MovieChat Forums > My Little Pony: The Movie (1986) Discussion > The Dark Side Of Pony Land (not for kids...

The Dark Side Of Pony Land (not for kids)

What are they on?

So when things get bad these candy coloured ponies all head for a Mushrump. Now what kind of a message does that send out to children. I'm sure that the ponies problems began well before the film was made, with a simple kidnapping and ended with the poor little creatures morphing into giant dragons to pull an apocolyptic carriage of eternal darkness. I think that Mr. Muchick has much to answer for. He has so warped the minds of our little friends that they have paranoic hallucinations of 'ugly purple stuff' (yes I know IT's SMOOOOOOOZE) coming to engulf their world, and only by getting high with the flutter ponies can we defeat it. The rainbow sure failed. Not to mention giant spiders (read Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit to find out more but even dear little Frodo was on the pipe weed when he began his 'adventure'). What message were we given as children. Dabble with it, this is how wierd it gets, but it all works out in the end.

I think we should be most wary of the Wabbit though. He says nothing at all but seems to be all knowing, wize and powerful, not to mention his ability to fly with his ears. He is no white rabbit, but I believe he is some sort of Deity. ( but then what did The White Rabbit ever accomplish?) Perhaps he is infact the instigator of all that happens in Pony Land. After all when he puts pen to paper it becomes one of the most, well pink houses ever known. He can do anything he is . . . enough about Habbit.

Does anyone else believe that childrens minds are being corrupted (or educated depending on which side of the Mushroom you stand) by the literature and visual imagery that they are (or were) encouraged to read or watch?

Not to mention all of their symbols . . .

edit . . . I have spent too much time in the mushrump myself and begun talking to myself. So many of the other message boards are full of people with theories about films but I have yet to find one person here. I like it here on my own I can say what I like without the fear of anyone reading it!! I do in actual fact love ponies. My secret sin is collecting them. I think if I had to pick I'd be Fizzy. Not that I resemble her. I'm not green and my eyes dont sparkle (unless you count eyeshadow) and I dont have a horn. THE horn maybe. But I am a bubble head at times.

I think I will set up my own secret society that you can only join if you can be as weird or stranger than me. I am patient so dont expect any recruits any time soon! Meetings will be held here once a decade and you must choose your pony id. We (or I ) will be discussing topics from religion and politics to the influence of drugs on film makers and what happens when a black hole fills up. It might also be interesting if I discussed with myself the merits of annonymously looking stupid and wasting hours of my pointless life reading messages on the imdb.


Have you noticed that you are sitting here basically talking to yourself, EskarinaSmith? Kind of makes me wonder if you have any friends or if you are one of the 350 lb loser chicks that sit on the computer all day and type to watch yourself type, yanno?

"The Hammer Has Fallen, A Thorn In Your Side"-HammerFall


Are you?

95 - 100 lbs, depending on how many times I have made myself throw up because of my lack of self esteem after thinking that I appear fat on line. Does my bum look that big in this laptop? Chick, yes. Loser, maybe. On the computer all day. No. I have just the desire to write, strange yes, but I caught your attention it seems.

I have in fact got quite the social life and as you might see I have not been here in a while. Only last week I left the house. I went to make sure all the shutters were closed so that no one could look in.

Friends: Not many - no but I have a boyfriend and when he goes away I feel desperate and turn into a freak. Men do this to you yanno. I have no real need to defend myself to someone who thinks that being 350lbs makes people into losers, however.

What actually brings you here? Why would you read this much crap written by an obviously mentally disturbed My Little Pony fan? Have you any deep insights into the motivation of the director of these films? Or do you perhaps thrive on psycho analysing faceless people.

Perhaps you find me interesting but are yet unable to make a connection due to your inability to think outside the box. Some people need to escape the mundane reality of life in London. Here I can explore my own head and perhaps entice other equally eccentric people to talk to. It is hard in a world full of biggoted narrow minded idiots to ever strike up a decent conversation, it helps to talk to the only person who truly understands me when my lover is away. Me.

