Circular Ending (Spoiler)...

I've noticed a lot of people assume that the events of the film will play out again in reality after the movie finishes; surely it would have to happen differently this time, because Dean would have the memory of his extraordinarily vivid dream to guide him? He would know how to kill the infected, he would know to get home and collect his wife straight away instead of going back to work etc.

I've given this far too much thought, obviously...


Nah, most likely he wouldn't remember his dream much or he would have warned somebody instead of doing the exact thing he did last time. I think he didn't know how to end the film so just did this, whatever the rest of the film is fun, and yes we are giving this too much throught, but then it's more fun to think about than immigration or global warming.

Space is Big, let's dump our crap there!


ELLIPTICAL ending, dude. we're OUT of grad school by now.
things do happen a little differently, you're right-the dialog's given a little faster!


But Dean showed no reaction to the same scenario beginning over again at the airport. A look of terror would surely shown on his features if he could remember how the dream started.


Because he forgot the details of the dream no one remembers their dreams exactly the same.


I wonder if it's real the second time or if he's stuck in a repeating nightmare living the same thing each time but never remembering
