not that this a particularly private way of divulging the real (or at least most of), me, but it has the benefit of not being read by many. Perhaps you stumble across this and may even read some of it. But in general it is so that one day should I accidentally, or perhaps on purpose, be dead, then some part of my thoughts will still remain in the ether. My dead friend has a small message online that I read now and again. It feels kind of reassuring to know it is there. I am somewhat more selfindulgent and waste acres of space doing this, but what the hell, people who think that they are odd need to know that there are lots of others out there and in actual fact more people are odd than not so up yours to the rest of you - we are normal.

I'm sick of people telling me that I have psycological problems, that I have split personality disorder or that I'm wrong for preferring not to go out clubbing till I can't see straight (Dance and Drink not cave men with wooden impliments). I like to sit alone in a room with the curtains closed all day. I like to watch a full season of stargate in one sitting. I enjoy spending all weekend in bed with my boyfriend but doing nothing (much) more than trying out new combinations of nutella with bourbon or custard cream biscuits adding peanut butter just to be exciting (and I didn't take ofence at being likened to John and Yoko even though it was said in spite). I wan't to play Ring Of Fire on the guitar while Capricorn and I sing in our best June and Johnny impersonations. But I also want to spend all night with a close group of friends getting steadily more enebriated with every glass of red wine I consume untill it's two days later and the party is over. All in all I think I am the most utterrly happy depressed person that I know.

I think the fact that I am actually being granted two whole days off in a row has given me a bit of a boost. This is Esk in a good mood. This is Esk actually on the cusp of inner peace and acceptance. This is not Esk. This is a carefully chosen outward embodiment of some parts of she who decides here to be known as Esk. Me, myself and I have many more perhaps less paletable facets. I own fur - not just my cats I might add. Not particularly because I want to, but there lies another topic of conversation. I have birds feet in my jewellery box. I have a pair of antlers protuding from behind my television. I am technically quite an evil sort of person.

I'd still have to choose Fizzy, even after all that. If for no other reason than she was the best pony. She had the coolest hair, the prettiest eyes and colouring IT HAS A U IN IT!!!!!!! (says she who can't spell for sh i t ) and I love love love love loooovvvvveeee milkshakes. or are they rootbeer floats? anyway I am a total bubble head. I talk to much - did you notice - and I realy liked locket and blueberry baskets but they were shy pose pegasus and unicorns are more, well, me. Kind of nice most of the time but bearer of a lethal weapon. Wings are too fluffy and I am afraid of heights.

I bought the coolest dress yesterday which is fizzy coloured or perhaps a bit more like wiggles the new born one - aqua greeny blue - anyway it looks so pretty from a distance but up close it has skeletons and dragons on it. Sooooo me.


My house is an island, in a green sea. It floats amongs the debris of an idylic paradise that was destroyed in fury by God with displeasure at being proved wrong in a game of chance so ironicly has intalled at least two flagship churches that battle eachother across the murky waters with guitars and folk religious singing that echoes in what is now a plasticised perfect place. The people sing the cows low and the cats wail, but then they generally do just to get attention. And I sit in an inverted fishbowl. Looking out at all the silly fish. Encased and perfectly safe. But it is a little too prim and a little to neat for my liking. I want the paint to peel and the ivy to grow I want webs to appear and closeted skeletons to show. I want floorboards to creak an pipes to leak and creveses out of which little beetles might peep. I need the windows to rattle and rooftiles to fall until at last I can rest peacefull. I want to find my home again. I want to be secluded and removed from the trappings of decent village life and return to my forrest and live in my cave. I miss my quiet place. I want to find the magic that surrounds forgotten places. That is what is missing from me now. I want to really find a place I can be alone. I miss the trees that aren't manicured and the uneven ground, I miss the smell of damp leaves and most of all I miss the me I was when I was there. So happy and aware, or perhaps despratly meloncholy but blisfully ignorant to the fact. Either way, there was space for my thoughts to roam. They could become tangled in the branches and dappled by the sun and return more relaxed. I could hear only the deafening squaks of various members of the crow family and disturbingly pacifistic warblings of woodpidgeons. I miss my world. I will go for a walk next week through the fields and the trees I will wander till my toes are touching the ground that they need. I shall bath in the stagnant air that fills my secret festering building and once again see how nature conqures all and remember that all it needs to restore the natural order is time. Trees are patient. The can live hundreds of years. They will dislodge the concrete and reclaim the earth. Adieu.