If you want to join my little world over here then I would ask that you try to enter into the theme of the board, which is to be entertaining, bizarre, funny?

You could include anything - but I really wouldn't waste your time because I would probably find my own entrys far more interesting.

On a less offensive note, I do welcome anyone to comment but if you are going to try picturing me then think the test tube love child of Clare Danes and Kylie Minogue - Not Gilbert Grape's mother. My biggest flaw is my mental state but having to tell you that after you have read this makes me wonder a little about yours.



So after that little rant I suppose I ought to write something about My Little Ponies. I got a new one this christmas. A blue pegasus pony "Blueberry Baskets". Aside: I am enjoying a blueberry muffin at the mo, it is 2 in the morning but I realised after being questioned about my weight that actually I could care less and can stuff my face with whatever I choose - I did used to have a few extra pounds but I ignored them for long enough that they decided to leave of their own accord - it is great when no effort is involved and I can enjoy the finer things in life.

I do hate the fact that personality is rarely in question but physical appearance. The most interesting people I know carry a little excess baggage. Those that don't tend to be shallow and vain. Not that I would generalise.

Just take the little ponies. Avereage ponies although not perfect examples of how to behave are on the whole those that are more likeable, the flutter ponies, skinny little waifs, were rude and hermitic. There are always exceptions but I think there is something in it.

I spent much time over the past few months trying to keep my head in a slightly more stable place but have failed. I began wondering why I want to surround myself with ephemeral things such as little plastic horse toys. Although cute, are not universally accepted as objects of either great worth or beauty. They are far from individual and their morals are questionable. I have yet to answer myself but have been exploring different possible reasons.

I formed an attachement at a young age and they represent a familiar time of my life. I had what could be described as a moderatly traumatic childhood and I wish to recreate and re live a time that was stolen from me. I am also trying to maintain a hold of my youth because at 25 I still feel young but find that the world is slipping through my fingers. I enjoy all the pretty colours. I have to keep spending money and a few quid on a toy is much less that expensive clothes - and being a fashion designer I have little need in this area. My boyfriend still has his transformers and I got him a megatron with mini tape deck style robots inside so I don't feel alone.

There are no valid excuses for someone like me but truth is they make me happy, and in a world where people are killing eachother for no reason I need something to help me smile. I think that pink acts as a replacement for chocolate and helps to release endorphins in the brain. It is why the little ponies are so happy. The drugs just add to the experience of living in a world where you can have pink houses.

Having said that my Grandparents lived in Essex (A county in East Anglia if you are from somewhere that has never heard of places in England - Its that little island just before you get to Europe - you know where they invented the language that you all speak) Sorry little gripe but really stop saying London, England or we might have to start saying New York, New York, America and that just takes far to long to say and by now we'd hope that you would know.

Back to Essex, and for those of you who do know where it is pretend it is a very interesting place and try to neglect mentioning what residents of that reigon of the world are of a certain, well, 'class'. Anyway, there are a surfeit of homes in this charming little county that are painted a rather interesting shade of pink, very traditional but does look a little chavvy. (If you dont understand you weren't meant to) I think the pink is just the wrong tonal range to release the endorphins but instead release and overblown sense of self and inabitlity to dress well, or dress. That was harsh but based on numerous encounters so the guilt was fleeting.

Perhaps it was those memories I was trying to recreate? Or re write. Till next time I have a hole in my social calendar x x Esk x x




Ok so the pressure is on . . . the next cigarette is lit, and I really will think about living a healthier lifestyle once I have 'gotten' over the tremendous surge of pride? no I think perhaps the word I seek is excitement. I am read. No not red. By other people. Hmm. Sorry I should really put a health warning on this thread. I do not really condone the use of drugs, but I think that I should. The greatest musicians and thinkers of all time had some form of habit or other. Imagine - well exactly, John Lennon! If there were no drugs - alcohol or other vices would this world not be as interesting, or as progressive and there would be no good music. Even Mozart had a serious problem with drugs and alcohol.

