MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Do you wish you were back at highschool?...

Do you wish you were back at highschool? Or glad that it is over?

I just watched The Breakfast Club, and it obviously reminded me a lot of highschool (with its "highschool hierarchy", bullies, teachers with no sense of humor etc.) which was in the 1990s for me. It gave me the feeling that I am glad that I don't have to go to highschool anymore.

Did you also get this feeling from watching The Breakfast Club? Or did you get the opposite feeling, that you would love to go back in time to the years of highschool?


I didn't think high school was really that bad. Would I want to go back? No. College is completely overrated though. People have always told me college years are the best years of your life. If that is true the rest of my life is going to suck. I think the people who say that must have had really easy majors and didn't try in school.


I loved high school. I found it really fun and I got to see my friends every day. I'd love to do it over again.


Yes and no. I feel much more confident than I did back then, in looks and personality. I went from 2003-2007. But when I was in Jr. High in 2001 and 2002, the HS was in the same building (had been for about 20 years) until I entered 9th grade when the new Middle school opened. They renamed the 7th and 8th grade area the "9th grade academy." Also, around 2011 they knocked down the old gym/pool/cafeterias and rebuilt them. It's totally different now. They also relocated the football field. The football field used to be along the road, so people could stand at the fence and watch the games. They built the new Operations/bus terminal over where it used to be. The old middle school was literally right next door to the high school but it got knocked down in 1984 so they could build our current supermarket there. It may have closed a couple years before that because when my dad was a volunteer fireman starting in 1982, they used to have Friday night drill at the old building--aka, practice fires.

Couldn't stand those dumb jocks who thought they were Gods and were better than everyone else in school. They even got to cut in the lunch line and the monitors didn't even care. I see them around town today and that grudge has long passed.
I'm glad I have money and wheels today at least. Hated begging my mom for an extra dollar to buy a snack in the lunch room. They used to have these XXL chocolate chip cookies that were an extra dollar and they were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. There were some good foods in the cafeteria but I do not miss some of them. I loved the Mexican pizza and the Taco stix and the cheese pizza. When I was in HS they had more than one entree choice. Before that it was just one thing, except for different types of sandwiches. The burgers were disgusting. I will never forget the monthly menu. lol. I think by Jr. High we didn't get them anymore.
Only good things about HS were when I did Marching band and swim team and I could see my friends every day, and teachers I liked as well. And I LOVED going in the library during study hall. The library was huge and had a skylight ceiling and was the only room that had AC. The librarians let me go in the back and pull out old yearbooks. And any room that was next to the library would be somewhat air conditioned. They had windows that looked into the library. I wish iPhones were invented back then cuz a couple of my teachers and some of the girls were smokin hot and I wish I could've discreetly snuck photos of them using my iPhone. If I was smart enough I would've pretended to take good photos using my old digital camera but I'd get in trouble. Yeah creepy of me but today you never know who's taking your photo or "spying" using a drone. And anyone could be "texting" but really secretly videoing. Just do NOT post them online or you could get in big trouble.

Like the proverbial cheese, I stand alone. Even while seated.


I am so glad that high school is over. Honestly, I don't know if it was the absolute worst years of my life, as sixth grade especially, as well as seventh grade were particularly horrible, and really were the worst years of my life. But high school quite sucked, too.

Senior year was okay. I had the knowledge that I was leaving that place forever hanging on my head. That, while scared, I had a future to embrace, and looked forward to it. And, finally, the bullies really left me alone. I finally felt "okay" in school. Wasn't popular, likeable, didn't go on dates, didn't go to parties, but everyone finally left me alone, yet I had acquaintances (even the popular kids), and best of all, I was leaving.

Thing is, though, my high school wasn't quite as stereotypically cliquey as the one portrayed in this film. There were popular and unpopular kids, but it's not as if most of the popular kids were ever really mean. In fact, some of the people who were nicest to me through those horrible years were the really popular kids. Maybe they pitied me, but whatever. They weren't most often the ones who antagonized or bullied me. They weren't about to invite me to their parties, but you know, they made adolescence a little easier on me, and that was enough.

After graduation, I joined the Marines for four years, left that damn house, and never looked back. Adulthood has been a world better than high school ever was. I wouldn't go back. I wouldn't go back to the atmosphere, the home situation, or the person I was back then. I'm glad it's all over.



My school days not just high school sucked.
I had mean teachers, was bullied . Only way I'd go back is if I could kick all the bullies asses.
And that includes girls too. Bitches

So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey


My school days not just high school sucked.
I had mean teachers, was bullied . Only way I'd go back is if I could kick all the bullies asses.
And that includes girls too. Bitches

Sounds like you had a similar HS experience as I did. In my case, some of those B itches assumed room temperature at an early age. Hopefully some of the ones that you despise did too, or will soon. karma is always around the corner for some people.


I was in high school when this came out. I was ending my freshman year. Do I wish I was back in h.s.? There have been times when I wish it, because I am a different person now than back then. When we had a 20th anniversary reunion several years ago, some people could not believe how different I was from back then. The person who was in charge of the whole event even gave me a special present due to that.


I was in high school from 1980-84 and was an almost exact contemporary of the kids in The Breakfast Club. We had our share of princesses, jocks, brains, rebels and basket cases... well maybe not too many basket cases. I had a lot of good times in high school with my girlfriends, but I got pranked pretty badly my freshman year by one of the most popular guys in my class. He asked me to Homecoming and I had even bought a dress and was making final arrangements when he told me in front of a bunch of other kids that he was taking someone else and asking me was all a joke. Pretty bad joke. It followed me for years. I could not recover socially from that and never dated anyone from my high school because honestly none of them wanted to go out with me after that "joke." In retrospect, I guess I didn't miss much. I ended up marrying a guy 10 years older than me. So no, I would not want to go back.
Funny story: Years later, that same guy tried to friend me on Facebook. Pretty sad. 


Do I wish I was back in high school? Sometimes.

Am I glad it's over? Yes.

Classes were mostly boring. I always looked forward to gathering with friends in this one class. We had a lot of fun. Sometimes at other's expense but I miss those times joking around and socializing. Seeing the pretty girls. Went to 1 prom (senior). Playing football and other sports, some after high school, is definitely missed.


I went to high school in the Bronx, what the hell do U think!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!



Funny thing: I was in high school when this came out. Would I like to go back? Well, considering my personality now, yes.
