Scariest Movie ever!!

I was born in 1967, so when the Trilogy of Horror came out in 75 I was 8 years old, I can remember it like yesterday my whole family watching it on t.v. and I have never been more scared in my life then the episode with the doll that comes alive.

Thru out the years I have mentioned this movie to lots of people I have met and most people are like Huh?? ,.. but there is the odd few that are the same as me and say " yeah yeah , I remember that movie .. oh yeah , it scared me silly .. etc etc..

They sell this movie at our local Zeller's store and every time we go shopping my husband picks it up and taunts me with it! I can honestly say that now that I am 36 years old , I could never bring myself to ever seeing this movie again.. it has haunted me that much!!

So, if there is any other person out there who witnessed this movie as a child let me know your comments, I believe that everyone out there has a scary movie that they seen as a kid and it always remains the scariest movie forever. This one is mine.


this thread is so awesome!! i was also traumatized by this movie at a young age. all i remember is the doll cutting itself out of a suitcase and very large teeth.
i also remember **spoilers**
the segment where karen was being traumatized by.....herself!!!!!!!! i remember as a kid thinking that i didn't see that one coming!

"sometimes i doubt your committment to sparkle motion"



hey jhelfrich,
GREAT idea!! i just checked back on this post and saw your idea. perfect. i think that would scare the crap outta anyone who is old enough to remember the movie!!!!


I saw this movie a long time ago and don't remember too much about it, except for the doll and Karen Black crouched on the floor w/ the knife and the teeth. Creepy. But I think the one movie that's ever really scared me, although, I wouldn't call it horror, was "When a Stranger Calls". As an adult, I still can't watch it alone. I think alot of it has to do w/ that fact that I have been in my house w/ a stranger before. Someone had broken in while I was at school and I was in the house w/ him maybe only 5 minutes before I heard him leave and run out the backdoor. But that was enuff.


When I was 5, my babysitter made me stay up and watch this film with her...I was traumatized for years from this and had many recurring nightmares...I saw it a few years ago and had to laugh my ass off.


I was five the night this showed. My aunt Linda took myself and my two cousins to her friend Bobbie's place, where she was playing cards.

They put us in the bedroom with the TV.

I saw this at five, sitting in the dark, with one cousin falling asleep and the other sitting dead silent. Scared the hell out of me. I loved it.

I don't remember a time I didn't love scary movies. This movie is one of my first memories of a scary film. I remember the sleeping cousin waking up and getting scared and leaving the room. My aunt came in and made us change the channel, but my older cousin turned it back in time to see the whole "Amelia" segment.

Later, on a trip to Universal Studios (this is back in the late 70's, mind you), I saw that doll displayed in a glass case with a steak knife.

Campy and goofy as this is, the Amelia segment is still a great little vignette. Great enough that most of us remember the night it aired.


This movie scare the you-know-what out of me as well. I was about 10 when I watched it and that doll was TERRIFYING. I'm afraid of clowns, ventrioquist dolls and anything that looks like this darn doll. I also remember watching Magic as a kid (with Ann MArgaret and I think Anthony Hopkins) that scared the heck out of me too. But this one won out far above the others. That third story is terrifying....I'll have to rent it and show my husband.


Wow! This thread has brought up a lot of good (bad?) memories.

I too was born is 1975 with apparently sick parents who traumatized me by forcing me to see horror movies as a kid!!!

Trilogy of Terror, Jaws, Alien, Magic, the Amityville Horror, Tales from the Crypt.

The list goes on and on!

Many a night would I leap 4 feet or more from my bed to my bedroom doorway and the safety of the hallway light to avoid any nasty little voodoo dolls hiding in the shadows.

As a kid, you could never convince me it was "safe to go back in the water". In fact, even today I sometimes freak myself out thinking there might possibly be a Great White in the pool I'm swimming in!

To this day, I have yet to take my own kids to the circus and subsconsciously I know it's because of that damn clown in "Poltergeist".

I think these movies are great because they strike at the primal fears we all have as children.

Low budgets and laughable special effects be damned, these movies are MUCH scarier than the crap that passes for horror these days.

The M. Night Shamalan films and "The Ring" are perhaps the only recent movies that do truly scare me.

And why?

Because their stories largely center around children and while watching them I am reminded of my own thoughts and fears as a child.

Plus, there is nothing scarier than evil from innocence. A la "The Exorcist"

Just my 2 cents this Friday before Halloween......


I was born in '68. I can't recall when I saw this movie, but I couldn't have been more than 8 myself. It was years before I found it on video. I recall searching for that movie with the scary little doll but didn't know the name. I, too, never forgot this doll chasing Karen Black all over her apartment! It was truly one of the scariest movies of all time for me, too. My ex-wife also knew of this story. She was born in '67 and she said her uncle terrorized her by taking a kitchen knife and sliding it around under the bathroom door while she was in the bath! I used to be sure everyone knew the movie, but even recently, a few co-workers had no idea what I was talking about.