So here goes. Natural remidies. Cotton Candy, one of the more underrated little ponies, has a rather naughty habit which we will get to presently. She should be credited as one of the founding members of the MLP society, as one of the first ponies ever to exist. Her habit is chewing blue grass. I don't think this refers to her red-neck country roots, but to a mind expanding herbal substance.

For those of us, me, who had to study the topic of colour every year of my scholastic life you will most likely be aware that blue and purple are very close in the spectrum. And for those of us who may have sampled the delights of a colourful range of inhailable substances, we will also be aware that the darker the 'herb', the stronger it seems to be. Purple Haze?

I suppose where this is all really going is what ever happened to those original little ponies. They were, if you know what the toys looked like, very stoned looking, doped up to the eyeballs in fact. Is there a rehab centre in pony land? What happens to those little ponies that have eaten more mushrooms than they should?

Thinking about it, what are their hallucinations like? Perhaps those ponies that are tripping instead of seeing the world in pinkish pastel perfection they see everything in the light of the cold dingy winter world I am in at the moment.

I would suggest that they all have moved to live with lemon drop in the show stable.

Thats enough of the equine chat for now. I got my new guitar last weekend. Electro acoustic so I can practice being a raucous hippy! I can't play very well but as I have no intention of playing in public, this fails to deter me. I did notice that in one of the little pony episodes called bright lights there is this Zebra, sort of punk or new romantic looking, but musically fairly inept. It does beg the question how in pony land does he manage to pick the sodding thing up, let alone strum it? I thought aposable thumbs were a pre requisite. And even then I never saw an orangutan play guitar and they even have aposable toes.

That episode did verge on obscene actually. I remember it only vaguely but I believe it had peadophilic overtones, not to mention the cross species attraction. These baby ponies were enamoured of the Zebra (like humans fancying a lemur (I was thinking of the monochromatic stripes)- they are darn cute though.0 They are definatly under age and he is probably twice as old as they are judging by the apparent age of his mother - she has wrinkles. That actually disturbed me. All these wrinkly mishapen horses that suddenly found themselves surrounded by exotic multi coloured filly's. How depressing.

I did work in a fashion house for a while and had to help back stage at a catwalk (runway) show. One of the models was Liberty Ross. She is one of those beautiful people who you can't hate because she is actually nice too. I felt like a grundle.

Back to Cotton Candy, and the issue with thumbs. She has to chew. If she was able I am sure she would roll it in some paper but stoned as she is it would take too much effort.



Ok, so today I actually have a fair bit of time on my hands. My fingers are red raw from my steel stringed six-string ( I adore alliteration), so I am happy to have the gentle warmth of the keys gently clicking beneath my fingers. I did formerly think that the satisfaction of the heavy clunk of the keyboard on my 386 Packard Bell would never be replaced, and prior to that the almost forgotten typewriter I inherited from my Step-Grandmother (aside: My Grandad married again at the age of 89 and spent the last few years of his life in a second blisfully happy marriage - life does reward the wonderful people) - however there is a silky soft set () of keys beneth my fingers now attached to the sexiest laptop of all time and I have trouble stopping touching them once I have started. You might think this affection for an inanimate object is troublesome, but we will pretend that it is ok.

So as personal appearance is currently on my mind and this is a place where we choose to maintain our anonimity by concealing our physical nature, this will be my topic of the day. Being without image has both its benefits and drawbacks. It is quite a shock to find out the way we are viewed by others. As a previous intruder thought that I was terminally heavy I was bemused enough to begin revealing a little about what I look like, but this could all be lies - would it make a difference. I doubt it as peoples imaginations can only form images they wish to see (we are of course here not including any occasions when our imaginations might be tampered with by external forces (or internally imbibed substances). I suppose what I am driving at is that what is seen in the minds eye is created from an emotional response to what is read. I have now a dilema. I wish for my 'personality' to speak for itself and escape from the shallow fashion driven world where the image of self is purely an external one. Think of dear David de Beckham. He is a stunningly attractive man - he photographs so well he looks divine but then he opens his mouth and the myth is dispelled and he has become a parody of himself. My quandry is that even in the world where no one sees your face and your appearance is purely of your own creation I appeared to one individual as a heffer (an english term for a large woman - a female milk giving cow)

