MovieChat Forums > Rocky II (1979) Discussion > Things you learned from Rocky II

Things you learned from Rocky II

1) A diet of snowcones will slim you down in as little time as it takes to drive through downtown Philadelphia to the hospital in an ambulance.
2) Carrying your bride all the way home is great for the arms.
3) Always have sex with a condiminium.
4) In order to find out if your dog is normal or not just look inside "there."
5) Always thank the other boxer for fighting you if you win.
6) A baseball bat is accepted way to great a vistor of your home.
7) Numbers which almost add up to 90 are a good omen.
8) A diet of snowcones and a new job as a loneshark's collector will change an @$$hole into a really nice, supportive and friendly guy almost overnite.

"There are right people to lynch." Who? People not well connected.


Thought I'd get this to the top of the page so people can see it.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


rocky doesn't use condominiums.

Thread ender.


Training ten times harder for the rematch will net worse results against an unknown club fighter.


Doctors were reluctant to tell information to a patient's spouse almost 20 years before the the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into law in 1996.


(For those familiar with the Philly area) Rocky's ambulance comes from some unknown location in Delaware County or maybe the airport, even though the fight was supposed to be in Philly, and travels up Broad Street, around City Hall, then back up Broad Street only to get to Pennsylvania Hospital. No wonder he was in such bad shape!


Rocky eats thunder and craps lightening.


Beast Aftershave makes you "smeel mainly"


Even if you look a bit goofy and insecure in the ring before the big match, your rival (who really looked like a tough and determined badass) will say later that you had the hunger to win in your eyes ("the eye of the tiger") and that's the reason you've beaten him.

If you're Rocky you can throw 3-4 legit punches (and miss at least 30-40) during the 15 rounds and still won.

If you're Rocky you can also use some illegal moves like pushing your opponent with your hands and head or grab his torso from sideways and shove him back to the corner.

It's a clever idea to shout out fighting tactics to your fighter during the match (like "attack his body!" or "protect your bad eye!"), his opponent won't hear it.


9) Income tax rates were 80% in 1976
