Favorite line in the movie.

What is everyone's favorite line in the movie? Mine is "If I didn't have puke breath, I'd kiss you." Thanks.


"Ahhhhhhhh...my left nut!"

"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."


Not really a line as much as a scene. In the jail-cell, when the big guy asks them if they want a smoke. After Doug says no, the poor look on his dejected face is frikking classic. Slays me every time.....

Son, you can't polish a turd


"I was what you call the brains of the operation. Chimp here did all the killing."

During the hockey fight: "Frank Mahovlich, one of the tougher guys in the league, he made out all right."


What is everyone's favorite line in the movie? Mine is "If I didn't have puke breath, I'd kiss you." Thanks.

I have to say that's mine too, that was the one line I always remembered from the time I first saw it when it came out.


My brother and I used to say that drownin' in beer was like heaven, eh? Now he's not here, and I've got two soakers... this isn't heaven. This sucks!

Always cracks me up!


Bob MacKenzie: "My brother and I used to say that drownin' in beer was like heaven, eh? Now he's not here, and I've got two soakers ... this isn't heaven, this sucks."


"Lawyers are for sucks."