It has compelled me to at least steer the imagination in the right direction as a base around which one might build a form. I could be described as somewhat diminutive, I have height related issues, but I do not feel uncomfrtable next to my 6 foot tall BF. My hair is long, perhaps to the point of being too long and requires much brushing. I neglect to do this as often as necessary so I tend to look dishevled (I spell very poorly, but love vocabulary so bluster through in the hopes that I make myself understood). Although I studied fashion I tend to only wear one pair of rather faded jeans in a greyish shade, that are wearing thin in some places and are at least 8 inches too long. When not in these I wear black. I had slightly leaned towards the Craft in my youth but have decided having a belief in anything is too much for someone as self centred as myself so I waver on the boarders between athiesm and agnosticism. I know this has little to do with how I look but it is the essence of my soul and you can see that apathy in my eyes so I thought I had better mention it. They are hazel brown as is my hair.

I am not especially interesting to look at, plain or normal at best at worst - well as you may have gleaned from certain insights into my ahem 'former' lifestyle it does get fairly bad - red circles around my eyes etc - bedraggled is my most usual state. I avoid makeup unless trying to prove a point that I can look pretty, the man in my life looks like a stauesque god from ancient greece so I must pull it off sometimes. (No kidding, he is a sort of Jim Morrison, Aragorn mix with the wit and wisdom of Chaucer or Shakespeare.) I love men who forget to shave for a week. Something raw and tempting about a man with hair on his face. Like he's enticing you to delve under the surface to see what he is like inside.

I always aim to include some ferfernce to MLP's here so that I dont get removed! Anyone who goes as far as reading this will have some understanding of my love of ponies. I have recently become aware of a whole new level of pony adicts. There are people who are creative and funny who have taken to customising the newer G3 (generation 3) pony toys and giving them new hair, symbols and sometimes go as far as re modelling completely. I have seen a Gandalf pony with beard, a Harry Potter "Buckbeak" eagle headed pony and all manor of dinosaurs and mythical creature ponies.

I realised that though I may be a little odd, I am not alone. Long may the culture of the strange and bizarre continue.





Twas brillig and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe, all mimsy were the borogoves and the mome raths outgrabe.

A little ditty that appeals to me at times of speechlessness. And speaking of cats and mushrooms . . . I have green mushrooms in my garden. They are not edible in any circumstances but I sometimes lay down on the grass and look at them closely incase one of them begins to sing and give me a rainbow locket.

I often wonder, well only the once but I thought it was a point worth debate, what would I do with a rainbow of light (the). I think although I would love to solve world hunger and instigate world peace, I dont think rainbows no matter how magical would have those powers. I think, being far more inclined to indulge myself, I would actually just put it up in my garden. I would go over it, as every little girl would, but as it would already be in my back yard I might actually get something more than stupid advice from a crackpot old man with a green castle.

Hmm, I think I got a little lost for a while.

I am often very thankful that I live in a world where I can have an interest in childrens toys and films. I think I have over 100 little ponies. I am slightly neurotic so am in the process of taking photo's of all of them and putting them in boxes, then listing them all on the computer. I am moving house soon so I do need to pack but I have problems so I have in fact begun to list everything I own. I think I have 2000 books. Not all of them are interesting. Nor have I read them all. But I love books. If I could I would live in a library. It is not solely for my love of literature, but the smell is hypnotic. It takes me back in time when I open an old book. I do wish that the information would without effort transfer to my mind through some sort of osmosis - I guess that's why I like audio books. I have just been the delighted recipient of many Terry Pratchett audio books. When I was very young I had a pony one I may have previously mentioned, fergus the shepheard boy. There is this bit at the end where Majesty and the other little ponies help the shepheard pretend to be a prince by making him a palace by magic. It was so perfect. There were these bushes in the garden that behaved like fireworks (pinwheels) but when they were finished spinning they became some form of candy that you could eat. How trippy is that?