i am not here.
i live in a castle with no roof. it is surrounded by fog that hugs the moat infested with aligators. but do not rescue me i am where i belong. you may stay for a while but truly i can never leave or i shall fade. like a tortoise i bring it with me wherever my wanderings lead me.

broken walls make doorways to pastures new


I decided not to go to work today. I called in sick. I think I have a valid excuse. My head went a wandering and it was too difficult to bring it back this morning. I am better now mostly but there is a bit of me that needs to be selfish today. I need to go to my happy place or I won't survive. Capricorn is going away again for two weeks - it's that time again kids. So to prepare before he leaves on his merry little road trip I need to re centre myself. To be where I belong when we are appart. So I will not wait till the weekend. I will go today, I said it would be trip to the doctors, but I do my own healing and that is where I need to be to do it. I also want to spend the day with my mother. So two fingers up to the retail fashion industry, we are going for a walk in the woods to fix our heads.

derelict is another word for nirvarna in my opinion

I will look at my boxes of ponies too. I hide them in the secret crumbling building next to the woods. They are only very small as woods go. It really is just a great overgrown garden. But I share it with badgers and foxes and rabbits and birds. No people go there. Just me. Oh, and the ponies too. I wrapped them individually in plastic bags, I should let them breathe a little, perhaps give them a bit of a run. I miss having them in my house. My room is too small.


Have you seen the MLP episode 'The End of Flutter Valley'? You oughta write a monolouge about the Flutter Ponies' Sunstone!


Yes I recently saw this and was able to find it online to download. Modern technology astounds me. I only saw it once though, so as yet have found it difficult to write anything, cause my head is a seive and my memory is water. I have been left alone again for 2 weeks, only 4 days in and I am going crazy. I wish I could think about ponies but all that is on my mind is how stupid and irritating it is to be alive. I cannot believe that there is no greater purpose for me in life than tending to bitchy customers and lazy staff in a retail establishment. I have fire and I want to burn with it, my fingers itch to create to invent and to write. My world is so desparate for an injection of good luck. I am sure it comes in the form of that seuss' blue goo that can be chewed. A thick and pleasurable substance that can be ingested. Not a fu uck ing car wreck. No kiddidng, they really do mean that cra p about the seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror. I am screwed I broken one nearly every year. That is bad luck in itself but really?!>,./;>? How much more can the proverbial "they" expect me to take. Car accidents after Illness after loosing my home after death after death after illness after an horrific collection of childhood experiences. And yet I still am standing and moderatly bemused, if terribly lonely. I miss him. I have learned to cope knowing when I fall appart he will piece me back together with a single smile.

The only thing I can say with reference to the little ponies and their sunstone is this . . . as nice as it may be to have a perfect glittering world with sumptuous flowers and gleaming green leaves there is nothing quite as calming as a world that is slowly crumbling and grey. Where nettles and thistles prevail and only the fickle rose survives of all the pretty flowers. They have a beauty that bites. Enjoy dessolate places for they are briming with that magical essence of potential, things of perfection require no thought, no excitement can be gained, in my mind, from soething that is complete. Think of life, once over, what more can be done with it, by defenition it has served all of its purpose. For this very reason I love photoshop, and image may be perfect but I need to adjust and experiment with it.



The undiscovered and the continuously unpredictable aspect of humanity asounds me. I am an ever learning entity and I enjoy being proved wrong. For years I have been convinced that I imagined my youth, that the wondorously optimistic teenage male was infact to be a figment and an ideal, but there they all still are. Joyfully unaware or blissfully sauntering through their lives cocky but charismatic and full of unbound energy. They love music and talking and imbibing, and I find myself once again amused by their realness. I segregate myself and try not to take part but get once and a while cajoled into social interaction with my peers (well almost). I spent a sedate evening sat around a kitchen table, laughing, believe it or not, chatting and nibbling malt loaf.

