Everyone was right?

1) His teacher told Ralphie he would shoot his eye out.
2) Ralphie's mom told him he would shoot his eye out.
3) The department store Santa told Ralphie that he would shoot his eye out.

These people come to mind, I don't know who else told him this.

At the end of the movie, Ralphie does almost shoot his eye out. The BB pellet ricocheted and hit his glasses. He almost did. So, wasn't everyone right??

What's the moral of the story then? The truth is more obvious than we think? We've already heard the truth and we simply won't believe it? We can't accept the real answer?


Maybe the point is American boys will always love guns despite the consequences.


Hahaha. Good one.


Yes, he hears all their voices of warning in his head after he does the deed. If he DID actually shoot his eye out, that daydream wish about entering the house blind and his dad feeling guilty would have come true in a way.
