I really hate it when...

...my TV guide says that the original is playing, but when I go to the channel, the remake is playing, not the original.



no its not


That's a very uncommon opinion. I thought the new one stunk up the place.


I agree new one is not good lol



Invest $10 into one of the old DVDs (don't get the Infinifilm version, they tamprered with the image and the soundtrack. It's not the really original version anymore) and you never need to worry about this anymore.


Yeah, it sucks when they screw up like that.


I really don't get why anyone in today's world would still watch movies on TV where there's ads that make it take twice as long to watch them. Not to mention the stupid way the network edits out lines with cusswords to where the original line is practically cut. Or the line is changed to something silly sounding nobody would say. They don't even edit out the sh word and replace it with the word crap. Instead they just have the character say, "Oh tee." It's just stupid.


But the commercials can be very helpful to what products and services are available to us consumers. Thats why I prefer movies on TV


I can relate. Just last night I caught the original Piranha with Bradford Dillman at the very end. I looked on-Demand and it was there. I turned it on and the current one (I don't think it's a remake as much as a movie with the same name) was there instead.


At least some listings put the year next to the title, so you don't get your hopes up.
