MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Do you wish you were back at highschool?...

Do you wish you were back at highschool? Or glad that it is over?

I just watched The Breakfast Club, and it obviously reminded me a lot of highschool (with its "highschool hierarchy", bullies, teachers with no sense of humor etc.) which was in the 1990s for me. It gave me the feeling that I am glad that I don't have to go to highschool anymore.

Did you also get this feeling from watching The Breakfast Club? Or did you get the opposite feeling, that you would love to go back in time to the years of highschool?


My high school was boring to be honest. Overflow school- in the centre of town yearly taking on extra students from a couple other high schools from the edges of the school jurisdiction.
Basically, there were too many ppl coming & going each year to hold much of a lasting bond with. Thankfully my childhood friends + ppl I worked with were awesome.

What also made it boring & lame was the core who did stay on without transfer were a very same core who'd spent their entire 8 grades of elementary together.
Being from a different elementary, I never got in with that crowd much.
To be honest, I'm glad. Those f'ers graduated HS with ppl they were in grade 1 with... I was quite happy to grow up with newer friends, learning how & learning more about myself.

I do not wish I were back at HS, it felt so uneventful. Terribly glad it's well over, ppl I met in the real world were so much more enlightening lols.



For me, the first couple of years were a little difficult, but grade 11 and 12 were some of the best years of my life. For better or worse, I ended up with a reputation as the biggest drunk in school.


Eh, no not really. I'm about 99% glad that it's over. The other 1% I miss... not having as much responsibility & having more time for fun things.

If I could go back for just one day... yeah, I could probably handle that. But just one day.

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


I'd go back in a second. Not having to work, no bills, no responsibility other than school work, summers off, getting to be a teenager again, and lots of friends and family that are gone would still be alive. Where do I sign up? I'd go back and relive it how it was, or if I could maybe I wouldn't take things as serious and worry so much about what people thought.


All fantasy, impossible in real life.

But yeah, I've wasted some time imagining about it.

I was an 80s kid. I was to full of angst and rebellion back then.

I blew off classes. I got bad grades and I did not care.

Then I spent my 20s in service jobs....

I am intelligent.. This does not make me a genius, but in my 30s I pulled together some tuition money and made my way through a Community College with a 4.0 studying soul sucking but useful business classes.

Shoot.... If I had applied myself as a kid I might have been able to grab a scholarship at a State school and been able to study a scientific pursuit. Something, that could actually help humankind.

So yeah, in my fantasy dream I'd want to return to High School as an incoming Freshman but with my current sensibilities.

I'm sure dumb teen classmates would be nearly insufferable but I would keep my head down and study. And maybe I'd get to nail a cheerleader along the way.

Oh well, not gonna happen.....


I went 92-96. There are some things I feel a little nostalgic about, some other things I wish I had made different choices or didn't care so much about certain things or certain people. In general, though, I'm pretty satisfied with my current life, so no need to revisit HS.

TBH college was a lot more worth reliving.

When a cold momma gets hot, boy how she sizzles!


My high school year's were 2000-2004. The only good thing about high school was the fact that I had no bill's and major responsibilities. That's the only thing I miss about my younger year's. But I definitely do not miss feeling like an outsider and invisible. I even missed out on my own prom because no one asked me, so, hell no about reliving my HS year's.


omg jackie,I went through the same thing :(


My high school years were from 2005 to 2009 (Class of '09) and I do NOT want to relive those hellish years again. My high school years was during the popularity of the emo era (the emo era was basically the "grunge" era for alternative gen Y teens of the 2000s). I was a true definition of teen angst -- moody, cynical, sarcastic, basically a Darlene Conner wannabe lol. But seriously, high school was terrible and there were some great memories, but the majority of it really sucked ass.
