MovieChat Forums > Newhart (1982) Discussion > Ten Best Episodes of Season Two

Ten Best Episodes of Season Two


Kirk was a great character. He had great one-liners and always knew how to skewer Dick in the best ways. I hated Michael and even though I liked the some of seasons after Kirk left, it just seemed like something was missing after the second season. Some of the episodes after season two were great, while others were just plain awful. The final two seasons were so bad that I really just don't watch them when they come on in reruns. They are just so stupid and are filled with Michael and Stephanie, who became so ridiculous that it wasn't a surprise that it was all a nightmare in the end.


First two seasons of Newhart appreciation thread

Post by horsemen4ever on Oct 8, 2017 at 5:30pm
Well if you compare Kirk to Peter Scolari's character, Peter's character was more likable even though he is a weasel in his own way, but that likable, Kirk is more of a douchbag and more unlikable, that is what I liked about him, he was this series Elliot Carlin. As someone who grew up on Seinfeld, likability is so over rated. I say that but I liked Stephanie in season 2 better than the rest of the series. I don't know why they changed her character so much. I think they had it right in season 2 with her character, why they want to make her a bitch is beyond me.


The first two seasons were more like other MTM shows. After that, the show slowly became childish and silly. Characters did the most ridiculous things and the same jokes were used over and over again. Kirk was the perfect character to play on Dick's nerves, while Michael was just an annoyance.


Yes. The show seemed more "grown up" when Kirk was on it if you know what I mean.


What else does this board have? Just curious. 😊
