MovieChat Forums > Taxi Driver (1976) Discussion > Taking your date to see a porn movie is ...

Taking your date to see a porn movie is genius

I gotta say, he plays it all wrong because he is a psychotic loser.
But it is a cool move, it's original and funny and on topic and, let's be honest, there is nothing wrong with it.

Unless you play it as a pervert or your date is a repressed prude.

I think in a better society, this would be THE real date movie genre, not some shitty rom com.


It might work as a one-off surprise joke but women generally don’t get wet from graphic hardcore porn, they like erotic chick-lit in which an innocent and naive girl has an illicit affair with a mysterious and dominating bad boy like Heathcliff.

That’s what they’re fantasising about while you’re rubbing one out to Pornhub.


That's some old fashioned patriarchal myth.
Women like porn as much as men do.

Common porn is not geared towards them, plus they are raised to refute sex in general and porn specifically as bad.

But, if you remove all that bullshit, women would be totally into a romantic movie, where the heroine builds up the expectations of the female viewer and finally actually gets down to business with the bad boy and fucks him, with all the porn details of that action.
See the incredible success of 50 shades of grey.

We just live in a puritanical society run by prudes.


It's actually wasn't a porn movie but educational films about sex. In the 1960s and 1970s, quite a few educational films of this type were released that taught the innocent people of those years about sex postures, anatomy, venereal diseases, and so on. It's was common in Europe mainly France and Sweden.


Some women will watch some porn nut no way do women as a whole watch as much porn as men, nowhere near.

50 Shades is erotic chick-lit made into a Hollywood movie, it’s not porn at all.


I dated a few girls years ago that liked watching porn. But most of the women I've dated don't care about watching it, they just want to do it.

Plus, women get more turned on by what they hear or read not by what they see. Romance novels are basically erotic books that get very explicit. So, yeah... take note.


I don't know if I would go so far as to call him a "psychotic loser".

He meant well. He is a romantic at heart. He just made a poor choice. Oh well.


Yeah but I am saying it was not a poor choice.



No shit!


I don't think porn would be good for a first date though... maybe for true couples.


I agree with you.

But even that is off limits (I mean, going out with your wife on a date to see a porn).
It's just an activity "society" decided to frown upon.
Sex? Strictly in YOUR house.


I saw Taxi Driver a few weeks before its release in 1976..private college screening hosted by its screenwriter, Paul Schrader.

I wasn't really "used to" Robert DeNiro yet..he hadn't yet perfected Cary Grant's advice to young actors: "Make a lot of movies so that people will know who you are, just like a product...a ketchup brand, for instance." DeNiro hadn't done that yet and had rather disappeared into the shadow of Brando in Godfather II.

So anyway, I'm trying to get a "read" both on DeNiro himself -- his face, his voice -- and the character of Travis Bickle.

And when they reached the porn theater was all over for me, character-wise.

This guy Travis was clearly developmentally disabled...what they used to call mentally retarded back in the day. Or perhaps just incredibly backwards and dumb.

Travis HAD managed to nab a date with Cybill's beauty -- pretty unbelievable(a cab driver?) He was thin and fit, reasonably good looking and - in the classic alpha male tradition -- persistant in seeking that date. I also think that Betsey(the Shepard character) ..working for a "progressive Democrat candidate(I can't remember if the party was named, but it was clear) probably felt that she was "involving herself with the common working man on his level." So she took the date.

And I watched in astonishment as he took her to a porn movie -- it was really so over the top I sort of thought it was a "bad scene." And of course, she rejected him immediately, rejected his Kris Kristoffersen album gift ("I've already got it!") and turned into that rich white beauty most men can't get anyway. But sheesh... a porn movie on a first date.

From that point on in the film, I no longer took Travis Bickle seriously as a protagonist. This was a movie about a moron.



It was still a good movie in other ways -- the famous "you talkin' to me?" scene (and the overall humor of much of the film as in that scene)-- the overall shift to being a study of a psychopath, the irony of a "villain" assassin turning into a "hero" vigilante. The deeply distubing Jodie Foster character and Scosese's deeply disturbing cameo as a misogyhnist psycho himself. Not to mention Peter Boyle's hilarious cameo as the "wise older cabbie" who tries to give Travis advice and ends up spouting feell-good gibberish.

Still...that porn theater scene just flipped the switch. Moron.


As to a man taking a woman out to see porn on a first date? Nah.


As to couples watching porn together?

Modernly, couples watch porn all the time -- in the privacy of their own home. Back in the 70's, porn theaters were pretty grungy, unsanitary places, especially in New York's grindhouse district. A couple would have to be pretty self-confident in themselves and pretty interested in the "low down gutter dirt" of a porn house(bodily fluids everywhere), to make an evening out of that. But I'm sure some did.
