Favorite Line

From Roscoe, the sloppy restaurant owner

Roscoe: You look pretty stupid to me! Let's see if you have any brains. You take the meat, you understand? And you pat it into pig balls!


The Pig Burger guy after each time Lane hit his truck:

-"I'm gonna activate your dental plan!!"

-"Somebody's gonna see God!!"


"Lane, what are you doing?"


"Yes you are."


Ah, come onLane! It's Christmas Eve! I should be home right now, drinking this *monster* eggnog my brother makes with lighter fluid.


"Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars." *pulls out his switchblade comb and swipes it through is hair* "Two dollars, cash."

I also love when the paper boys are chasing Lane after he leaves the school dance. The panic-stricken look on his face and the way he screams "KEEEYS!!" when he can't find his car keys. That just kills me.

"You'll make a fine little helper, what's you name?"
"Charles DeMar."
"Shut up, geek."

You better shave her a little closer before you kiss her goodnight"
"Hehe, Ahehehaha, AHAHAHAHA!! You better, AHAHAHAHA!!! You, AHAHAHAHA!!!"

"You're the hottest thing since sunburn!!"

"Your co-workers daughter? The one with the big antenna on her face?"

"AHA!! You missed! You missed this time you little...menace!!"

The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done.


"Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars. Cash."

"I'm gonna activate your dental plan boy! Get outta dah cahhhh! Get outta dah cahhh!"
*Lane gets into the passenger seat and kicks his leg towards him* "Wahhh! Wahhhh!"


"You wash your hands on your own time, boy!" from the burger shop owner haha wtf

"...if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes!" Roy Batty


"Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn."


What was his excuse for not having the dollars?

Mom was in the hospital, something about dropping acid and a school bus full of penguins??? Lol