I lose concentration when it gets this late. I love to sleep. Not that I actually do, but the idea of that perfect state of restfulness that eludes me. I wish I had a bed made of those clouds that you so often see in childrens cartoons. The kind that you can bounce on and sink into. The ones that carebears have.

I have wondered if I was brave enough to have a tatoo would I get a symbol on my ass. No, but I thought about it. I would not go with my alter ego fizzy, bubbles would be funny but vulgar.

Do you ever get to that point when your brain seems to function on a higher (question: would that be an higher?) plane. Where the whole world seems to make perfect sense and the true meaning of life seems obvious and hysterically funny. I often have these intense moments of insightful revelation but when it comes to putiing it all into words they skitter away from me like squirrils up trees. Not London squirrils I might add, they are quite the friendly little buggers who hang around hopefully waiting to be fed. The feeling I am left with is one of utter apathy. It is all a joke. A very funny one, that you never get to hear the punchline of. Perplexed is a fantastic state for the mind. It makes one realise that although there is so much that we do not yet know at least there are those of us who would understand were it ever to be discovered.

The reason for the apathy is that we only ever find out at the end - and I don't want to know yet. I want to brush the hair of the little horses. It tangles so easily and they cannot do it for themselves. I want to pretend that the little green one with a frog on him would make the perfect life partner for the little yellow unicorn with clovers. (Leaper & Lucky Leaf) They are so cute and the colours look so sweet together. I want to put their furniture in their house and make it all look nice - because they waited such a long time to have their home. I know what that feels like. I am still waiting to find the home I want to live in. And I dont have a Muchick to help me - even though I always check.

And I always wanted to know which side makes you larger. Alice was very fortunate. She got to try it all out. Would wonderlad be better than OZ? I think it would suit me better. I think I'd have been a little better at dealing with the flowers, but I guess I would have stayed there - but bunnies do upset me. Especially ones that wear waistcoats. Did he have a name. It cant have been Peter, but they had the same fashion sense.

I had best go to bed before I slip ever further into the memories of stories. I do feel alot safer there, but finding the way back is always difficult - perhaps I never did :-) x x Esk x x




My cat talks to me. I must learn his language. He is part siamese so is very loud but has very little grasp of english. I think he understands the word 'mouse', but has trouble with the ones 'dont bring the - inside'

Have you seen the radio active pigs with glowing noses? They will save the lives on many people I'm sure. Not in a super hero kind of way, but for transplants and the like. That would be an interesting idea though - for a cartoon maybe. Sort of Babe meets X-Men I'm thinking? Their super powered noses would radiate healing powers.

I think death by teeth would be a cool name. I have dreams about teeth. Yuck. It instills me with utter fear. Bunnies and teeth even scarier. Rodents all have scary teeth. Athough bunnies and squirrils have cute tails which sets them a little higher in my acceptance list than say rats or mice. I have a thing about bald tails. Eugh. Imagine a bunny with a rat tail. I look after this kid who has 2 bunnies. They are without exaggeration as large as a small dog. Not together either. Each one must weight 3 stone. Their ears are a foot high. If they had rats tails I would never sleep at night.

I think that little ponies must have some radioactivity. They have such a varied and unnatural aray of colours that I can't help wondering if they all suffered from an horrific accident involving a nuclear power plant. Perhaps Homer f u c k * d up again. I'm sure judging by the colour discrepencies that the planet Springfield must also be located somewhere near ponyland - perhaps the same portal leads there.

I'm all for genetic testing. I do have problems with the death penalty - in England we feel quite stongly about not killing people even if they have committed murder. Don't get me wrong most of them deserve to die but I would rather it was slowly and painfully - suffering the mental anguish of facing their sins not giving them a chance to escape them. I therefore put foward testing that would have previously been done to animals be done to those people who commit heinous crimes. Living experiments who would appease their souls by helping to save lives as payment for having taken one - or many.




