Is it realistic...

that two people could discover intercourse if they knew nothing about it? I mean do you think a guy would just think "may be I should put my penis in a girls vagina and see what happens?"


I think so just because any species that didn't have that core instinct would never have got the point of being able to teach the next generation. It might take a bit longer to figure it out without an example.


It's that way in nature, it used to be called the mating instinct. Animals don't "know", they just do it. That was the point the guy who wrote the original book was trying to make. This doesn't mean they would have succeeded on the first attempt. They might have taken several sessions to figure out that tab A goes in slot B.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!


exactly, it amazes me how from reading these boards how people such have such massive misconceptions about sex. Like haven't these people gone through childhood and their youth to know that sex is innate and natural and sexual desires/attractions etc come to us from a childhood naturally, it is not something that is learned or acquired. Yes learning the facts of life help but even if we didn't learn them we'd still figure out what to do sooner or later.


Cavemen figured it out just fine.


I like this question and think it's a very important one given that modern humans have lost/stifled so many of their instincts. I don't have an answer, I just wanted you to know that you've given me something to think about. Thanks for that.

Is this to be an empathy test?


Did you seriously just ask that question?
Guys put their penis in everything. 

Most recent first view:
God Bless America - 7.5/10




There is the natural instinct side of it, but they could also have learned by observation.

Isn't there one scene in the movie where they witness 2 turtles having intercourse?

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live


The selfish gene guided them.


Thats a great point and its a plot hole in this movie. The earliest humans learned of sex by watching the dinosaurs doing it. And many believe it was aliens who taught the dinosaurs about mating


Thanks for the laugh.
