MovieChat Forums > My Little Pony: The Movie (1986) Discussion > The Dark Side Of Pony Land (not for kids...

The Dark Side Of Pony Land (not for kids)

What are they on?

So when things get bad these candy coloured ponies all head for a Mushrump. Now what kind of a message does that send out to children. I'm sure that the ponies problems began well before the film was made, with a simple kidnapping and ended with the poor little creatures morphing into giant dragons to pull an apocolyptic carriage of eternal darkness. I think that Mr. Muchick has much to answer for. He has so warped the minds of our little friends that they have paranoic hallucinations of 'ugly purple stuff' (yes I know IT's SMOOOOOOOZE) coming to engulf their world, and only by getting high with the flutter ponies can we defeat it. The rainbow sure failed. Not to mention giant spiders (read Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit to find out more but even dear little Frodo was on the pipe weed when he began his 'adventure'). What message were we given as children. Dabble with it, this is how wierd it gets, but it all works out in the end.

I think we should be most wary of the Wabbit though. He says nothing at all but seems to be all knowing, wize and powerful, not to mention his ability to fly with his ears. He is no white rabbit, but I believe he is some sort of Deity. ( but then what did The White Rabbit ever accomplish?) Perhaps he is infact the instigator of all that happens in Pony Land. After all when he puts pen to paper it becomes one of the most, well pink houses ever known. He can do anything he is . . . enough about Habbit.

Does anyone else believe that childrens minds are being corrupted (or educated depending on which side of the Mushroom you stand) by the literature and visual imagery that they are (or were) encouraged to read or watch?

Not to mention all of their symbols . . .

edit . . . I have spent too much time in the mushrump myself and begun talking to myself. So many of the other message boards are full of people with theories about films but I have yet to find one person here. I like it here on my own I can say what I like without the fear of anyone reading it!! I do in actual fact love ponies. My secret sin is collecting them. I think if I had to pick I'd be Fizzy. Not that I resemble her. I'm not green and my eyes dont sparkle (unless you count eyeshadow) and I dont have a horn. THE horn maybe. But I am a bubble head at times.

I think I will set up my own secret society that you can only join if you can be as weird or stranger than me. I am patient so dont expect any recruits any time soon! Meetings will be held here once a decade and you must choose your pony id. We (or I ) will be discussing topics from religion and politics to the influence of drugs on film makers and what happens when a black hole fills up. It might also be interesting if I discussed with myself the merits of annonymously looking stupid and wasting hours of my pointless life reading messages on the imdb.


It does appear that this job also really sucks - I am beginning to suspect what I am sure deep down I have known all along . . . I am in fact far better suited to a life of luxury. I have been in a position for the past few weeks where I can (In the eyes of one who I work for) do nothing well. She thinks of me as incompitant. However my boss has been sticking up for me and finally yesterday after I went out of my way to fix a colleagues mistake from home late in the evening - that she finally said well done. The sense of relief that I have is enormous - but it pisses me off that I have to be beyond perfect and my counterpart is never viewed as a failure.

All that aside it is the weekend and I can truly relax!

One thing that has been perplexing me is this - what colour is the purple people eater?

"It is obvious" I hear you cry - "that question contains the answer you seek!" Not so. In a world that could in fact contain a purple people eater could contain - wait for it - purple people. Is my dilemma now clear. It is purely through ones own experiences that one can answer questions no matter how clear cut they be.

Having recently been perusing wikipedia it appears I am not alone in my concerns.

Why do ideas have themselves in so many different places - is it because they are right? Is it because we are all in fact linked wirelessly to one super server computer - is it because there are only a limited number of ideas and like fashion once someone has had the last one they are endlessly re run until the idea is worn through and frayed at the edges - like the one that the world is flat as a pancake.

Personally I think that ideas repeat themselves readily in unconnected people because there is still some part of them that has yet to inspire creativity. They might be viewed as a living organism - a virus if you will - that needs to be spread from person to person in order to itself evolve. I think that the idea virus is one that lives symbiotically with humans - each assisting in the evolution of the other.

I think it is too early in the morning for this sort of thought and it can go ahead and have itself without my help.

x x x Esk x x x



You are very interesting. :-)


Wow comparing My Little Ponies to 1984, kudos. I couldn't read through all of this but I must say what I did read was entertaining.


Esk has a new job, a new car, a new flat overlooking the river and generally a new outlook on life.

My turnabout in fortune has led me to ponder those beautiful words delightfully set to music, sung by our one and only favorite little blonde in dungarees - there's always another rainbow. Wise words indeed for one so young and obviously under the influence. Now as for that other little blond with a penchant for mushrooms - she lacked the chirpy optimism of her American Cousin. Alice allowed her fear of nonsense get the better of her - she fought the waves of insanity rather than embracing the weird.

But then I guess Megan was becoming a junkie - the numerous visits to her dealer are evidence that the dopes effects were diminishing - she knew she could always get more, there's always another rainbow.

