
Why was Meg so interested in Mel? Was it because he was older? I remember Geno was trying to talk to her at one point and when Mel walked in she put Geno down to go and talk to Mel. Geno then dropped his head like "Damn!" Geno was really cute and seemed kinda sweet. Just curious.


I'm not sure honestly, and I don't believe it's ever mentioned why she had the hots for him--which is a common theme in the series for campers to be interested in men that are 30-40 years their senior.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles


It's a good question. Meg was physically beautiful and about 19 -- give or take -- whereas the curmudgeonly Mel was hardly attractive and in his mid-to-late 50s, which is a difference of almost 40 years. But Mel owned the camp and was the ultimate authority figure there. So Meg didn't care about conventional good looks and was focused on maturity, authority and the corresponding financial security.


Daddy issues, it's always Daddy issues; maybe grandaddy in this case. Or maybe it was all innocent and he's a great cook and she likes stories about the good old days.


shut up meg


It was absurd. Apart from looking old enough to be her grandfather he had a face only a mother could love.


I agree. It would make more sense for Megan to go for Gino, whose older but not an old coot.


I really wonder what Mel had cooked up for their dinner date ??