It's called pretend that's all..All it was was a cute little cartoon for girls to love.

There is no dark side of it and nobody was smoking anything.It's pretty sick how a few people here would make a cute little cartoon with loveable ponies into something horrible.Why are they on the site posting about MLP if they obviously weren't fans? I ask myself.

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member


I'm sorry. Did you not read any of what I wrote? At last count I had 151 my little ponies. I have almost all the cartoons and I have a deep fascination with all things related to ponies. You obviously have no sense of humour, intellect or ability to realise that although the little ponies themselves may be harmless the creators may have had a little HELP with their inspirations.

I am of course delighted that I have an oposing comment to reply to.

I will remind you that little ponies being turned into dragons for the sole purpose of drawing the carriage of the prince of all darkness is anything but cute. You call yourself a fan I suppose? Have you even watched the cartoons. If you want to join a discussion about how sweet firefly is, or how loving wize and insightful Megan was and such a true and reliable friend she was to the ponies then talk to someone who has posted elsewhere who has nothing more to contribute than "aren't they sweet".

My purpose is to draw intellectual comparasons between our favourite friends and some of the more cerebral aspects of life art and literature. I have frequently stated my opposition to the use of drugs (by people who do not understand how to utilise them for creative purposes or maintain a respect for them rather than a dependence) - but if you feel the need to disregard their use for the creation of things of an insightful and artistic nature then take a look at your record and film collection and throw it away. Even Mozart was addicted to more illegal substances than I could count on the fingers of a church congregation in Texas.

I never said that Little Ponies were horrible, nor did I do anything but make my own observations about the content of their stories. It is their creators that forced them into unbearable situations. As a writer I think it is an absolute necessity to be original and amusing - as your name suggests, you also like to think yourself a budding author, I therefore offer you a little advice:

Know thy audience.

I am writing for twentysomething fans with a nostalgic if somewhat guilty love of naieve representations of a childhood now dwindling. It is important to grow with time and not remain trapped in a world of candy canes and clouds and rainbows, but venture further and explore the real world. We face all manor of temptations and this is not something to avoid but to face head on with all guns blazing. What is a love of the past but a means of escape from the world in which we now find ourselves? Watching cartoons is not very different from taking a drug. They take the viewer to another plane of conciousness, a place to loose yourself in a world that is so far removed from real life that we can forget our troubles.

Perhaps before you judge and criticise you should remember. Know thy enemy. The more you understand about the people you disagree with the more ammunition you will have to fight, you will be more effective. If you had actually read my comments you might find that you could have responded in a way that would have stung. I need a little more than a third person assault on a board that only two people post on and the other actually likes what I have to say.

So before I depart dear story writer I have a proposition. Fight fire with fire, force the debate to a more pleasing direction that would not offend the tender youth of today. The secret of winning the world over to your way of thinking is not to point and shout "you're crap beacause I say so" but to instead say "this is what I have to say. . . see if you can persuade me otherwize". I am an open book. I have no fixed opinions - sway me. Make me see you are right.


(a qoute from an intellectual equal who for the purpose of this message I will call Capricorn)


Yes I have seen the Cartoons all them actually from My Little pony and Friends S1 and S2 to The My Little pony tales that were on the Disneychannel as I had graduated 8th grade and headed into 9th grade .I have S1 on DVD along with the two very first original MLP cartoons about Terriak and what he did to the ponies to Katrina who kidnapped Baby Moondancer and wanted her to be her slave.

I have been going nuts trying to find away to get The MLP movie from 1986 on DVD before it hits stores in my area in 2010 I'd rather not wait that long for it.I have My Little pony toys as well I was playing with them all the time until I was 15.Now they are out and on my shelf and around my room new ones and older ones.So if I am not a fan to you well I'm sorry you feel that way because I am or I wouldn't be posting at three MLP sites not IMDB related.

