MovieChat Forums > Moonraker (1979) Discussion > Why Did Those Ladies Want to see James D...

Why Did Those Ladies Want to see James Dead?

I’m talking about the women in the complex where he got attacked by the snake. He sees one then it seems she lures him in & then they all appear. Well I don’t think any of them were responsible for the trap pushing him into the water but still it seems they wanted him dead.

These were the women who were selected to be part of the “super race” so what’s with the homicidal tendencies towards James? Unless everyone under Drax’s employ were stone cold killers. Anybody else ever wonder about this?


I think that Drax focused on perfection as to physical beauty and intellect, but since he was a total sociopath, he would not value emotional health and therefore, he did not screen for emotional health in the ones that he selected for survival. In order to participate, they would have had to agree that the rest of the human race was worthless, and that they represent the best of the species and so should survive, therefore, Bond was interfering with said survival.


Great answer Sara! Makes sense. Thanks!


Lesbians, no doubt. What other kind of woman could resist James?