Enough of that. I am digressing - it has been too long since I was here bearing my soul. My job was increasingly depressing and my life felt very pointless money poured in and I felt practically rich for a while. I could afford lavish meals out at mediocre restaurants and buy expensive TV's and replace my wardrobe every month - well the clothes within it anyway! But I was inconsolable - no time to think, no space to be myself, I was surrounded by bitchiness, by people stepping on other people in order to keep from drowning - so then the worlds economy began to shall we say - economize - and I was faced wit a pay off and a month off.

I applied for only one job and now it is mine - it pays less but for the first time in my life I actually look forward to Mondays. I am surrounded by some of the most intelligent humans on the planet. These people are the ones who know all of the secrets of the earth and help others understand how the world we know came into being. My office is on the top floor and could be a Harry Potter set - especially as it is Halloween soon!

Not sure I like this - I am much better at writing morbidly. I am so used to being desolate that I hardly know who I am anymore. Still I could be miserable about mundane things like the fact that I need to loose 1/2 a stone - then I could get depressed about how superficial I have become. No, I can't do it. I am actually quite happy for another reason that just won't be quelled. The monetary systems of the world are collapsing. It may be callous of me but I am so thrilled about this I can hardly contain myself. I love the fact that it is all going wrong. Everything in my life has been so difficult until now, and just as things begin to brighten for me - the whole rest of the world is collapsing around me. I was expecting fight-club style explosions, still - living a stones throw from the financial centre of England the tension in the air is electric.

A few weeks ago I had to push my way through throngs of cameras outside the glass turrets of the canary castle - I was witness to the beginning of the end. Bring it on. The sun rises a little more golden every morning, and I watch it warm the water as I bathe in its autumn glory as I stand on my balcony. It only lasts a few minutes, but I drink it in - this is my time - I am awake. Let the chaos ensue - I'm in it for the ride.



I am loving my not so new job. I have been there for about 4 months now and though it is very busy - I have never been happier at a place of work. Capricorn has a new job - not yet started it - it is more money and still at the same place where he is very happy.

So here in lies the problem - I have no one else to talk to about this because it is still locked away secretly in my own head. I had a panic though that if I died tomorrow and had not put this thought into the world then everything in the world would just carry on as before. I am compelled to acknowledge a few things before I depart from this world. This is by no means a suicide note - I am happy with my life and intend to continue living it but the fact remains I am a Londoner and the chances are I will be hit by a bus or stabbed one day so I need to be prepared for a swift departure.

Here goes. I have no doubt that Capricorn loves me and is planning in his own time to ask the big question - hopefully sooner rather than later - and yes I will say yes if this moment EVER comes! I have no doubt that I too love my Capricorn - he is my world - we fit.

The worst thing is that I am finding myself drawn to someone else - someone who I am struggling not to think about. He is a guy which is where the problem is and he is not gay. If he was I would understand my feelings towards him but I don't know how to be really good friends with a straight man. I mean - this is a guy who is not particularly physically my type but I really really enjoy his company. I want to spend more time with him every time I see him.

Anyway I guess what I am getting at is that I needed to say that I have found someone really special at work and I hope beyond hope that I can get beyond our genders and find a real friend but I am afraid that my humanity is getting in the way - I do not want to not be with my Capricorn - but my cricket is telling me that I should not be thinking so highly and frequently of someone else.

As a neurotic girl you might imagine that this is only a proportion of the crazy in my head. I am feeling as though Puck has been at it with the flowers. The only trouble is which character I am. I fear that in this nights dream the parts of Helena and Hermia are taken by two young ladies at my office which leaves me in the predicament of being Titania - but though of rough bearded face the object of my new found affection is no Ass.

Well puck it is time you gave up your merry game.



The full moon has passed as has my insanity - for a while. I am cured and all is right with the world again. Titania is reconciled with her Oberon. The fickle heart is a misnomer it is the hormones that take over in situation such as these - there are at least three young single men where I work - all of whom are in the prime of their lives - looking for suitable young ladies with whom to mate. The testosterone levels are palpable and this triggers an hormonal response in the opposite sex. I have had the misfortune of being bombarded with all of this on a daily basis.

Besides I have a new boy / work friend and he is one of my all time favorite people - the best thing of all is he doesn't like girls in THAT way, so everything is perfectly easy!

Truth be told - I look at Capricorn every day and think he is devastatingly handsome - the 'in love' feeling may have subsided a little but this is natural when couple move in together. It has taken me seven years to finally be passed the honey-moon period - having said that, love is cyclical - the notorious seven year itch may be a cliche but is nonetheless common. Yesterday I had an epiphany - I am falling for him again - like the first time we really met. I am dreaming of what our future holds - it feels fresh and renewed.



He keeps creeping back into my thoughts - every time I see him I feel as though I am just 16 again. I spent a morning with him utterly sober and it was perfect. Utterly perfect - it is easier now as he has a girlfriend and he knows all about my Capricorn so we managed to enjoy each others company as friends. It is wonderful to feel this happy just to be able to spend time with someone - no complications.

I just have this feeling deep down that we are going to be friends for a very long time and in order not to spoil it we can cut out the bits that always seem to end in tears.