I am, however, watching the movie now--story one and am looking forward to that 3rd story so I can feel the chills of my childhood come back this Friday night--two days before Halloween!




Hello JamesBondy.

In response to your question regarding the movie about the two sisters.It wasn't an actual made for TV movie it was a feature film starring the legendary Peter Cushing and was called The Uncanny.The film revolved around cats and featured three stories.It isn't a bad film and if you get the chance to see it again give it another viewing.The 2nd story is the one that includes the two sisters.Being a big fan of the Horror movie genre a lot of things stick in my mind.


Oh my. I don't think I'm going to be able to watch this movie. Evil dolls really terrify me...and I'm 20! I thought I was the only one who, as a child, slept with my legs tucked in tightly so nothing could grab me and made flying leaps to light switches. It's somewhat a relief to see that others went through the same thing!
Chucky from Child's Play terrified me as a child, and so did a B-grade horror movie called Dolls with evil porcelain dolls. I saw it when I was 8 and could no longer bear to have my porcelain dolls in the bedroom. I saw part of Jaws when I was 4 and consequently have a full-blown phobia of sharks today. I can't go in the ocean, or sometimes even swimming pools. Movies we see as children can really affect us. That being said, scary movies I see today still affect me. I had nightmares about Sam Neill looming over me saying "They're with us" after seeing Event Horizon a year ago.
So I think I'll be giving Trilogy of Terror a miss. Some of you are saying that it seems campy and silly today....but I'm fairly sure the doll would terrify me. A lot.


I was born in 68 and still vividly remember the killer doll segment (although
I am a little hazy on the first 2 stories), and like many of the others in this
thread I can't stand dolls. The only other tv movie I remember messing with
me this much was "don't be afraid of the dark".


I haven't seen this yet, but my dad told me about it when I was about 9. The way he described the doll seemed pretty funny. The other night I was showing him Pet Sematary(I usually watch horror movies first to decide whether my dad will like it or not, he usually hates crappy movies), and the part towards the end where Fred Gwynne was looking under the bed in his room reminded him of Trilogy of Terror.


I was born in 1967, too, and the only part I remembered was the doll part! LOL Scared the crap out of me for years! I would make my bed with the blankets tucked in as tight as I could get them, determined that, if i didn't let anything get uncovered, the little monster could get to me (b/c my brother told me he had one in his bedroom!). He held me in check for years with that one! LOL

The only other movie that scared me on this level was Night of the Living Dead. It's a great one for a deep scare!


I remember seeing this movie and being scared ----less. Now that I know the title and year I figure I was 21. We talked about it at work for days. Everyone who saw it was freaked out. Over the years I have brought it up and not many people recall it. I always thought it had been a Twilight Zone episode. Reading all the comments about it stirs up horrible memories but I think I may have to see if I can rent it. I'm just sick enough to let my 13 year old watch it but he has seen so many scary movies he would probably laugh. Thing is back in those days scary crap like that on TV was rare. Now our kids are desensitized.


Wow, I can't believe how many people there are like me that were TRAUMATIZED by this film! I thought my parents were the only nuts to let a little kid watch this movie (I was born in 1969, so I was probably five or six). I guess parents just did that back then.

I wasn't just traumatized for weeks or even months but YEARS from this movie. I was convinced that thing was under my bed. I would hold pee until my bladder was ready to literally burst. It had to be DESPERATE for me to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night! Then I would stand on the bed and jump to the door and HAUL A$$ to the bathroom to get the light on. Then I would run and jump back into the bed! LOL! I slept with a night light until the fourth grade thanks to this movie.

I remember when I was about 11 or 12, it was coming back on TV again. I remember laughing (nervously) to myself that I was going to watch it again to see how silly it really was. Nope, couldn't do it. I was 29 or 30 when I found it on video and rented it. Of course, it's not that childhood terror it was then, but boy, that Karen Black is STILL creepy to this day at the end with those big teeth and pounding that knife tip into the floor. EWWWW!!!

My husband wants to write and direct a horror film. I told him his first one should be a short film with a lone character - and I referenced this movie. To me, this movie is still powerful in its simplicity after all these years!

Another Member of the ZFD (Zuni Fetish Doll) Therapy Group


I do remember this movie. I was in High School and home alone watching it. I would not get off the couch until my parents got home. My husband also remembers it and his son and daughter watched it also. Their aunt use to scare the crap out of them when they were little by putting a knife under the doors and making that noise.
I'm glad to hear it is for sale out their. I will have to find it and purchase a copy.
