MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time in America (1984) Discussion > The most underrated film of all time

The most underrated film of all time

This is Sergio Leones masterpiece and in my opinion the best gangster film ever made however it seems to be really misunderstood and very underrated


It's about three and a half hours too long


It's a great movie, but it's not underrated


Definitely overrated based on my first viewing of it and I completely agree with some of the criticisms already mentioned. That said I still kind of liked it for all its faults.

It started very well and drew me in nicely with the search going on for De Niro. Then it went off in a rather different direction which was ok, but by the half way point I was hoping it could go back to more the level it was at the start. I was watching the end feeling underwhelmed. Then as like the cherry on top (or whatever the equivalent is in negative terms) I was saying to myself "please don't do that cheesy thing some films do where the image freezes and the credits roll" and it did. Damn.


The first issue with the film is that many people have not watched it from beginning to end.

I'm a huge Leone fan and as gangster film fanatic but until recently I never watched the film in it's entirety beginning to end. It is almost 4 hours long.

I watched other long epic films but for some reason after an hour of watching this I move on to something else.
