MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (1984) Discussion > Dan Aykroyd claims the No. 1 film of his...

Dan Aykroyd claims the No. 1 film of his career is Coneheads

Ahead of Ghostbusters or The Blues Brothers:

He never sensed that Ghostbusters would be a comedy smash. He recalls that halfway through production, Bill Murray (who took the role of Peter Venkman after Belushi died in 1982) stopped by for lunch and gave an inkling of what may be in store. “We’re eating sandwiches and Billy is looking at the pool and says to me, ‘You know that you’ve written what might be one of the greatest and largest comedies of all time,’” he says. “That’s nice to hear and I had a feeling but I never took it to heart.” Cut to the summer of 1984, when the film was tops at the box-office for seven consecutive weeks and spawned a No. 1 theme song, toys, ghost-emblazoned T-shirts and an animated series.

And yet, Aykroyd says that when he looks back on his career highlight reel, his extraterrestrial SNL character from the Coneheads, which he reprised in a 1993 film, is at the top. “It’s by far the best work I have ever done and will ever do,” he says. (He also relays an anecdote in which he lost his temper on the Coneheads’ Paramount lot during production and threw a fax machine on the ground while dressed in full character!) Noting that he is one of a few people on the planet with two-colored eyes and webbed fingers and toes, “I’m very close to the alien spirit and ready for them to arrive!”


He hasn’t watched Nothing but Trouble?


Inherently, all actors are ego-driven. It's what makes them drive, what gives them confidence. Nobody starts out wanting to be a bit-player, an addition, a background noise. They see their career as a craft, they see entertainment as art. They place a lot of value to performance.
Aykroyd undoubtedly considers his performance as an alien to be his best work, because it was a challenge and it was the main role of the Coneheads. Might have been the lesser film, but in terms of acting, the alien trumps the everyman.


That's funny. Why not say Driving Miss Daisy was the best role he received? That movie got him his only Oscar nom.


He's not necessarily wrong. Beldar was probably his most original character, and the skit seemed to be a huge hit on SNL. He's probably lumping the character, sketches and movie all together in his assessment. I also think that he's never actually admitted he's made a bad movie. He still defends Nothing But Trouble and Blues Brothers 2000.