And I know I know that if I ever do become an actress that any movie or tv show I may be in if that happens will not be peachy keen.Basically all I was doing was having my opinion not picking a fight and so you wouldn't be talking to yourself here and after you reply to me I will just let you continue talking to yourself.. And just because I may not like what you say and others do does not make me a a bad person or doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor when I damn well do have a sense of humor.

Have a Good day now.

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member


I am not all fire sweet storywriter - I can see I bit a little too hard - I do that, my most humble and sincere apologies. I have been lucky enough to purchase a copy on DVD - you may have overlooked it when searching online - they use the G2 strange looking ponies on the front cover. It is still called My Little Pony The Movie and I think you can get it on Amazon or EBay. Please remember that when most of the time is spent conversing with myself I do tend to assume that I can respond with as much vitriol as I would when I argue a point alone. Please don't take to heart what is said in spite. I don't know you but if you love the little ponies as much as I do I believe we might at least have that in common. x x Esk x x



Yeah we do have that in common we both love My Little Pony.I looked at amazon for the movie and I had gotten it actually awhile ago but it wasn't working in my PSP 2 which is my DVD Player so I sent in back. Shortly after I bought a DVD player for 30 dollars at Best buy and I'm sorry I sent back the movie now.I looked again all they have or so it looked was a few used so I'm not sure if I should buy a used one.

I'll keep looking though Thank-You

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member


I've been a little busy so sorry for not replying sooner. I also had another little problem to deal with - see above!

I am sure you are onto something there. I think If they were infact convicts, having been experimented upon then turning into little ponies it would answer all manor of questions that have so far eluded me. It could be why the original ponies are all 'stoners'. If this is the case I have reason to suspect that it all has something to do with Australia. We sent our convicts to Australia in the past as a means to deal with their ever increasing numbers or something of that nature. My knowlege of history is broad but sparse in content. I imagine that they were infact secretly experimented on and then as you so insightfully realised they must have turned into the MLP's. I have an equally poor grasp of world geography but I am aware that Australia is an enormous country and there are vast areas of land that are largely unexplored by the average tourist. I wonder if this is perhaps the location for the original ponyland. I expect that with the altering geneticly over the past two decades of the little ponies through their evolution from G1 to G2 and now G3 ponies has also seen their migration to a different galaxy, and hence the chance in name from Dreamland, or Ponyland to Ponyville as I believe it is now named.

With regards to the point you make about our albino rodent friend (our White Rabbit), I put it to you that perhaps Alice was a member of the secret police (they do really use drugs in order to control some of their agents - or at least I'm sure that I heard it somewhere in a film - or was it the poor boys they sent to Vietnam, yes that was it) Well assuming the government has that little regard for it's "crime fighters" we could sumise that they would drug poor little Alice the CIA agent it could explain that on her persuit of the escaped mutated convict White Rabbit (his code name - perhaps he is Mafia or something) she would have also encountered some mind bending opposition.

I wonder. Does the Cat in the Hat buy his hats from the Mad hatter? Is he in fact the Cheshire cat in a Tuxedo? (If so he must have followed the Atkins diet) Is that why the door mouse is so befuddled and speaks in riddles?



I have my typing fingers back on today. I am pissed (off) and full of venom. The Secret Society Of Strange has been invaded by a misguided and uninspired interloper. I have the need to bite back and am flailing. What more can be said to push the point home - I think therefore I am - she does not think and therefore she is a law abiding citizen who requires the safety of unchanging memories to have a sense of self. So instead of fumbling any further insults I think it is time the battle began. The war will follow. The sirens may make some of us flinch but perhaps that is not so much due to the fear of being caught out doing things which are frowned upon by the sensible inhabitants of this festering earth but because we understand their connotations. The System, The Man, The Establishment call it what you will but that is what those sirens represent. A constant reminder that the most corrupt people in the world are in fact running it, controlling it's people. As I have mentioned above VIETNAM. Why is it? I ask, that it is alright to send children into a War that is wrong with their own private stash of class A drugs to kill innocent women and children but it is wrong for a moderatly well educated peace loving individual to smoke a little pot and debate the darker aspects of childrens stories. Have any of you read nursary rhymes. Ring A Round the roses a pcket full of posies a-tissue a-tissue we all fall down - it is the f u c k i * g plague. One of the most disasterous epidemics in all of history - that is dark. Children play then die. When will people get into their seive like minds that all I repeat ALL stories have underlying messages - I meerly speculate as to what those meanings might be.

