MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner (1982) Discussion > Why is everyone suddenly hating this mov...

Why is everyone suddenly hating this movie?

Now that the crappy sequel is out every hater is coming out of the woodwork and shitting on the original blade runner. I'm fine with people having opinions but what frustrates me is how every critic of BR hates it for things BR wasn't trying to do. BR wasn't trying to have an intricate plot with big reveals and twists folks.

Many reviews are saying the sequel actually surpasses the original. There's no fucking way it does that in any way simply bc it wouldnt exist without the original BR, which invented its own look, style, feel, sounds. 2049 is just a money grab.


You and maybe a few others are just trying stir up a non-issue. Or one that’s so damn trivial — as if anything on the internet ever is. You hated the sequel as you most likely expected to, and are pissed off the majority of critics were not only impressed by it, but some went as far as to say it surpasses the original. Big deal! From what I’ve seen, most of the reviewers making the bold claim that 2049 is superior have made it quite clear they hold the original in high regard; they’re not a bunch of clueless millennials as some sanctimonious grumps would say. And calling it a “cashgrab” is the laziest insult you can throw at it. With this level of talent involved and the overwhelming positive reception it’s getting, your kind has little merit.

It’s hard to accept that a sequel to one of the most cherished masterpieces in cinema can actually be that good, huh? You fear over time “inferior” generations will forget about the original? Someone help you. It’s fine for anyone not to find the sequel great, but clearly you have no constructive criticism and are only looking to complain and find a support group. Talk about issues.


I have a bone to pick?



I just saw the sequel and it's not crappy. And where are people shitting all over the original? Every single retrospective I've seen on the original treat it with the reverence it deserves. Here is a fantastic podcast that not only praises it, but focuses on why it's endured.

And here is a review on the new film.

And I have to say it equals the original, but then poses different questions the first set up. "2049" is not a money grab. Given its length its ability to make a ton of money is limited. It clocks in at under three hours. "2049" has its own look and feel that extends off of the first one. "The Force Awakens" this film isn't. This is just what I said on another board, if you look at this film as another chapter in the story, then you might enjoy it a little more. It's like comparing "2010: Odyssey Two" to "2001: A Space Odyssey". You'd fail because both films are entirely different entities and tell two different stories, but are part of the whole. But one shouldn't be put down as "better" or "best" when they exist as complimentary to each other.


Odyssey Two?

And I've never understood why I can't compare sequels. Yes of course I get it they're different movies but the sequel depends on the original. Of course I can compare them. It's not like comparing apples to tractors, they're both movies. In the case of 2049 and 2010 they both just fell so short of their respective originals.


How do you know the sequel is crappy if you haven’t seen it? So many stupid people on the Internet.


How do you know that I haven't seen it?


It's part of the postmodern ethic to shit all over things the majority likes. In other words, too many people have too much free time.
