Jane Fonda Was FINE!

I know this has been mentioned before on these threads but I can't help but marvel at the beauty of Jane Fonda. People here have said that she was fit because she was doing workout videos or something at the time but, damn, I've seen 20-something year old workout instructors at the gym who don't look 1/4 as good as she did in On Golden Pond. And this movie was made in 1981, back when 40-something year old women weren't being called MILFS - they were just old. Jane Fonda's heyday was before my time, so I used to wonder what all the fuss was about her. Now I know!


I do not like Jane Fonda for many reasons, mostly for her own private ideas. There are some roles I DO like and this is one of them.

I like it that she finally got to do a movie with her real life father before he died. I'm sure if their personal relationships were better in real life, it would've been more movies together.


Hell yes!

I always thought she had a reasonably attractive face. But the bikini scenes in this movie showed she had a body fit for Baywatch!

I'm not sure who originally came up with the term 'MILF', but I suspect it was someone who had just seen Jane Fonda in 'On Golden Pond'!



She practically showed more skin here than in BARBARELLA! (or any movies from the 1960s, that I've seen Ms. Fonda in, when she was regarded as sex symbol).

But yeah, Jane in that bikini was smokin hot!


I think she is still hot in "The Newsroom."

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!


She was annoying, though. Not as annoying as her mother, yet still irritating.






I just watched OGP last night. The ONLY thing I liked about it was Jane Fonda. I'm at the age where 40-something women are women **my age**. If I saw OGP when I was a kid, I wouldn't have been able to appreciate how DAYUM fine Jane Fonda is.

Oh, and here's how Chelsea accurately reflects your average hot 43-year-old divorcee: She has a bratty 13-year-old son or stepson and she's engaged to some big creepy dork who's a dentist or something!


"Fine" is an understatement. This was Jane Fonda at her absolute peak. I despise everything about her politically but she was IMO one of the most beautiful women ever to appear on-screen and her bikini scene where she is 45 looking 30 always leaves me in awe.


Did anyone else find it funny that when she was walking on the floating dock in her bikini, she seemed to be sucking in her stomach?
