Characterize each angel

Kelly Garrett (Jaclyn Smith) - most beautiful / most dignified
Sabrina Duncan (Kate Jackson) - Most sororal/smartest/least sexy
Jill Munroe (Farrah Fawcett) - Hottest/most nippular
Kris Munroe (Cheryl Ladd) - Cutest
Tiffany Welles (Shelley Hack) - Who?
Julie Rogers (Tanya Roberts) - Sluttiest/trashiest


Listing each by their chief attribute...

Kelly Garrett (Jaclyn Smith) -- Beauty
Sabrina Duncan (Kate Jackson) -- Brains
Jill Munroe (Farrah Fawcett) -- Hair
Kris Munroe (Cheryl Ladd) -- Cuteness
Tiffany Welles (Shelley Hack) -- Class
Julie Rogers (Tanya Roberts) -- Boobs


Kelly (Jaclyn Smith), the classic but dull beauty / bikini sexy (will a bikini do?)
Sabrina (Kate Jackson), the underrated, fascinating beauty / gives off a sexual vibe second to none (without even trying)
Jill (Farrah Fawcett), the spectacular beauty / sometimes trying too hard to be sexy
Kris (Cheryl Ladd), the generic blonde beauty / trying too hard to be sexy.
Tiffany (Shelley Hack), the waspy beauty / least sexy
Julie (Tanya Roberts), the tacky beauty / slutty sexy


When it was on TV back in the day my favorite was Jill Munroe (Farrah Fawcett).
Looking back now my favorite, in the hottness category, is Julie Rogers (Tanya Roberts).

Jaclyn Smith has the prettiest face of her time.
I remember a magazine article coming out(In the early 90s) with JS on the cover and she was voted the most beautiful woman on TV(something like that). The article stated that she hadn't been on TV in years. AND STILL WON. The magazine may have been TV Guide. Not sure about that.

Whatever your opinion of the Angels, they made an impression on the world. People still remember them fondly, as I do.
