Lack of Diversity

It is really painful to go through movies like these and actually try to stomach the false reality that there are no minorities in this movie. God, these movies are horribly dated. America was so damn bigoted pre-2000 that it is down right disgusting.


My high school was like this back in the 90s.

Now it'd be more to your liking. Much more diverse.


Olivia Newton-John is Australian. That's diverse casting 70's style.

It's sad that high schools of the 1950s were not more racially diverse, but it's simply a fact. I reject that there was no diversity in American films prior to 2000 though. Look at the film Fame, it came out 2 years after Grease and was similarly themed in that it was a music based film set in a school, but the cast is racially diverse which reflected the reality of the late 70's and early 80's.

Sometimes we can look too hard for things to be offended by.


I went to an elementary and jr high school in the 80’s that was almost all one race. Why could the same not be true in the 50’s? There are schools today that are predominantly one race or the other.


I d say Hollywood is more bigoted these days lol


I can't stand people like you who want to erase all movies that don't fit into your idiotic 21st century mindset. As a matter of fact, why don't you just live in a bubble since everything triggers your whimpy mind. Who would gripe about such a thing?


So, please go back into your time machine and fix everything to appease yourself. I can't stand people who bitch about old movies lack of minorities. So WHAT!!! It was made before political correctness, jack ass!


I feel the same way when I see a Spike Lee movie at the lack of white people. It too makes me sick to my stomach and the lack of whitey.


Just the the 2020 Oscar opening act.


Wasn’t the school janitor a minority ?


Despair_Embodied, It's obvious that you don't understand about the 1950's. Segregation was at a high rate back then. Not that it was a good thing.
