7.3 ?! Are you high?

I was told by countless horror fans how great this show was. They even put it on the list of highly recommended horror films.


Bought this flick and watched it today. I'll never get those two hours back.

Not scary or dramatic, or even well thought out.

'Cheesy' is the word we're looking for here.

Even I could've made a better horror film


I'm sure we'll all be anxiously awaiting your own "better movie." ?




its pretty good

"I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die"


Silly premise as with most horror films, but I somehow made it to the end and found it very meh and unsatisfying. The changeling was a victim as well, and if he supported his father's murder of Joseph it was more likely because the latter made him so I don't see why he should bear any responsibility, but then again ghosts are stupidly vindictive.


My sentiments exactly. I just watched this for the first time. It would have made sense if the Senator had done the "bad thing."

It wasn't even clear (to me at least) that the Senator "knew" about the well under the other house.

Was this film based on a book? It might be a good read.

Probably derivative of "The Amityville Horror."



I found a copy recently and watched The Changeling last night. I was expecting something with a decent eeriness like "The Sentinel" but instead got this boring dud.


Much of it I really liked. Loved the ghost story parts early on. But around two thirds in, when the senator comes into play, it very much drops off and turns into a more regular thriller with some horror elements tacked on. The later part of the movie was very disappointing. A 7.3 is actually an appropriate rating. But it could have been a lot higher.


GC Scott is never less than watchable


True. And I liked his part in this movie, even though the scene with him trying to storm the plane of the senator was somewhat ridiculous.


Still less ridiculous than his role in Firestarter


It was a product of it's time that relied more on atmosphere than shock value like the ADHD audience demands in 2024


Subtle, psychological horror. It's well done. Even if you didn't like it, I don't see how you can say it's cheesy.