If the government who are the writers of law are guilty of the worst sins of man how can anyone who seeks the truth about the corrupt establishment be admonished for using substances to aid mental development. I am no picture of perfection I have more flaws than most people but I am certainly not in the business of dictating what appropriate lifestyles are. But I do not attempt to run a country, speak on behalf of any god or alter the course of history in any monumental way (at least yet but I'm working on it - the tumor of the worst nature is deep seated and requires delecate extraction one piece at a time). I was under the impression that one of aspect of the constitution might have had a little something to do with freedom of speech.

I am grateful for as much opposition as can be passed my way. I am no great philosopher but I would thrive in an environment where my opposition had a little more - well - subtance. So far I've had - you're fat aren't you? and Drugs are bad and Ponies were good.

Has the state (I don't mean an area of land) of the "freeworld" (ps GWBush is not the leader of any freeworld I live in - the answer here is in the point - It is not a particularly free world now is it?) has become so backward that our youngest citizens are pointing the fingers their fathers made for them rather than taking it by the f u c * ing scruff of the neck and seizing it as our own. Too bloody right the meek will inherit the earth. I realise that and quail at the ramifications of it. We may be our fathers children but for the world to progress rather than regress as happened in the middle ages we should begin defining a set of ideals that have not been learned from men much less wize than ouselves and begin to shape the world to suit a society that wishes things to be better than they are. I don't think drugs should be handed out like candy to kids but at least educate them to it's uses and it's dangers rather than making it a temptation. Not one of us has the ability to avoid contact with drugs - asprin paracetemol morphine all are legitimatly administered to patients for pain relief - what is to say that they are not necessary. Who draws the line? And what is it that makes them right.

The trouble with the "freeworld" is that it believes its leaders are morally superior people who have by some divine right got enough knowlege to dictate what is right and what is wrong. Is killing people for their beliefs actually God's will - ask your leader - he thinks it is. I am sick to death of this anemic fattened generation I detest to be a part of. Are you all so blinded by media to not realise the lies the are spinning right before your eyes - or do you really not care? (ps KNOTT & Story Writer, this isn't directed at you)

But hiding in the past is not the answer - we are in ascendence. We are the parent generation now - it is our time get guts fight to the bone for what you believe, I don't really care what that is but do it with style - we are not in the playground anymore, if you don't like what is being said by the immoral amongst us work out a way to change what we think - don't just say things in the words of a child. That is the only way to win in the end. EDUCATE. Or is that something they don't offer everyone anymore. If you have the chance to influence even one person in this world it will be an achievement. I care very little for the outcome of the world (in the whole scheme of things I won't be in it for very long) - I would like the change to move to the direction of intellectual conversations to heal the wounds of our ancestors but if that's not to be at least do it knowing I repeat KNOWING that what you believe is what YOU believe not what has been fed you from birth as true fact. The people who educate you were once children who learned what they think from their elders. Who knows whether they are right or wrong? Have you ever even questioned your faith? Either in religion or in the law. They are all just the words of other people and not all people write/say things that are right.




The sword wealded in anger, although it may cut deep and true, may also take with it your foot

I have much stored bitterness and anger I have no desire to burn all those around me but I have a habit of singeing those people who stand too close with the flames.



ahhahah. You rock.


Why thank-ye kindly!! From your posts it appears so do you, excellent taste in films I might add.

x x Esk x x

