Jane Fonda Was FINE!

I know this has been mentioned before on these threads but I can't help but marvel at the beauty of Jane Fonda. People here have said that she was fit because she was doing workout videos or something at the time but, damn, I've seen 20-something year old workout instructors at the gym who don't look 1/4 as good as she did in On Golden Pond. And this movie was made in 1981, back when 40-something year old women weren't being called MILFS - they were just old. Jane Fonda's heyday was before my time, so I used to wonder what all the fuss was about her. Now I know!


she does look great. it's hard to imagine that someone in her 50s could play late 40s so well.


The best.


Yes, she was pretty in this film. She was out of that dentist-guy’s league


That’s your takeaway?