I spend so much time locked into my head that I need regular reminders that sometimes people are pleasant to be around. I enjoy that some people present an image to the world but underneath are so very diffferent to those that they resemble. Thumbs up to the world all hope is not lost, the youth of today are still possible to talk to and even if we all demise in an apocolyptic nuclear war as so often is my fear, I have to say that for the most part, people were ok. We have laid devistatoion upon the earth, but quite alot of us were nice and I have had a pretty damned good time so far.

What pleases me most is that cliches are not always true. Platonic frienship is possible across genders, not all conversations between men an women have to be flirtatious. Sometimes love is so strong that the fear of infidelity is minute and bonds can be formed with others that never jepordise sp? a healthy ?an healthy? relationship.

All mimsy were the borogoves . . .


I am too tired to thoroughly express the way that I am feeling. I hate my boss, finally I can claim to be part of the workforce, I am pi ss ed off overworked and for fear of sounding even more cliche'd I will forego mentioning how unimpressive my salary is. (well I didn't but attempted a re-phrase to avoid monotony). My point is that I am releasing the clutch and my accelerator is revving, I will meditate and store the fury, and convert it to energy to catapult me out of this TEMPORARY hell I am in. It is not even that bad the sttress is there but I can cope, I just don't belong there.

A little girl no older than 10 addmited to me in the store that she felt suicidal. This was over a month ago. Her mother shops there frequently and came in twice today. I always talk to the little girl and do my best to make her feel better. She hugged me today. I adore kids. But being a nanny is not well enough paid. I have thought about teaching permenantly, but feel I am too young. Either way I hate my life the way it is.

I was called the pied piper at work by one of my managers. Kids do tend to follow me around, it is not that I am particularly interesting, but the key with most of them is to be interested in them. I want to influence young people and particularly, I want to prevent unneccessary (bit dubious on that one but let it slide) trauma in teenage life. I was miserable and felt that no one ever understood me, too many kids have the potential to succumb to bullying and have low self image, there must be ways of combatting this, but for now I will do my best whilest working in a cr app y job in a suburban town. I cant wait to move into the city. I miss the smell of the Kings Road, and the anonimity afforded by such large crowds of people. Having said that once I walked past a boy I had been at school with ten years previously and even though we were adults there was recognition and a feeling of belonging.

Childhood was a difficult time for me, but I have such a vivid memory of my youth that I want to connect with children, help them not feel isolated. That is mainly (sorry but pardon the pun) why I love MLP's. They were my joy as a child, my escape. I could control their world and dictate how they would live and I lived happpily through them. I had few very close friends - it was easier to keep people at a distance, there is never any fear of a toy breaking your trust. I had other toys of course, but none had quite the same ability to provide an alternate world for me. I did read, but stories have an inevitable habit of reaching an end. A game with ponies can be altered at will, ends exacly how you desire it to, if ever, and is far more colourful than text ever is.

notes from the other places in my head . . .

The telephone rings
My heart knows that it's for me
He is always there


There is no thanks in the retail trade
just long hours, sore feet and the minimum wage

There was a man of height unknown, who wandered aimelesly to Rome, he knew not why or what his aim, but never forgot from whence he came. The Architecture did please him, but the religion it uneased him and so decided never to go there again.

There was an elf with golden hair, who found a sword and a certain flair for starring in films far better than he. Though his face was fair, and smile quite charming, he would have been better suited to farming.

I lost that certain verve, I left it on the train, between west london and the bungalow on a little country lane.

Floescally slupped a porchant, crinting as he shrove and werping bore he yonder to the gorping dorser hove.

Sometimes a thought is better uttered in a verse of rhyme, and sometimes it is better drowned in a glass of wine. But there comes a time when feelings of pain are best camouflaged by the ravings of the insane. So dear friend I summed it up with words of nonsense and silliness, how it is you made us weep, adieu mon amie, cest la vie et bonne nuit.