I have never really had any friends before who I can say I truly love or respect in the way that I feel sure will develop with my new work colleagues. For the first time I am utterly content - the feelings deprived of me while working in corporate hell are here in abundance and it is taking me time to understand them.

This is the time of my life x Esk x



So often it is said that it is better to regret something you have done than something you haven't.

If I choose to ignore where my thoughts have been straying, will I die wishing I hadn't?

Fuzzy Bear and I are going for a walk at lunchtime tomorrow, to talk. We have done this a couple of times before and not so much as held hands - but this time for some reason seems different. This time it is to say goodbye for a couple of weeks. This time he asked me to give him a comfort hug since splitting up with the girlfriend.

So confused.

Love is not something that I understand anymore. I fell so completely in love with Capricorn - we had a bond I believed in. I trust him and I still look into his beautiful handsome face and see the man that I loved. It is my heart that has faltered. I did not desire this - I was ready to marry him. I lie awake at night questioning why I cant get Fuzzy Bear out of my mind. I can't stop my heart pounding when I hear his voice or see his face. I am physically weakened, shaken to my knees, when in his presence.

Some might say that I should spend less time around him, but I am drawn to him as though hypnotized - a magnetic force that prevents me from not talking to him if he is there.

I did not ask for this, I do not want anything to jeopardize what future I thought I would share with Capricorn. But I cannot pretend this isn't happening to me - I have no option but to see what happens.

keep reading - just watch as my life slowly falls apart


My Little Ponies:

Baby Lucky Leaf, Baby Lofty, Baby Lemon Drop and Baby Leaper - these four sensationally cute little ponies sit on my shelf as the last remnants of my fading youth. Their eyes stare unfalteringly at me, innocent and questioning. "Why have you stopped playing with me?" is all I can imagine they think.

They are still the same as they always were - They look the same, they behave the same and I shared some happy times with them - but it is me that is different. I remember holding them and combing their hair. I remember the one sided conversations - the pretense of communication. Ultimately though they are what they have always been and I have no more scenarios I can play out - so they continue to sit and stare and I find myself looking less and less at them to forget what delights I can no longer enjoy . . .

Not My Little Ponies:

So Fuzzy went and returned. It was a fortnight of . . . lets say electronic exchanges of sweet sentiments.

Now it is nearly a week since his return. I am swept up in the twister - it is dizzying, thrilling and terrifying. There is path of devastation being carved through the landscape and I cant stop it. I don't want to stop it. I know that the crash will be monumental - but who wouldn't take a trip to Oz given the opportunity?

I give myself very good advice, but very seldom follow it


I have not taken drugs of any (apart from asprin) description for a number of years - but I have been hallucinating at night.

I cannot sleep and I am restless.

I think it is the dreaded swine flu.

I was lying in my bed in the arms of Capricorn. I was still awake and yet some thing was happening to me in my head. Something that I won't write here as it is too - unpleasant. I was utterly spellbound - terrified and transfixed. I have had experiences like this before but nothing so - nasty. Capricorn left and I snapped out of my trance to realize it could not be true. I think. Normally I hear music really loudly blaring in my ears - marching band style or just continue as if at work and nothing exciting happens.

Fuzzy said he experienced poor sleep too. I am paranoid - but this was - so real, not like a dream -

circles have no point


This little pony is leaving the island. I am saying goodbye to my dear Capricorn. I am moving home.

Sick and confused, in anguish I sit - wondering what flicked the switch. I am crying inside, I am dying inside - I am so sorry for the hurt I have caused. I loved, I was loved:

And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone



So one week has passed and my heart is ripped in two. I love my Capricorn - he is amazing, there is nothing on this earth that has prepared me for this. I had no idea he would react to this the way he has. He is just sad. He is not pressuring me, or fighting with me. My mom has stopped her treatment again because she is too tired and when I told him I cried. He just held me tight and made me feel so cared for.

Fuzzy and I spend about 2 hours after work together sat in his office drinking tea and then on the park bench. We spoke about his work and it felt like home. I know that he is falling in love with me - some of the sweet things he says to me are enough to make me weep (with joy). We seem to fill each other with such peace and calm - I have never known a person to do that to me before. It is like watching a perfect sunset over a gently lapping ocean with summer breeze softly caressing my skin. I am utterly spellbound. I am desperate not to label this as love or to define it by cliches or quotes. I have fallen in love before, the real deal too. This is somehow different, it is just the way the story has to go.

Capricorn was everything I ever wished for. Fuzzy is everything I need.



Over a year has passed. My Mom passed away at Christmas last year. My world is so alien to the world in my last message.

I love my Capricorn - but have left him. I still see him every fortnight and he is like a brother to me.

Fuzzy and I are together, as it had to be. We are meant to be. He has given me the most beautiful sparkly diamond and asked me to be his wife. He lives miles away at the moment, finding his brain, just like a scarecrow. So my father and I and our three little kittens (ok huge cats, but they are still babies) live together and I am in a new chapter of my life.



I don't think your sense of humour was appreciated here. I laughed though xoxoxo

Hows your secret society going?


