Favorite line in the movie.

What is everyone's favorite line in the movie? Mine is "If I didn't have puke breath, I'd kiss you." Thanks.


"Hey look! It's an old Galactic Border Patrol game!"


This isn't a line but if you look at the side of the Galactic Border Patrol arcade right after that line, you'll see a logo to this effect:

[American Flag] VS. [Canadian Flag]


Hands down:

DAD! Bob broke your beer!


----> Hands down:

"No I didn't! Doug broke(voice quivers) it!"



It wasn't me! it was the chair!!


"Beauty Clark"


When they are playing hockey and 10 guys slam in to him while he's playing goalie.

"That was no goal eh! They were in the crease!"


"That's a Toronto skunk...our juristiction"

Every man has his own way to betray the Revolution, this is mine ~ Leonard Cohen


"Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges."


Smith: "What the stink are they doing in there."


Hoser, that chocolate milk is four months old!


"They're cops, they know what you did and you're gonna get arrested and I'm gonna be a witness."

"...that way if she sues you I'm only a hitch-hiker."

The whole scene where they're trying to electrocute themselves is the best...

Bovilexia (n)- The sudden urge to lean out the window and yell "Moo!" every time you pass a cow.


"Who's drivin?"

"You are! In case she sues for whiplash, I don't know you. I'm just a hitchhiker, eh?"

The look on Bob's face immediately following those lines always kills me!


So many to choose from. One of my faves...to Rosey the hockey player...
"You were one of my favorite hockey players until you had that nervous breakdown, eh."




I love this line:

Mr. McKenzie (enthusiastically): Honey, the boys got jobs!

Bob: We got free beer.

Mr. McKenzie (over-entusiastically): Honey, they got free beer, call the neighbors!!!!

I love how he's happy that Bob and Doug have gotten jobs, but he's so much more excited that they've gotten free beer. He's willing to call the neighbors over beer, but not over his son's finding gainfull employment, that always gets me:)

We elected the wrong man, pray for America

Foster M. Wolf


"You had a nervous breakdown? Me too, after he was born."



Doug to Bob- No way I'll wreck this eh,... this is a BEER truck! Short pause to contiplate....then whoosh, off they go.

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This movie is one of my favorites. The DVD has some cool features too including a Canadian slang dictionary. Horked means pretty much the same as hock. Stealing and pawning.

One of my favorite parts is when Doug explains how to get a refund at the theatre by releasing moths. I'm going to try it sometime.



"Puke Breath" is one of the best.

How about....



"Don't go in there....there's a big skunk in there!" It's a Toronto skunk, our jurisdiction"

"I don't know, eh, I just got up" (I've used that line for almost 20 years!)

"Hoser, this stuff's 4 months old!"


Doug: Lawyers are for sucks!

Cop: McKenzie brothers, your lawyer's here.



Doug: Your a cute little fella, their gonna be lovin ya from dawn till dusk.

Bob: Where will you be?

Doug: In the cafateria, sellin smokes.


Bob: Here's a chocolate.

Doug: Hey hoser, this is four months old.


Bob: He once got our dead battery goin by mixin bird feces and spit.


Bob: Did you see her lookin at me?

Doug: Yeah cause she thought you were some kinda freak!

There is no limit with this movie.


I love "No point steering now!"- my friend and I say it all the time while driving and then take our hands off the wheel and laugh like idiots (very safe, I admit). Also- "I'm getting whiplash from my burps" and I just have to hear the Koo-koo-koo song and I bust up.

To all my friends...


But I always laugh at Max Von Sydow's line "What the stink are they doing?" That makes no sense whatsoever.

I dunno how it was in the States, but up in Canada "stink" often used to be used as a minced form of another one-syllable word than ends with the letter k, so phrases like "what the stink?" were fairly common. Personally, I think it got started with people saying things like "I hate this stinking thing" instead of..its more popular alternative. People (or, at least, Canadians) just carried the expression to its logical position as an all-purpose minced oath, in my humble opinion.



The greatest line in movie history:

Claude: "More....bean medley, dear?"


I have to agree with whoever mentioned Paul Dooley's line "Just because I don't know what it is doesn't mean I'm lying!"

This is probably his second best performance ever in film, topped only by his role in Sixteen Candles.
